i WAS dethia1101. My Profile died.
i AM and ALWAYS WILL BE Satanist. Do not try to change me and i will not try to change you.
I have been called many things; Shadow Seer, Truth Teller, Shadow Dancer..... but i am noting more then the one who tells truth.
i have met my Soul-Sister, and her mate, and i have discovered things that others do not know. But i warn you now, NEVER think that you know all, for there is always something more.
Soul-Sister: VampGal6780
Mate: Angel13
A Fact:
The Truth is never written,
Sometimes said,
but Never spoken till the End.
It lingers,
In the Air;
Never to be seen,
And always there.
You feel it,
You know it;
Yet, do nothing about it.
The Truth is never Written,
Sometimes said,
Never to be Spoken till the End.
i bleed...... i cry....... why?
I bleed sorrow;
Until our rights are ours.
I cry tears of pain,
forever falling;
Until our rights are ours.
i bleed sorrow, for we, the supressed, are refused our birthright Mother Earth, and are forced to stay hidden, away from our kinsmen......
i cry tears of pain, for i cannot withhold the pain of our clans- the pain of the NightWorlders-even though i am not a worthy representative of our Brothers and Sisters of the Night.......
And, Dear Readers, who believe me in the wrong, or think this just a game, then LEAVE. Let me let you know now, that WE are the revolutionaries, that will win the Clans our brirthright again. When Mortals, DayWalkers, and all other things feared the night, feared what they could not control, WE ruled....... and that time will come again, sooner than one may think.......
if you want to know more about me then i will give u some information but only if you ask.