
Vampire Rave member for 16 years.

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Birthdate:  ?

Ely Nevada



Bite SadisticDoll

Stalk SadisticDoll



Your The Cum Your Mother Should Of Swallowed


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I am 19 years old.. I love the cold, I hate the light... I love rainy days. I go and walk in the rain so that no one can see me cry and I don't have to answer to a soul. I enjoy simply sitting in my house contemplating things like the meaning of my existance and why it has to be filled with pathetic people who dont even realize they even have a soul. I hate watching people tear themselves down.. thouh I do it too often myself. I am a sad stupid little girl who doesn't care much for the outside world. I stay hidden in my little hole and care little for those who never enter, for it is winter and I refuse to be colder on the outsdie than within. I write poetry and draw as well as paint and mangle photos on photoshop. I also want to be a mad scientist.... I sit and go over many scientific formulas in my head.. I MUST find the formula for spontanious combustion! That it all... sad isn't it???? Thought so..I am also..sick..twisted..and i do have a dark side..yet..im kind hearted..and sweet..mmmm im like a posion candy..sweet on the outside..but..on the inside..something that can't be explained. i'm small and weird and alien-like. i like to alter my appearance because i'm bored of the way humans look but i get frustrated because it's hard to change enough. and well I just find it rather amuzing that others can judge you..but hey that's people for ya..but about me..well there isn't anything special about me.Im just another person here in the world..but i do have special things to me..and things and people that i cherish..so that's just me..but if you dont like that..well then dont even bother reading this let alone trying to contact me




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Art. Music. Photography. Cameras. Computers. Tea. Internet. DIY. Expressionism. Films. Theatre. Acting. Old Cinema (1920s - 1950s). Silent Films. Gothic Bellydance (My favourite belly dancers are Jeniviva and Sashi). Dance. Cynicism. Insomnia. Sugar. Lollies. Vampires. Love. Tattoos. Paint. Makeup. Nail Polish. Lace. Sewing. Tea Bag Tags. Gel Pens. Paint Stains. Street Art/Graffiti. Print Errors. Crooked Things (Just like the song :P). Cigarettes. Blu Tack. Melbourne. Clutter/Mess. Boots. Corsets. Buckles. Fishnets. Stockings. Dark Colours (Purple, Red, Black, Grey, Blue, etc). Fake Leopard Print stuff. Venetian Masks.
Interesting hats. Cabaret. Musical Theatre. Handwriting. Words. Drawing. Scribbling. Glow Sticks! Comic Books. Jhonen Vasquez. Roman Dirge. Voltaire. Badges/Pins. Sherbet. Slushies. Caramel Sundaes. Stop Motion Animation. Teaparties. Sony everything. Small, white, fluffy dogs. Ladybugs. Armwarmers. Emilie Autumn. Nick Cave. Rozz Williams (R.I.P.). Clothes. Skirts. Skirts over pants. Proper spelling and grammar. Politeness and manners (this includes annoying people by being polite to them when they are bitchy). Long walks at night. Blurry vision (when the light changes). The hours between 11pm and 7am. Koala Biscuits. Chocolate biscuits (Tim Tams, Kit Kats). Cake. Pasta. Tetley Ice-T in Raspberry & Cranberry flavour. That creative vision that comes when you're sick.




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Coffee. Bloody Commodore Drivers! Impatient, uncourteous people. Dishonest People. Phones. The colour Yellow. Summer. Homework. School. School Internet filters. The whole damn school curriculum. Not being able to get non-coke flavoured slushies! (except from Wendy's). Seagulls and Pigeons. Mosquitos. Tight Pants (Skinny Pants/Jeans, etc). Badly applied makup (especially on people who think they can but are really hopeless). Wasps. Bees. Needles. Liars. Cheaters. Drunk People. People who complain about anything and everything. Drug Dependancy. Bad grammar, spelling, etc. People who TyPe LyKe DiS. Internet ads with sound. People that have music or videos that automatically play when you go on their page, actually any sounds that aren't the music i'm currently listening to. Captcha codes. People who discriminate and judge people on how they look. People that can find nothing better to do than destroy things and yell profanity at people. Valor Kand (Yes indeed I am a fan of Rozz Williams and believe that Christian Death was his, not Valor's). People that use words to make them look smart when they don't really know the meaning behind them. Going over my internet download limit. Boredom.




