Journal |
Bite KasaiTsuchi |
Stalk KasaiTsuchi |
Well I am pretty new right now, but I came here as a Vampire fan. My name is of no use to you, you may call me KT, Kasai, or by my username....nothing else.
If you are looking on my account and you'd like to chat, fine, do so, but do not comment on my looks, or my opinions, as i find that being online, all people are fake, whether the pictures they show are not really theirs, or they lie about their age. It is all a lie, in my perspective.
Anyways, to sum it up I am not one to be messing around with. I am there for people to talk to, and have as a friend. No more, no less.
what is your true music type |
techno you really like to listen to music that has a good best |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
what would you anime hair color be? |
Blond. ...your an inteligent person and graceful as well..people look up at u and admire your beauty. your an awesome fighter and love everithing thats around you. your merciful and alwais surounded by friends and other people. lolz wow... so then go out in the world and show the beautiful color of your hair. :D |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
Member Since: | Nov 02, 2009 |
Last Login: | Dec 14, 2009 |
Times Viewed: | 2,356 |
Times Rated: | 226 |
Rating: | 9.123 |
MistressofChains was here