
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 19 years.

Status:  Grave Robber (22.50)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

your dreams


Bite starrie

Stalk starrie


"do you have a problem? i have a gun. i'll shoot you. no more problem."

my name is starr....if you want to talk...then leave a message. i love green day. i love to write. i like to do all sorts of things..so ya...Johnny the Homicidal Maniac is spiffin...yes...i say spiffin...suck it up....umm..i'm really nice i think...i don't like to hurt people's feelings....i must admitt...i am a MAJOR HOPELESS ROMANTIC.....yet ....as surprising as it is to people..im NOT a bondage chick..everyone thinks so..but i'm not...how quaint on how that works out...i'm thinking i should add more to this.i will later tho...i dont feel like it right now..o.O

BaNdS: ALL AMERICAN REJECTS, green day, eminem, linkin park, nine inch nails, bright eyes, underoath, from first to last, blink 182, plus-44, coldplay, slipknot, static-x, arch enemy, children of bodom, anberlin, alkaline trio, 311, rob zombie, powerman 5000, weezer, the used, mudvayne, jimmy eat world, foo fighters, as i lay dying, beck, bleeding through, bullet for my valentine, and probably others of which ill add later...

About Me Personality Quiz

Created by jeffq1985 and taken 93888 times on Bzoink

What is your name?starr
How old are you?17
When is your Birthday?april 29th
What is your zodiac sign?tarus
Where were you born?san antonio, tx
Where do you live now?lewisville tx, soon to be san antonio
What color eyes do you have?dark brown
What color hair do you have?almost black brown
How tall are you?5'5
How much do you weigh? (Be Honest Ladies)umm....uhh....140 something more or less
What is your race?white, mexican, lituanian and french
What is your worst fear?ummmm..i dont know....yet..i have a lot haha
Do you smoke?noooo
Do you drink?sometimes
Do you cuss?mmmmmmhmmmmmmmmm
Do you use drugs?nooooo
Have you ever or will you ever steal?i have...i dont like to..but i have
Are you dependable and/or trustworthy?i think i am..i dunno..you tell me
Do you play in a band or play an instrument?i play piano and violin and a little guitar
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?my ears are pierced
If you had a favorite serial killer who would it be?robert ramirez
Do you suffer from depression disorder?i dont think i do
If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?a gun to my headddddd
Have you ever tried to commit suicide?yesh
Have you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else?yesh
What subculture do you belong too?none?
Are you evil?probably
Do you believe that you can be possesed?i dunno
Are you a paranoid person?sorta
Do you ever get jealous of somebody else?ohhhhh yesh
Are you obsessive and/or compulsive?obsessive.....for billie joe!!!
Are you a violent person?HAHAHAHA...ask alan and eric
Do you take your anger out on other people?again...ask alan and eric
Do you blame other people for your mistakes?no
What is your favorite game?monopoly
What is your favorite movie?Life As a House
Who is your favorite band?GREEN DAY
What is your favorite song?prosthetic head
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?spin mag...and suicide mysteries and such
What is your favorite color?black(and red)
What is your favorite food?uhhh....the edible kind
What is your favorite drink?dr. pepper
Do you own a pari of converse?yesh
Do you own a pair of dickies?yesh
Would you ever kill yourself or someone else?yes
Are you a virgin?um................ask me later
Are you kinky?uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Do you like biting?hehehehe
Do you masturbate?doesn't everyone?
Do you watch pornography?nooooo...unless its eminem or something haha
Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?no
Have you ever shaved your head in a socially unacceptable way?noooo
Are you hyper active person?haha alan says on occasion
Are you religious?noo
Do you have any self inflicted scars?i have a lot
Does pain turn you on?noooo
Do you stand for originality and creativity?HECK YES
Do you like meeting new people?yayyyyyy
What do you like most about life?nothing
What do you dislike most about life?everything
Do you believe in love at first fright?murderdolls...haha..yes i do
Have you ever pierced a body part yourself?noooo
Have you ever had to beg for dinner money?no
Do you own a car?yes
Have you been to jail, yet?no..my dad is a cop
Are your clothes held together with safety pins?sometimes
Do you have actual scars from punk rock shows?noo
Have you ever vomit while making out?ewwwwwwwwwwww
Have you held a job for less than a day?sorta
Do you own more than two pair of jeans?i think i do
Have you ever had to fuck stuff up for no good reason?yes
Have you ever been kicked out of your parents house?as of right now
Have you ever been fired from your job because of your attitude?i dunno
Does the world piss you off?heck yes

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i have to add some billie joe pics....

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or at least one haha

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me and mackenzie (my new puppy)

DARK CRIMSON, Your death's colour is Dark Crimson.
Death of the bond between the body & the soul.
You are confused between reality & fantasy. You
seek answers. You live for whatever makes you

??Which colour of Death is yours??
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the quiz: "What Gruesome Death Are You? (contains yummy pics!)"

Artistic Suicide
Yeah, yeah, you're depressed. You're lonely. No one gets you. That's why you'll take a couple of razor blades and slice open your wrists. Who says suicide isn't gruesome? I'm sure that if you really put your mind to it, you'll be able to turn all of your pain into a work of morbid art that will take the forensics teams a long, long time to clean up. Unfortunately, right before you die, you're going to realize that you really DID want to live after all. Ain't life a bitch?

Member Since: Aug 26, 2005
Last Login: Jul 02, 2006
Times Viewed: 3,798

Times Rated:406

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Jul 17, 2024


Mar 31, 2024

Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.


Enjoy the darkness..
Jan 04, 2024
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

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