
Vampire Rave member for 15 years.

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Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Hicktown, North Carolina


Bite cheylee

Stalk cheylee



You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villian.

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The Basic Rundown:
Well, if you didn't already know, my name is Cheyenne. I am 14 and a freshman at Richlands High School. I have 2 bestfriends. & Loads of family.

Cheyenne, do you like to talk trash?
No! I don't like to talk trash. I find it rather annoying and immature. I find it a lot easier to say things to people's faces. I like to be honest with people. And tell them what I think. I'm not one to pass judgment quickly, but it will happen soon enough; Whether it be good or bad. I will tell you to your face.

Cheyenne, do you care what other people think about you?
No! I don't care. People can say whatever they wanna say. I am who I am, let people talk. And if that's going to keep someone from being who they want to be, fine. But it's not gonna keep me. I've never been one to stand around and wait for someone to pass judgment on me. I wasn't put on this earth to please other people. I was put on this earth to please myself. People are always gonna talk, so why care enough to try to get it to stop when it's only going to continue when you turn the corner.

Cheyenne, how would you describe your personality?
Hmmm.. somewhat bubbly & fun. I do have my moments when I'm kind of upset or angry. But who doesn't have those? I am usually a fun, outgoing, blunt, bubbly, random, unique, colorful person. I just love to have a good time & be myself while doing so.

Cheyenne, would you consider yourself "scene"?
Uhmm no. I do not consider myself "scene". Honestly I find it rather ridiculous that everyone finds it so fasicnating to be "scene". I'm myself. I'm me. I know what your thinking; "All the scene kids say that." But it's the truth. I'm not "scene". I've had big hair, colored skinny jeans, dark eyeliner, black nails, jelly bracelets, ballet flats, converse, vans, & band t-shirts before they were even cool. & I got called stupid & weird for it. Now look at everyone, trying to be "scene". I find it sickening & hyppocrytical.

Are you religious? Are you against non-religious people?

Yes, I am religious. I beleive there is a God. I believe he created this world, he created us. There's a bible. & It has been said there has been many flaws in it. Which is because it has been re-written and translated many different times. I am one who beleives it has flaws. Many many flaws. I am a Christian. I may not pray before I eat, I may not pray before I sleep, & I may not be a perfect child, but I am a Christian. I do not have anything against people of other religion, or people at a non-religious state. It's what they beleive in, & I'm not going to try & force what I beleive in into their life. They have their reasons for the same reason I have mine.

Cheyenne, what do you want to do when you get older?

When I get older I haven't really set a career in stone completely yet. I have an idea in mind that I want to be a cosmotologist. I love to pretty people up. I have cut a lot of my friends' hair. & Done almost every single one of theirs' make up. It's just something I love to do. But then again I also love to write. Songs, Poems, Books. You name it, I write it. Poetry is my favorite though. I love the way metaphors are used & the ways words are transformed into something completely different as they are written on the paper. It's just fasicnating and beautiful to me. I would love to see a book with my name on it as the author one day.

What is your biggest pet peve?

My biggest pet peve is lieing to your face. I hate it when people say one thing to your face & then behind your back they say another. Sure I confront them, but then they never own up to it. That annoys me beyond beleif. I can't stand immaturity, hyppocryts, liars, backstabbers, and people that get into your business. If you are like that, please save me the time & do me a favor. Don't talk to me. Thanks.

What is your favorite animal?

Zebra, absoloutley. I love zebras so much because they are very similar to me. When you look at a zebra, you think black & white. But look closer, one is different from another & another. & The stripes, you think "They're just stripes." But look at them closely. They go in so many different directions. It's complicated. Simple at first glance, Complicated at first stare. & Then the mind of a zebra, so complex, so smart, & reasoning. Like me, a zebra is complicated inside & out. You just have to take the time to realize it. That's why I love them so much. Not just because of some stupid zebra stripe fad, but because they endure a part of me.

Cheyenne, what is your favorite book or series?

No matter how much I hate to sound like a follower, Twilight is my all time favorite series. My mother brought it to me, she told me I would love it. & Honest to God I fell in love with the series. Twilight was the first ever book to really open my eyes, it was the first book I could not set down. I would tell my mom I would do the dishes in one chapter. Then I look back & I have read five. My favorite book from the series so far though is the second one. It was very sad & it honestly made me cry, but towards the middle & end it got my adrenaline pumping. So I would have to say my favorite book is New Moon.

Cheyenne, have you moved around a lot & do you miss your old home?

I do move around a lot. But I honestly think were starting to settle down for good. I have lived in New York twice, Maryland once, & North Carolina twice which is my current residence. Out of it all, I would have to say it's a tie between Maryland & New York. I miss them equally. All my family lives in New York & I miss them dearly every day. & I miss Maryland so much as well, I made a great deal of friends there, considering I lived there for about six years. I made one friend there that I will never forget. Monica Stein, she was always there for me, always there to pick me up when I fell. & I loved her like my own blood. To this day I miss her with all my heart.

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb."

"What a stupid lamb."

"What a sick, masochistic lion."

"He's like a drug to you, Bella. I see that you cant live without him. Its too late. But I would have been healthier for you, not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun."

"Jacob, I thought of you like my sun, you balanced out the clouds for me."

"The clouds I can handle, but I cant fight with an eclipse."

Member Since: Nov 20, 2008
Last Login: Feb 07, 2009
Times Viewed: 2,509

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