Hello... I see you've found my little corner in a dark room... It's nice, isn't it??? This has always been my personal spot... I may not have always known it, but I guess I had to live a little and learn a lot... My name is TerrorOfDreamsEnd... Most call me Terror... Few have ever called me by Dream... I don't much care for "Dream", but I understand it means I've showed my better side to my friends, and that makes it somewhat more tolerable... On to what you came here for...
What kind of person am I???
Personally, I'm different types on different occasions...
Socially, Whatever kind is called for... For instance, If you're cruel, I'm cruel... If you're nice, I'm nice... You get what you give with me..
What kind of music do I like???
In this case, it is easier to ask what I DON'T like... And here is that list...
Gospel Music #1
Most Rap #2
Most Country #3
Asking Alexandria #6
You seem kind of familiar... Do I know you???
Okay... For SOME REASON, I get this from everyone... Either on a game, or in real life... So to answer this question of "Do you know me?", No... Probably not... lol
What are your hobbies???
I draw, I game, I sing, I edit music in Adobe Audition, I work in GIMP (Photo editing software), I laugh enough to consider it a hobby, I make others laugh, and I build onto my own reality...
Your own reality???
Yes, my own reality... I don't like the standard one... I would rather change JUST a FEW THINGS, so there is a little magic in the air, so to speak... It's much better this way... It keeps me away from the lambs, and the lambs away from genocide level slaughter...
What do you mean "Lambs"???
Lambs... It's a term I use mostly for "Normal" people... Lambs... So naive... So simple... So gentle... So annoyingly ignorant... But I guess they couldn't be happy, if they weren't lambs...
"You have quite a dark outlook on things... How did this come to be???"
Well... I used to be a lamb... But I had black fur, and not white... I was different... But only in this insignificant way... But as we all know, the domino effect cannot (or rarely ever) be stopped... And now I'm the black sheep you see today... Haha... I still laugh at the fact that I EVER thought I could make it as part of the heard...
So I've heard the vague stories... Can you clue me in on the "whos" and "whats"???
Those details are for the ones who may call me Dream... And that right only comes to those who message me, genuinely WANTING to be a friend... So... Do you wish to take a walk with the unknown, and take your chances??? I'm always open... If I'm not here, leave a note on the door... :)
I've found a place that suits me... Quite well in fact...
The Devil's Playground
These people helped me rise in power enough to help me find a true home on this game... They're quite possibly some of the nicest, most kind hearted, and LOVING spirits I know... And THEY will NEVER be forgotten...
To Tribal Wolverines...