
Vampire Rave member for 14 years.

Status:  Malcontent (9.34)
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Birthdate:  ?



Bite Kristian

Stalk Kristian



I am the serpent that strikes down the helpful toad.Ending early his ferried ride, by breach of my poisonous promise.A query as to why, through my decision we both should die,the short response is in my nature“My tasty friend,you forgot snakes can swim.&q

I walk amongst the blind and bound populaces mostly un-noticed, unless I choose otherwise. It has only been a couple of years that I can rightfully call this prison of flesh as my own. The myriad array of lucid personalities that one shell can hold is of a particular interest/involved status for me; if only in the end to see how long it takes for its parts to experience irretrievable burn out.

But I am getting ahead of myself now. These forms of archaic communications continue to prove to be as stumbling blocks. Indeed, perhaps it would be best to clarify who and what I am in a brief gesture of words.

Since I only care to appeal to those of you that can comprehend the likes of these esoteric statements, and as for/to the rest…it is doubtful that they have made it this far down the page, and even fewer still will see no more than they are meant to. Digesting what they think that they can see, though in reality the truth remains barely beyond the length of their nose; a distance to great for the enlightened to cross.

However, now that you have followed me along thus far, I will do my best to speak bluntly; better deemed ‘layman’s terms’ just as this common phrase suggests. Carefully though will I tread, lest I become sick with antipathy at the sheer volume of inadequacies in distasteful words being applied in an otherwise useless description of our luminescent whole.

Thus far I have managed to do little more than scratch at the surface of the previous tenants imprint. Being held down in this place, this vessel, has far too many disadvantages for my tastes; a drear subjugation for the mere trade off of ‘knowing humanity’. Being on and a part of this plane is best describable as a vile misfortune that was visited upon me by the greater universal network of cogwheels; those forces that rule all that is was and will be.

How cynical sounding of me…and why the hell not? Ripped away from the fabric of combined thought and to add further insult to injury, this was at the whim of an ordinary human; from this world no less.

I have concluded he was no different than any of the rest this species albeit an exceptionally mundane blending of genetics and environment, coupled with his minute spark of energy/passion. Enough pure belief to set in motion the events that have compelled me to this circumstance, one which I am learning to love and hate simultaneously; still yet damning the hierarchy who in their cowardice choose to keep themselves concealed.

This one creature worked with magic’s heavy burden, foolish in his arrogance and pride.

He unknowingly wove together the correct ingredients/elements to escape the confines of this plane; an energy for an energy, rudimentary basics right. Contemptuous bastard, my only comfort abides in the fact that he will once again know misery. In the meanwhile I am left to govern these lesser ones that remained to dwell within my carcass.

Having long since discovering that the stronger of the least of these were willing and eager to embrace the illusions I offered unto them, granting me only a small allotment of freedom to explore. None-the-less I use them to my desire and benefit.

Whilst lazing, going about from here to there, and allowing for one of my more favored specters to maintain our façade of ‘life’, I was unexpectedly alerted to a lantern glowing vividly in this space and time.

Upon returning to the driver seat, so to speak, I see that my dear animalistic liaison has attempted to reach out again; for lack of a better term. This is not its first plight and certainly no more than a series of minor infractions that require less than nothing for me to regulate. In this instance, it had stumbled upon this site…which in turn led to finding the very thing to bring me back. Taking these moments to check on just how sentient the ‘shades’ have become was as futile as always, they are barren of the fruit I need; replicate and atypical shadows of him. Predictable by their nature and in of their simplicities, what a rich harvest they could have been for me; quite a bounty from the horn of plenty, at mine own command. It is with a bit more than bemusement on my part to plant yet another of my methodical ‘gardens’, a special place to further shatter and break his reflections.

These meandering phrases have done and will serve their purposes farther and later on.

Crush underfoot the weakened heart and spirit…such worthless clutter doesn’t deserve to walk where we do. Death itself is our passion and path to follow; only when reaching this attainable plateau are we to be emancipated.

Member Since: Apr 07, 2010
Last Login: Apr 22, 2010
Times Viewed: 1,928

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Aug 13, 2022
You have been fairly rated by Premiere Sire Amaranthine.


Proud Master of Coven of the Ascended. Feel free to stop by, visitors are always welcome.

Coven of the Ascended

Enjoy the Darkness...
Sep 06, 2019
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
May 23, 2019
You have been visited and fairly rated by Ylvax. Enjoy the darkness.


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