ICP♥KottenMouth Kings♥ABK♥Tech N9ne♥Alien Sex Fiend. ♥Android Lust. ♥Angelspit. ♥Aphex Twin. ♥ASP. ♥Bauhaus. ♥Bjork. ♥The Birthday Party. ♥Chiasm. ♥Christian Death. ♥Cinema Strange. ♥Collide. ♥Combichrist. ♥The Cramps. ♥The Cruxshadows. ♥The Cure. ♥David Bowie. ♥Dead Can Dance. ♥Deadfly Ensemble. ♥Deftones. ♥Depeche Mode. ♥Diary of Dreams. ♥Dresden Dolls. ♥Earshot. ♥Ego Likeness. ♥Emilie Autumn. ♥Empty. ♥The FolloW. ♥Front Line Assembly. ♥Garbage. ♥Gary Numan. ♥Genitorturers. ♥Hole. ♥HorrorPops. ♥Jack Off Jill. ♥Joy Division. ♥Kidneythieves. ♥The Kills. ♥KMFDM. ♥Lamb. ♥Lisa Gerrard. ♥Marilyn Manson. ♥Massive Attack. ♥Ministry. ♥Murderdolls. ♥Muse. ♥Mz Ann Thropik. ♥Nekromantix. ♥Nick Cave. ♥Nine Inch Nails. ♥Patrick Wolf. ♥Placebo. ♥The Presets. ♥Portishead. ♥Queens of the Stone Age. ♥Rasputina. ♥The Red Paintings. ♥Rozz Williams. ♥Samsas Traum. ♥Scarling. ♥Seether. ♥Siouxsie & The Banshees. ♥The Sisters of Mercy. ♥Stereophonics. ♥Switchblade Symphony. ♥System of a Down. ♥Tool. ♥Tori Amos. ♥Type O Negative. ♥VAST. ♥Voltaire. ♥Wednesday 13. ♥Weena Morloch. ♥Yeah Yeah Yeahs.





There are many myths surrounding vampirism in the context of reailty. Some of these myths serve to amuse real vampires and other tend to frustrate them. Perhaps most frustrating of all is that the myths perpetrate this idea of what a vampire is and the romantized version leaves some believing that they want to be a vampire Then of course there is the other end of this which mostly encompasses the unbelievers.

There is an inherent need to clear up the misconceptions and myths surrounding vampires. In the name of simplicity, there are two categories of vampires. Psi Vampires generally feed off of the energy or life force as it's called. Blood Vampires are just that, they feed on blood. Feeding duration and periods between feedings generally vary among vampires. The following is a basic introduction to what a real vampire is and is not.

Vampires are not immortal. Although it's not unheard of for a vampire to live longer than the avergage, by no means does it suggest a life spanning hundreds of years. Unless you count incarnations of the soul, which is not unique to vampires.

Vampires are not undead. They are very much alive. They did not suffer a literal death to be what they are. Being turned does not involve death. In fact, there is some difference of opinion within the vampire community about whether or not "turning" someone into a vampire is even possible. Some vampires believe they are just born what they are and others believe it possible to turn another individual. No judgements to confirm or deny are made here, it is just a presentation of these things.(although turning an individual into a vampire does sound more like something only done in fiction.)

Vampires cannot be destroyed by sunlight. Vampires are very sensitive to sunlight and have varying degrees of discomfort when exposed to it. For this reason most vampires are naturally nocturnal but are usually obligated to go out in daylight for work and other reasons.

Vampires do not have retractable fangs. Fangs do not appear and disappear magically upon will. Some vampires have sharp, rather unusual canines which may resemble fangs --- and some do not have them. In any case, most vampires do not bite the source to get the blood as it is not very practical or healthy and would be considerably painful.

Vampires do not have special inhuman powers. However, most do have some sort of altered or advanced sense. Some have more acute night vision than the average person, some have developed empathic and other psi abilites. Some are capable of dream walking(some vamps claim they do not dream but have visions instead) and astral projection. It is not unheard of for a vampire to have one or more of these traits, in addition to the ones that are not mentioned. Suffice to say vampires do not turn into bats, change into mist and drift under doors, or rise at sunset to destroy unsuspecting"mortals". Nor do they shun crosses, churches, and garlic. Although.... garlic has been known to make the blood taste slightly bitter.... so the vamps that feed on blood may like a garlic free source.

