Bite xXpetXx |
Stalk xXpetXx |
It is what it is.
I'm... I am. There are many things that i am... many that i'm not. I am owned. Getting collared within the next month. Yes i have a Master, and i obey Him first and foremost. I'm shy. I'm hyper. I'm outgoing. I'm talkative. I'm smart. I'm silly.
Even tho' i am owned, i have my own thoughts and i most certainly have my own feelings. Just because i am a sub does not mean that i intimidate easily.
There is a ton more to know about me, and i love love LOVE making new friends so... wanna know more just ask i guess.
Member Since: | Jun 20, 2012 |
Last Login: | Jun 29, 2012 |
Times Viewed: | 1,403 |
Times Rated: | 127 |
Rating: | 9.152 |
Mistressofchains was here
Darkest Greetings