A few updates to the profile. Pictures soon.
Set at 08:33 on May 20, 2012
Quote: Jealousy, like the grave, shall be your downfall.
Hello there.
Welcome to my profile. You may call me Patch. I'm a rather mercurial person, but I can be a good friend. Or I can be a bitch. It's basically up to how you treat me.
Ah, now where should I begin. Well, I'm a female. I'm rather short, around 5'2". I have shortish hair. My eyes are always changing color.
So you have entered my domain. I welcome you. I do ask for respect, but I believe that should not be much to ask for considering
we are ALL a little MAD here. Heheheheheeeee!!!---
Sorry about that....
Now I suppose some of you shall make assumptions on the kind of person I am. I do not mind. It is every being's nature after all. Just from reading the last three sentences I typed some of you may leave some nasty comment believing that it will hurt me to know you dislike me. No, my dear visitor, it does not. I am not trying to seem like I have a "holier than thou" attitude, I simply state the things I have seen with my eyes.
Now I believe the custom is to state how I will not tolerate drama and then describe the several horrible things I will do to your soul and possibly how I will mutilate you in ways outshining the work of Jack the Ripper.
It is now my intention to state that, while I do ASK for your respect, I will not THREATEN you for it. I will respect you as much as you respect me. I believe in the concept of "eye for an eye".
Now you all assume that I am going to rate you what you rate me. You assume wrong. I rate what I think your profile deserves. It is my opinion of whether you put enough effort in to it and I shall judge it accordingly. Not all of you may receive tens, and if you dislike the rating I give then you are more than welcome to send me a message asking why. As long as you are respectful in your inquiry.
By now you may have noticed my use of colored text. I use the colors to show certain states of mind and my emotions at the time when I was typing a certain section. It is entirely up to you whether to rate me low for this use of HTML. I find the combination of black and vibrant colors to be stunning if used well. It is for you to judge if I used the colors correctly. I do appreciate feed back. I will be adding pictures in the near future. I have little time as of late to work much on developing this profile.
Oh and one other thing, my name is Patch. This what VR will know me by. This is my chosen name. This is my identity. I am Patch. Patch is me.
Have a wonderful day. Stop back for updates. I will announce them via kismet.
Pictures Soon!
Member Since: | Mar 27, 2012 |
Last Login: | Jul 26, 2016 |
Times Viewed: | 2,412 |
Times Rated: | 179 |
Rating: | 9.348 |
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