Times Rated: | 499 |
Rating: | 9.015 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 499 |
welcome to VR Xulldia
Welcome to the vampire rave.If you have any questions just message me.
Welcome to VR Xuldia. Let me know when you update.
DARK GREETINGS............10.............
haha hello love the description of yourself...i truely hope you are enjoying it here =)
greetings and enjoy the rave :) 10
Welcome and enjoy your stay here among us
welcome Xulldia
yep. That would be me. How are you?
i like yuor profile checkm mine out all my quizes are in my journal btw
yays for zeromancer and the dreamside
I luv theater nerds...lol
sweet glad you liked it... come by and chat sometime.
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 499 |