
Wilz you be mi friend?
Set at 01:21 on January 14, 2014

Vampire Rave member for 11 years.

Status:  Mosquito (7.60)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  No affiliation.
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  fangsextastic
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

Where ever I want


Bite TwistingWinds

Stalk TwistingWinds



The words you speak, I can take away with the wind

Ok here we go again.

I used to have an account on here called Windsongs, but some crazy personal issues arouse and what not. I am not new and this profile will be tinkered with constantly until I want it.

wolf pup photo: pup hb_wolf_pup2.jpg

My referral is fangs because she is the one that I have really kept in touch with and she has always been so kind to me. Love you fangs!

 photo 5f80782c-4df2-4d99-ade5-8ea5e324db4a_zps471fbf03.jpg

My mentorship

Ok well as you might already have noticed, I'm not a great speller. I'm also in love with cute animals...mostly the dog family. This usually means baby dogs lol or wolves :)

wolf pup photo: Ren wolf_pup-1024x7681226007499.jpg

I like Fluffy things, I like writing, I liked math in school, and I like some rated R conversations.

wolf pup photo: midnight wolf_pup_howling.jpg

I'm a very shy person. It may take a little bit till I warm up to you.

scared puppy photo: puppy scared download3.jpg
puppy quotes photo: puppy puppy.jpg

I DISLIKE MEANIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, bugs...spiders....snakes....and men that like little girls.

Cute puppy photo:  cute-puppy-pictures-loldogs-puppy-breffs.jpg

Why the vr name? Hmmm well TwistingWinds was created in part of the memory of my old profile Windsongs and part of me changing it up a little. Not only do I love cute fuzzy animals, I'm also a fan of tornados :)

Tornados photo: Uploads tornados.jpg

I Do like to write in my journal so as soon as it is up and running their will be posts in it :)

Tornados photo: Tornado With A Heart Tornados.jpg

The Mask
© Lisa Willhite
Existing in the realm, of its own true hell
the pacing of the parasite begins to swell
it suffers in silence yet demands to be heard
it will never survive without its bevy of words

as an infant, it fed, on what it desired
and the need to grow was quickly retired
it donned a mask it had soon acquired
and eventually dressed in regal attire

I am! I am! it said aloud
while hiding behind a glistening shroud
to none it wavered to none it bowed
worthy am I! it heartily vowed

as a thief of hearts, it sought our souls
and refused to acknowledge the unspeakable tolls
it relished our pain our faults and our woes
acted as friend yet lived as foe

for the lower we were, the higher it’s rise
sometimes nestled on pillows, feathered with lies
soaring as an eagle, through bright blue skies
impeding the light, from watchful eyes

it changed lies to belief and that belief to admiration
it became its own form, of revered celebration
though to those who saw, through the garish decoration
it was nothing more than sheer abomination

these were few, who could actually see
how sad and sickened, this thing could be
they lost their battles, to make it flee
as it wiggled in joy and laughed with glee

and a new found strength, was gained from the seers
they found it flaunting, in front of its peers
for this mask was now learn-ed and it shed false tears
and a victim was born, its path, though not cleared

for as day turns to night, conflicts persist
the heart can grow cold, but the soul still resists
new defenders of truths will continue to enlist
and the spirit of God will always assist

yes a fight ensued, yet the beast stood tall
and flashed it’s lies, fooling most all
it cried poor me, and with such great gall
It is I who has suffered!, was it’s deceptive call

the truths presented the stern manipulations
the deeds that were done, with much stipulation
the lies that served, as mere stimulations
and these they hoped, were condemning revelations

the mask took form, and revealed a child
the innocence of eyes that appeared softly wild
no sign of his pride, no sign of the vile
how dare the "truths" accuse him of guile

hearts blood flowed, and non seers cried
as the villagers witnessed a man so tried
a man who was beaten, and his humanity denied
a man who was not evil, but sanctified!

The steel once hot, now cooled to strength
it enveloped his soul and his body at length
the blood of hearts, flowing in sync
protected him now from morality’s links

alas truth lost, but so did the beast
for a cancer did grow, and on lies it did feast
from within his throat, it locked in its feet
and his mask is now meeting a deadly defeat

Existing in the realm, of its own true hell
the pacing of the parasite begins to swell
it suffers in silence yet demands to be heard
it will never survive without its bevy of words

Lisa Willhite

Source: The Mask, Meaningful Poem http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/the-mask#ixzz2pkB0sMKx
Family Friend Poems

Alright enough of this stuff time to end this profile.......for now :)

wind photo:  BLU__ANI___BLUEZ_PURPLE__WIND_GODDE.gif

Member Since: Jan 05, 2014
Last Login: Feb 02, 2014
Times Viewed: 2,944

Times Rated:175

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