my friend once told me to always smile, because you never know who has fallen in love with it.
'k, i'm in the process of rewriting my profile...just thought i'd let you all know.
i'm 20 right now; play guitar and am in a band (though we havn't played a gig yet...); study AI and electronics at uni; and attempt to learn to draw anime.
i used to be wiccan, though i never practiced any magick. not sure what i believe now...i just hope i can find something that feels right.
my star sign is Aries. never really thought about what star signs mean too much, all i know is that aries is meant to be a ram or something, and a very temperamental one at that....or did i get that wrong....? meh stars are pretty to look become lost in. that's what matters.
i get nasty bouts of paranoia and/or depression from time to time, and i'm generally pretty quiet. i'm a pretty shy person too - i keep to myself a lot, but like making new friends, and being around old ones. i love the dark, and the only thing really stopping me from being nocturnal is the daytime lectures, and the job required to allow me to afford to live.
wardrobe mainly consists of black t-shirts(several with band names), and jeans. i add the eyeliner and black fingernail polish if i can be bothered too.
i listen to music, just like everyone else. it mainly stays safely somewhere in the rock genre, probably leaning more to the depressive side, but old-school rock is there also. i think "various artists" covers my taste in music quite well, as long as you remember the above guidelines.
i also like some folk music(just no bagpipes or accordians ok?). we have a folk festival back home, and i must say, tis good.
...still mainly listen to rock though...
i think the two songs that most relate to me...or at least that i relate to me(i could be wrong) are Darkness by Disturbed, and My Wine In Silence by My Dying Bride.
i'm a big fan of anime. i'm interested in drawing it, but still need to find the time, the guidance and the talent. i've tried doing a few sketches, and i'll probably post these up in time.
if you want to read my journal, it's not on vampirerave(yes, i know there's a link: ignore it) tis actually at ...just like the link somewhere up there^ in fact.
i've created a website (go me!). the link is up there^ also, but here it is again... check it out if you wish. i'm currently designing a new look for it, but i think it'll be a while before its finished.
this is a question i took from the forums - i thought it was something good to add.
the question then: what inspires me to get up every morning?
the people i care for
the people who care for me
i would not abandon them
for the world
something short that i wrote:
...say that you love me,
say that you care.
tell me anything,
don't leave this dead air...
...starting to make friends here(thanks PoisonGirl :) ), and fit in now.
Finally, a song by a favourite band of mine. Its not just the lyrics, or the music, but both that make this song a favourite of mine.
Isolation Years - Opeth
There's a sense of longing in me
As I read Rosemary's letter
Her writing's honest
Can't forget the years she's lost
In isolation
She talks about her love
And as I read
"I'll die alone"
I know she's aching
There's a certain detail seen here
The pen must have slipped to the side
And left a stain
Next to his name
She knows he's gone
And isolation
Is all that would remain
"The wound in me is pouring out
To rest on a lover's shore"
...did i miss anything out? i'll add more as i think of it...
"i used to think all the little things were trivial...believe me, they're not"