Things about me:
My name is Gabrielle (but most people call me Gabi)
I'm 15
I'm bisexual
I have big blue eyes
My hair is naturally brown but I've been dying it burgandy for awhile
I'm 5'4"
I live in Tennessee and its not that bad but I would like to live somewhere different later in life
My zodiac sign is Cancer
I'm afraid of the dark
I don't follow any certain religion
I'm homescooled
I have nightmares all the time
I make a fool of myself ALOT
I'm single
I'm a PERV haha
xI'm still trying to find myself...
xI have trouble expressing my feelings ...
xMy heart feels like its breaking more every day and I'm afraid...
xI get really attached to people,and it sometimes feels like I'm pushing them away ... all I want is to be loved as much as I love them
xI'm kind of shy at first
xI think there are few people who actually know the real me ... sometimes its like I don't even know myself
xI have a really bad relationship with my mom...she needs help
xI have no self confidence at all so I'm always questioning myself and my apperance
xI love you!
nice people
candy canes
suger cookies
vanilla candles
my cds
the vampire crusades
anne rice books
my best friend lauren!
drawing pictures with my neices
dying my hair
getting peirced!
my cat (black pearl)
wings( fairy,angel,butterfly,demom)
donnie darko
doing makeup
buying ramdom shit I'll never use
certain smells (if you know what I mean hehe)
decapitating barbie dolls :)
burning myself.. yum
I also like being bitten

being alone all the time
saliva!! eww
being bored(which I am pretty much all the time)
annoying fake people
little braty kids
crowd surfers
my mother
holy socks
"Christians" are the worst people
(notice the " " not all christians annoy me only certain kinds .. soo if your a christian don't be offended by this ... i'll explain myself if you want)
stinky smells
my chemical romance

::I'm reading the vampire cronicals from anne rice::
These are the ones i've read so far...
as far as music goes I pretty much love all kinds of metal..... like dimmu borgir::obituary::korn::marilyn manson::lamb of god::otep::crisis::arch enemy::deicide::nine inch nails::cradle of filth::children of bodom::avenged sevenfold::Bloodlined calligraphy::Cheyne stokes::PRETTY GIRLS MAKE GRAVES!::
"With your hands upon your hearts, must you not confess that every one of you, in spite of your boastful claim of a likeness to God, has some trait or other that makes you kin to the Devil?"-dimmu borgir
"For mankind so hated the world,That it gave all its begotten sons and daughters,That whoever believed the lie, To perish and receive everlasting hell."

I absolutely love movies .... I'll name a few to give you taste of what I like.
Queen of the Damned

Beauty and the Beast
But I'm a Cheerleader
Ginger Snaps
Boondock Saints
Cruel Intentions
Donnie Darko
Party Monster

The Cell
Ghost World
and many more..
Your Deadly Sins
Lust: 100%
Sloth: 100%
Greed: 40%
Wrath: 40%
Envy: 20%
Gluttony: 0%
Pride: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 43%
You'll die from overexertion. *wink* |

The Angry Princess
What sign of the Black Zodiac are you? brought to you by Quizilla
here & now, eye make my demands .. eye want choas & disorder .. mass destruction .. famine & plague .. eye want victums & enemies .. eye want to taste their suffereing .. eye want to feel their rage .. whut eye want - - - is complete & total horror .. eye want to taste the sodium tears of shivering children, weeping uncontrollably .. eye want to feel their sorrow soaking into my bones - - - eye want to slide my fingers inside the wet caverns of their fear .. eye want to suckle the bubbling milk of madness from the swollen breasts of the great fanged mother .. eye want to sea with the eyes of panic .. to smell the inevitability of death .. to laugh at their pain - hysterically - to know nothing of regret or remorse .. to spread my sweet disease .. in this empire of flith .. to live the end of days .. to be its voice .. to be the one responsible for finally putting a stop .. to all .. of this. - Otep Shamaya

I absolutly love otep ...
