
In a world of endless sorrow in death I will find my peace
Set at 02:02 on June 15, 2014

Vampire Rave member for 10 years.

Status:  Nihilist (19.87)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  No affiliation.
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  January 3, 1991
Age:  34

Northern Ireland



Bite LadyEleanor

Stalk LadyEleanor


The first bite is always the most desirable

((UPDATE)) So from the last time I had been here alot has happened, My book Lost in Darkness was finally published in January 2017 which I am super proud of, but this month marked the beginning of a Novel I am currently working on titled, I Lost You Once. I am super excited to get started on this new adventure of love, pain and so many twists. Im glad to be back lovelies I hope this year has been just as good for you.

Plain and simple, I am a writer and an artist. Ask and you shall receive my honesty.

Thank you my deadly lovelies may your hunger be quenched within words of soul and dreams of black a sleepless being that shall never part the ever night grace of ones lonely heart

Lamia [Left to herself]

John Keats, 1795 - 1821

Left to herself, the serpent now began
To change; her elfin blood in madness ran,
Her mouth foam’d, and the grass, therewith besprent,
Wither’d at dew so sweet and virulent;
Her eyes in torture fix’d, and anguish drear,
Hot, glaz’d, and wide, with lid-lashes all sear,
Flash’d phosphor and sharp sparks, without one cooling tear.
The colours all inflam’d throughout her train,
She writh’d about, convuls’d with scarlet pain:
A deep volcanian yellow took the place
Of all her milder-mooned body’s grace;
And, as the lava ravishes the mead,
Spoilt all her silver mail, and golden brede;
Made gloom of all her frecklings, streaks and bars,
Eclips’d her crescents, and lick’d up her stars:
So that, in moments few, she was undrest
Of all her sapphires, greens, and amethyst,
And rubious-argent: of all these bereft,
Nothing but pain and ugliness were left.

The Vampire Bride [I am come-I am come!]

Henry Thomas Liddell

“I am come—I am come! once again from the tomb,
In return for the ring which you gave;
That I am thine, and that thou art mine,
This nuptial pledge receive.”

He lay like a corse ‘neath the Demon’s force,
And she wrapp’d him in a shround;
And she fixed her teeth his heart beneath,
And she drank of the warm life-blood!

And ever and anon murmur’d the lips of stone,
“Soft and warm is this couch of thine,
Thou’lt to-morrow be laid on a colder bed—
Albert! that bed will be mine!”

One has a dark side, two sides to all personality's or in my case many many more I can be the love of your life or worst fear above all else. I am forward I do not tolerate bullshit (excuse my French if you have a better word please feel free to comment below) I care for and respect those who show the same kindness in return.

Forager of Blood

Across centuries I have searched
For a love so true and pure
Bound in blood and sacrifice
Yet my yearning must endure
War and strife have I seen
Men have come to blows
For lesser things than love and beauty
This madness I abhor
And I they call a vampire
A forager of blood
But it is beauty that I seek
My heart for love to flood

A Vampire's Pain

As a youth I could not foresee
What lay on the road ahead
Eternal life, the quest for love
My intentions oft misread
Can a creature of the night
A dark and bloodied, prince
Find beauty, soul, and adoration
A love I can evince
Such is the fate of a lonely vampire
To traipse the earth alone
For love is fleeting, short and bitter
My pain I do intone

Transfusion Of Love

Blood oozes down from my lips
Adding a touch of crimson to my pale countenance
I feed on your essence
I sate myself with your love.
Indeed, I am a glutton for love
For what could be more endearing
More true
Than a transference from one to another
Of life’s very foundation
The fluid of being
As I suckle your neck so dear
Drawing the milk of your sustenance
I infuse your life into my own
We bond together in eternal devotion
Never to part
To love always

Crimson Night

Night falls and I awaken

Light of day I have forsaken,

My Vampire eyes seek far and wide

There is nowhere safe for you to hide

My prey calls to me upon each rising

Their blood I seek , so appetising...

moonlight bright, I grow stronger

Makes me wish the night was longer.

Wicked wings through the sky

Watching as the world flys by..

Hunger claws me inside out

The need to feed makes my route..

Finding you here your blood so strong

Fangs sink deep where I belong

Sweet and hot my crimson high,

Your pulse is fading, you slowly die..

Stop me before the demon rises

Human life is what he despises

I try to take just what I need

But the demon trys to take the lead..

So cold and still in my arms,

Your fate is sealed in stone..

You rest in peace at heaven's gate,

But my Crimson Night's alone...

Dark Dreamer

My dreams of you take my breath

Dark Spectar,you, nocturnal born

your nightly visits leave me weak

nothing left my heart is torn;

Do I give up the sun for you and my soul?

There is more than blood you silently stole..

harvest me, brave one of the dark

your immortal kiss has left it's mark

taken me my mortal life

feed from me your eternal wife..

For you the sun no longer shines

and the timeless clock no longer chimes...

darkness awaits us the magic brings,

shrouded in shadows nocturnal things..

My vampire blood feels so right..

with you my love, The endless night...

Member Since: Jun 06, 2014
Last Login: Jan 10, 2019
Times Viewed: 6,145

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