Times Rated: | 347 |
Rating: | 9.075 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 347 |
welcome to VR poetofshadows
Welcome to the vampire rave.If you have any questions just message me.
hey.....you like poetry? i am a pretty good poet myself. Lookit this:
Though madness binds me
and darkness blinds me
i shall not fear what is behind me.
Welcome to VR poetofshadows. Let me know when you update your profile. If I can help you, let me know.
welcome poetofshadows,intersting name
Welcome and enjoy your stay here among us
poetofshadows welcome to you
a 10 for you hope to talk soon
you get a 9 you dont have a birthday. I cant give you a sexy party
Welcome poet of shadows,
to thee i give a bow,
for thyne is a close friend,
and I say welcome...
Greetings from House Lunazure, poetofshadows
not so much
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 347 |