There is a lot of discussion in regards to what a good definition of a real vampire is and it almost always ends in a great debate. The term "real vampire" in itself to some suggests that the person is not a vampire but thinks they are. Others recognize the term"real vampire" as referring to a vampire that is not mythical - merely a human being who feels they need a little blood (or some pranic energy) to feel healthy. There are those who are vampiric in varying ways but do not refer tothemselves as vampires because they dislike labels and are not fond of the preconceived notions attached to the word vampire. Some have opted to spell vampire as vampyre thinking that seperates them from the mythical vampires. However, there are different definitions for the alternate spelling too and in some cases the meanings are opposite. Trendy spellings aside, it would be interesting to see what becomes of the term "real vampire" and if any new terms make the rounds in the future. It comes down to people assuming freedoms with the English language and then expecting everyone to accept the changes made to definitions - however this does not happen and a breakdown in communcation occurs. It is very difficult to communicate when the standard meanings for words are substituted to suit an individual or group.

This is meant as a basic introduction to what a real vampire is. Vampires, just like anyone else, are not all the same. The above information is a good starting point. And always remember that there are things in the universe that cannot be explained.




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Come to me, little mortal
I can bring you to heaven's portal
There'll be no sorrow, there'll be no pain
Feelings of joy will fill your brain

Come to me, sweet human thing
Give me your heart and I'll make it sing
Forget your fears, leave them behind
Forget the troubles of your kind

Come to me... yes, that's right
Now hold still, it's no good to fight
I'll take your blood, and leave you dying
Didn't you realise I could be lying?



Come, my love, and take the wings of night
To catch the sprinkled stars along thy flight.
The high road,
The blood road,
From the world's beginning.
Come ride the wind with me
Until the stars are dimming.

Come run with me along the edge of heaven's fire
From the dawning of the night until its funeral pyre.
The high road,
The blood road,
From the world's beginning.
The wild way, the wind's way
With the gray wolves grinning.

Come fly with me, my love, and never tire
When the juice of life meets heaven's ire.
The red road,
The blood road,
From the world's beginning.
Come taste of life! Come fear no death
Until the stars are dimming!



Dinning thunder of your heartbeat
Pulsing here beneath my lips
Telegraphs along the length
Of veins from neck to fingertips.

Heart that calls, I cannot answer
Trapped so deep in sleep's embrace.
Your incessant measured knocking
Cannot stir me from my place.

Torturer! Have you no mercy?
Cease, now! Let me sleep the day!
No, the tolling instrument
Of torment timpanist must play.

Siren, must you lure me further?
You invade my every dream.
Raging rush of carmine liquid
Drowns me, parched, within its stream.

How to bid him cease his thunder?
Stop him? You will cease to be.
That, unless you join the blood-dance
Tooth to neck, both you and me.

Dare I do it? Would you join me
Thirsting through eternity?
But what difference? After yours
Another heart would beat for me.

Still, the blood-dance never ceases;
Drummers leave, the dance remains.
Hearts will cease; the drummer drumming
Slack his pace and stop--in vain.

Dinner-gong! Do you not know
You call me from my silent bed?
Every evening, never ceasing,
I must hasten to be fed.

Caution drives me to another
Lest your earthly clock I stop;
Drain the cup and crush the bottle
Savoring each velvet drop.

Nay! Stop beating quite so loudly!
Torturer! I'll not thus doom
Another victim to my sentence
Roaming in eternal gloom.

Quickly! Lest the madness take me,
Flee from me, I thee implore.
I will seek another's treasure,
Plundering its liquid store.

Do not seek me out in daylight;
Do not seek me out at night.
I will hunt another lover
For my thirst and my delight.

Someday we may meet at dusk,
Or, maybe we will meet at dawn;
But now to save you from my fate,
My love, I fear I must move on.



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So You Made It Through My Profile? Would You LIke A Cookie Or A Bloody Axe? If You Choose Either One You Might Fall In Love With The Twisted And Sick Sadistic, Could You Handle That?

Member Since: Sep 14, 2008
Last Login: Dec 25, 2008
Times Viewed: 5,281

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