I can tell you all about me and my life, but it is no use since you cannot really understand what I’m telling you anyway. All you hear (and read, you all KNOW what I mean) are filtrated in your mind, to fit in your world and resemble things you already know of. I don’t want that. I don’t want people thinking they know things about me, or anything for that matter, which they of course don’t. No point, so why bother?
Blodsfågel, eller som de flesta kallar det, blodsörn, är ett konstverk man kan utföra på den mänskliga kroppen. Två djupa snitt läggs på var sida ryggraden, vävnader, som muskler, senor och annat onödigt, skärs loss från revbenen, som sedan bryts upp och bänds rakt ut åt sidorna som blodiga, vackra vingar av ben.
En version av detta är att istället för att bryta ut offrets revbenen som vingar, så skärs dennes lungor ut och hängs över den dödes axlar.
Denna tortyr/avrättningsmetod finns beskriven i minst två nordiska sagor. Man har dock aldrig kunnat fastställa eller bevisa om det någon gång utförs i verkligheten.
Jag orkar inte skriva det på engalska, så skjut mig!
This sucks. Everyone here are just small children who've colored their hair black (or want's to, but don't have the curage because mommy and Daddy just will NOT allow it), bought a pair of pants from hot topic and calling them selves some stupid name (like "demon child" (ok, ok, maybe not the BEST example since all demons ARE Blond)) thinking this makes them goth or a vampier. ohh, god. No one here is TRUE, stop thinking it, damn you!
I am Not interested in talking to almost any of you. Leave me alone. Welllllll, I'm never here anyway..
OMFG! Stop it with the biting! NO ONE wants to answer shit like that. If you want to talk to someone, say somting, that way a person can tell rightaway if they're waisting their time!
You all know demons aren't real, right?