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Hello Fellow People of VR I would like to welcome you to my page. My name is Cody, I go by Cody Corpse. I love to play in the roads dance in the dark. listen to music, graveyards are my fave place to just relax no one ever bother's me there its quite and i can just listen to the wind blow there and no where else. i really don't know what else to put here.. I suck at writing things about myself if people ask then i can tell them. I'm a wiccan i have been all my life. i grew up in a wiccan/pagan family. if you have a problem with who i am then fuck off and leave me alone cause dissing me and what i believe in is wasting your time and my time it isn't getting you anywhere so don't waste your breathe or your time on something stupid
dark rooms
being naked
my ipod
sleeping in
racist people
homophobic people
people TH4T tYp3 L!Ke ThI$
Or lIkE tHiS
it is a waste of your time and my time
so don't do it
Somethings are unexplainable somethings are tragic others are sad here is one of them
one of my friends for life
His name was Carson Bryce Kingston.
He was born on Saturday Feb 29, 1992 at 2:29am.
He was a middle child.
He was originally from Czech Republic.
He had his name changed at 15.
His real name was Tom.
He was more gay then bi.
He was majoring in Fashion and Photography.
Stella was his best friend.
He had a girlfriend.
He was a great guy.
He just began his life.
He never hurt anyone on purpose.
He was there whenever you needed him.
He didn't judge by looks.
He judged by personality.
He always told the truth.
He was straight up with anyone who asked his opinion.
He was adopted.
He had snakebites.
He loved watching Family Guy and Chowder.
His favourite bands were Tokio Hotel and Breathe Carolina.
He loved Bryttni.
Alicee was his daughter pretty much.
His wonderful life ended in his bedroom on March 7th 2010 at 9:30 (UK time)
Alicee was in the room.
His precious final words were "I love you forever Alicee."
we can't take life as a toy you break it and you can fix it or buy other one. you can't just throw you life away and give up. i no i've tried. Carson was a wonderful guy he always was there when i needed him or when anyone needed him.
the above info was taken from StellaSchizophrenia her myspace profile she has all the rights to the above. she gave me and carsons friends permission to use it
May the Gods and Goddess keep him safe from harm and help keep him happy. He never asked for much just a shoulder to cry on. he rarely complained. he tried helping everyone he could
this girl right here Stella she is my best friend my world my life she is always there when i need someone to talk to or rely on i don't know what i would do without her she makes me smile all the time either with her jacked up hair or her cracking jokes or her just being her random self