Bite LeahKillsYou |
Stalk LeahKillsYou |
I like blood ... teehee
Random fact's about Leah :]
. She's sixteen years young
. She's an on/off anorexic
. She's lactose intolerant
. She's a vampire
. She has major ocd
. She's bi-polar
. She's 5'2 and 103 pounds
. She wear's size one skinny jeans
. She's a huge asshole
. I Hate everyone unless given a reason not to hate
. Yes I Am A fucking jerk, Thanks for noticing
. No I am Not racist, I just act it sometimes.
. I joke around A lot My gawd don't take it to heart
. I'm a Sarcastic Bastard. I can't help it. Get over it.
. I'm Shy As hell in real life
. Call me Fake I don't give two fucking shits
. And oh my gawd No I wont fuck you :]
. I am honest, I will be honest with you, even if it fucking hurts
Reasons to hate her
She's mentally ill
She can sing
She's socially awkward
She's a vampire
She's super skinny [yeah people hate me because of that]
Want more reasons? I have a billion. :]
Haters make me giggle
Save the drama for your mama
Whatever the fuck it is your going to say. Really? Don't tell me unless it's a real fucking problem because if you haven't noticed I have problems of my fucking own. Oh and another thing if your just going to talk fucking shit about me or come to start fucking drama, Just don't fucking bother I've got enough of it in my fucking life already. I don't need fucking more from some Dumb ass. Oh, And those people that try to fight with me, I don't get in fights unless I know I will fucking win, So If you start something and I reply get ready to fucking lose. Anyway, Like I said don't add me if your all drama. My life sucks enough with out your help, Thanks though :]
Member Since: | Sep 15, 2009 |
Last Login: | Oct 17, 2009 |
Times Viewed: | 1,625 |
Times Rated: | 207 |
Rating: | 9.054 |
MistressofChains was here
** Rated **
Blessed Be!