Student. Humanitarian. Book lover.
Musk, peppermint, coffee, vanilla, coconut.
I dream of being a dancer.
Stretching my limbs, smooth and supple.
I have one, and it's my own.
I'll keep it close to me. I don't feel like sharing.
Ocean-green, teal blue, tattoos and octopuses.
Intermittently anxious and
sporadically joyous.
P h o t o g r a p h y .
I gave my heart, it hasn't been "taken" - it's
given. Freely, and for one in return.
I think that's an equal trade.
I think I've covered the main questions.
I'm a happy, bright, bubbly person.
I really
enjoy grammar.
I am enthused about the English language as a whole.
I like putting things in order.
I like cooking, I like other people eating what I create.
I clearly think of nothing but myself,
with every line of this beginning to start with "I".
really, really
like blueberries.
I like reading in half-light, while it's raining.
T r a n q u i l i t y .
That's what I think of, when I think of that.
It's soothing, soothing somewhere deep down inside,
where you didn't realise there was anything to soothe.
I feel like I’ve been in a whirlwind and I’ve landed on a branch.
The storm in my head is still raging, but for now, I have a footing.
I have a cornerstone of brilliance, and a stone of rationality.
I may get uprooted, I may topple,
I may get lashed back into the whirlwind of dangerous thinking,
but for now, I have something
that my small feet can hold onto.
Sometimes I feel like a bower bird,
picking out shiny and
blue things.
Sometimes I feel like a packrat, and
I feel I don't do enough
good in the world.
I believe every person has a voice than can build or break.
I dream for a utopia, I see something more brutal.
I love musk, vanilla and coffee. I love them mixed together,
I love them plainly.
And... I'll have to finish this thing when I wake up tomorrow.