I'm married, my name is forbidden because of facebook...stalkers aren't something I'm a fan of unless its all in fun, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, I am a mother of two wonderful children,I am a cat person at heart I like my dog also, but not as much as my cats lol
I've always seen everything very negative in my life guess thats why I love dark humor I just LOVE IT along with everything that comes with it I can be very unpleasent to be around if you get on my bad side, but its VERY rare since I have a pleasent disposition, I can be nice most of the time sometimes, my humor tends to be very dark. my personality is sarcastic, I don't take alot of things seriously other than being rude and sarcastic which is mostly a combination of both my personality is very random and goofy LOADS of blonde moments, I'm not a twilight fan, also I could use a layout if anyone has a link or thinks I may like one of theirs feel free to send it my way also looking for one of those awesome photos to set next to my name when I comment on other peoples profiles that would be nice Thank you.
I do NOT like retarded people in any way, shape or form, don't bother messaging me if your going to be stupid. I am very happy in my current relationship the way it is and I do not care to view your cam, see your penis,talk dirty or any other Retarded idea you come up with the answer is no, I will be your friend and as helpful as I can be but Nothing more I've had too much drama and I don't want any more of it