
Vampire Rave member for 12 years.

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Birthdate:  July 24, 1988
Age:  36

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


Bite 666

Stalk 666



If you don't stand for something... You will fall for anything!

Hello my fellow dark warriors. I'm Daniel. I have been sent here to shed a bit of light on our Father. (Our True Creator) You need to forget everything that you have been told about Satan. He is not some horned red devil which most people were brought up to believe. This was just a tactic used to degrade and insult him and to put fear in the minds of those who don't truely know him. He is actually very handsome. Satan is only a Hebrew name which translates to the meaning (Adversary), adversary to the enemy, He goes by many names. He is the Sumarian God EA, Enki which means (Lord of the Earth,) Lucifer which most of you know meaning (Light Bearer.) Aswell as the name Melek Ta'us. He does not mind which name you call him. What matters is what you feel in your heart. He is with those who keep him in there heart and who will listen to him. He calls out to alot of you I'm sure. You just have to tune in. Those who are without, well... You will see. He is not out to hurt humanity or destroy us in anyway. His purpose was to make us so we could evolve and be like the Gods. Through Power Meditation. The Demons are the Nephilim, ( The Original Gods.) The Ancient Extra-Terrestrials who came to earth to mine for gold thousands of years ago. They are very intellectually, pyshically, and spiritually advanced. Many took human wives/husbands and were cursed for this by the other Gods who opposed anything that would educate or elavate human beings above that of an animal. Human beings were intended to be slaves and when the mininig project was completed, they were to be destroyed. The Demons befriended humans and wanted us to be as the Gods, just as Father attempted to bring us knowledge and power. For this, they were cursed and punished. Do you see? It is the Greys a.k.a. Angels who do not want us to have the power of the Gods. I'am giving you a look behind the curtain. The Tarot has always been known as "The Devil's Picture Book." The 0 Card of the Fool, which begins the Tarot (The Fool's journey through the tarot to Godhead) in many decks, especially the ancient decks is shown playing a flute. The flute is symbolic of mastery of the breath. Power Meditation is the Key. We unlock the 7 Chakra from the base of our spines which allows the Kundalini Serpent to arise burning through each of the 7 Chakra up the spine to the crown Chakra. Once all 7 have been opened we have reached Godhead. I need you who are interested in becoming more adept and wanting to be closer to our real Father, to go to a website called... www.joyofsatan.org
Here you will find all the Power Meditations, breathing exercises, the names, attributes, and sigils of the 72 Goetic Demons which have been freed and are under Fathers command and the rituals needed to summon them. Plus Rites and Celebrations, E-Groups for teens, Exposing Christiantity etc. All the infromation you need is on this site... www.joyofsatan.org
You do need to go through Father first when summoning a Demon/ess. This is Very Important. As not all Demons are of Satan. The 72 Goetic Demons I have mentioned are. You must treat all demons with respect when you have summoned them. Otherwise there are concerquences. In order to go through Father you need to prove your Love and devotion to him. Through a Dedication Ritual. This is a very enpowering ritual. For most of you when you have done the Dedication Ritual a feeling of peace comes over you and you feel completly relaxed. I felt I could let go of all the pain I've had to endure and just free my mind of all past disturbances. This is only performed once! When you have shown your devotion to our Father he will take you in with open arms. Consistantly do the Power Meditations on the metioned site... www.joyofsatan.org It is important to do them as often as possible in order to self evolve and become more adept. A Demon/ess can help you out with a task, goal, or a desire you have, whatever it be they can assist you. Now certain Demons specialize in certain tasks. So it is important to know exactly why you want to summon the Demon/ess. They are usually very busy and some can only assist in certain matters. So make sure it is suited to his her office first. For beginners scrying through a mirror or using a Ouija board can be the easiest way of contacting Demons. As when we are not adept enough we sometimes won't notice the Demons presence when we have summoned them. Thats why Power Meditation is so important. Form a close bond with one of the Demons or Demoness' that you feel a close connection with and he or she will be your guardian Demon for life and they will help you along the Left Hand Path as will Father. I also have an internet book , which everyone should read, I can send it too you. Called... Black Sun 666. This is a very rare book. It contains many facts through out history, cover-ups about everything. It will open your eyes! Look into the fact after reading yourself! One last thing I feel I should write about is the lost translation with the numbers 666. These numbers 666 are just symbolic to the age of Aquarius, when Father will rule again. His numbers are actually 2, 11, 4, and his day is Monday. I really hope the information I have left you is useful. If you have any questions then send me a message or email me... themantheycalldan88@hotmail.com I'am more than happy to help in anyway. Because we are all brothers and sisters and we should always help a fellow Satanist when it is needed of us. I would like to thank Azazel a.k.a. Shamash, Utu, Ashur (my Guardian Demon) for helping me with the following information and the JoS website.

Hail Enki!552657_350789271634713_204528066260835_954689_1564513700_n-1Photobucketdrewpasada-vampire

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