It goes by many names; J.B. Shadowrose, Jenn, Nimthîriel, Saf, take your pick. It is not shaped by the name, but rather the events that are told through it. It takes place in Kent County, Maryland, amidst a country-like setting placed in a transcending ghetto where violence is masked by greater world issues. There are serene places of peace here, but they're lost to the ones who don't appreciate life's natural beauty these days. I've emerged from 20 Winters to embrace their Summers, and my blood is infused with primarily Irish and German, and also English, French, and Scottish heritage.
I'm a very different kind of human being. But very human, at that. Nothing more, nothing less.
My view on this world is, as with everyone, seen in a different perspective compared to what most would view as "mundane."
I eat, drink, and breathe just like the next person. I love, regret, cry and laugh. But with a higher sense.
To see beyond love, regret, hate, and emotion, and to see the boundaries which lie so closely beneath them all, is something I believe I am blessed with.
All humans have this ability - most, though, choose to ignore it as they're lost within mundane priorities. They become numb to their own sense of subconscious guidance - their inner-self becomes suffocated.
For some, I would say that because of this, their ability is lost forever.
For others, I would say that this sense is what truly guides them. Their troubles are addressed by the Universe, and they are able to hear and interpret it's language.
Any normal human can learn, embrace, and flourish with this sense and understanding. For those who are lost - listen. These words are simply a glimpse - every answer you'll ever need is all around you, and more significantly, already within you.
For those who possess this understanding, you know who you are, and you walk with me on the same path - treading the same ground in the same direction, but each with different destinations that are, at the same time, one ultimate ending; an eternal beginning.
I am a Witch, a woman, a lover, a writer, a friend, and much more. I come with many flaws, all of which I embrace. Depression, Severe Anxiety/Panic Disorder, Mixed Bipolar Disorder, Premature arthritis, Hypochondria, and Acid Reflux Disease. Through it all, I feel it just makes me stronger. I feel I can reach out to people with the same burdens and lend an ear and a hand to advice and help. Life isn't about finding it, its about making it. You create all that is around you, through your view of reality and yourself. What do you see?