If you want to love me. Love me. If you must hate me. Hate me. Don't be in between. Either you want me or you don't. My name is either Kitty or Rae that's all I've ever gone by. You wanna know my real name? Then ask me myself. I am a succubus vampire. I am happily engaged. I love my fiancee she is wonderful and beautiful and perfect.I am studying Pre-Dentistry. I am smart. Beautiful. Brave. Strong. I am a lover and a fighter. A nightmare and daydream. You can pick which sides you get to see! I hope we can be the best of friends!
Lamia (Left to Herself) by:John Keats
Left to herself, the serpent now began
To change; her elfin blood in madness ran,
Her mouth foam’d, and the grass, therewith besprent,
Wither’d at dew so sweet and virulent;
Her eyes in torture fix’d, and anguish drear,
Hot, glaz’d, and wide, with lid-lashes all sear,
Flash’d phosphor and sharp sparks, without one cooling tear.
The colours all inflam’d throughout her train,
She writh’d about, convuls’d with scarlet pain:
A deep volcanian yellow took the place
Of all her milder-mooned body’s grace;
And, as the lava ravishes the mead,
Spoilt all her silver mail, and golden brede;
Made gloom of all her frecklings, streaks and bars,
Eclips’d her crescents, and lick’d up her stars:
So that, in moments few, she was undrest
Of all her sapphires, greens, and amethyst,
And rubious-argent: of all these bereft,
Nothing but pain and ugliness were left.