
Vampire Rave member for 15 years.

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Birthdate:  August 27, 1966
Age:  58

North Bangor, NY

Bite ernestpaquin

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If you cannot see Heaven behind the clouds or past the stars then you must still be in it, gravity has been changed...Ernest Norman Paquin

Hey, I noticed my Book "Find Eve, Eve" was found here at power punks. I've written other books that are connected by the same theme. I've fininshed writting an 82 page manuscript entitled "Heaven now in ruins", http://heavennowinruins.yolasite.com/
It's a pdf file free to view or free to download. It's page size is 5x8 font size 12 for an easy read.
In Brief; An accident happened long ago in the Garden of Eden which triggered the Big Bang that science offers created everything. Instead, this event disrupted and changed everything in Heaven and the Universe in an instant, it can be fixed. Check out that manuscript and enjoy.

"If you cannot see Heaven behind the clouds or past the stars, then you must still be in it amidst the unrest..."
"Some believe we are in Purgatory, some believe we are in Hell, so the only option left for the remaining is; we are still in Heaven now in ruins..." -Ernest Norman Paquin-
"It is believed that you can mentally contact yourself in the past to make changes keeping you safer, this perhaps is true because all of us who have done this are still alive..." -Ernest Norman Paquin-

Allright, In these visions I've had they showed me a Universe once with warm luminescence everywhere providing heat and light to both sides of every world. People who have been pronounced clinically dead for several minutes have came back and said where they visited was a warm tranquil place with light everywhere.
In another vison I saw us all with a soft outer layer comforting our inner being, which is the angel inside, the reason for this soft outer layer was so when we touched one another we wouldn't just past through without feeling anything. Something changed all that in an instant. Our once soft outer layer became tough skin, our inner tissues became thick and heavy, and our inner frame became hardened. Again this was done in an instant, and as for any type of physical or mental trauma memory is first often effected. Memory of still being in Heaven which is now in ruins, again it can be fixed.
Once we became captured in human form the Great Rebellion began. It is believed that God too was captured in human form, and I'm guessing in a different time nearer to our future. Because if God in human was captured back in the begining the Great Rebellion wouldn't have began, unless God's memory was disrupted too. He would still be in human form though.
I saw that God chose to be captured as well to suffer and endure with us, again nearer to our future which is related to the time travel accident that occured sending the time vehicle and it's pilot back in time crash landing in the Garden of Eden killing the pilot who was quickly announced as being the Devil because it sounded good at it's first mentioning, and it took. This benefited the Great Rebellion because it disallowed anyone to think any bigger than that and be reminded that we were still in Heaven. This incident triggered the Big Bang which again disrupted and changed everything in Heaven and the Universe in an instant. The extreme increase in gravity makes it hard to believe that were are still in Heaven now in ruins. If gravity wasn't as strong it would make it easier to know of this.
It is explained even better in the website I posted on my profile for the 82 manuscript I wrote and converted to as a pdf file which is free to view or free to download. I hope you enjoy reading it.

(One of the Great Rebellious Cult members announced in an argument years ago that he would kill God's Son if he had a reason, which would be the first chance he gets. He then offered he ought to kill me too. What none of these members has offered yet was that they wouldn't kill God if he were in human form for any reason. I mailed a letter in 2004 to Former President Bush informing him of this stating that it was worse than terrorism and a couple days later I was picked up by the State Police and ended up in a mental Health unit and told directly by a Doctor there with no nametag not to write anymore letters. The letter was shown to me opened and I'm not even certain if it even left the area or if it reached the President back then.)

Any wickedness in practice in any Country is a Dictatorship element, the good have been doing their best keeping it safe enough for all.

Anyway, the manuscript -Heaven now in ruins- is free and based on visions and evidence that still exists. Something was changed long ago and every soul will remember. Memories are often triggered by hints of some kind. Take care, and like I mentioned everything can be fixed.

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