Times Rated: | 637 |
Rating: | 9.09 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 637 |
greetings, a good start young one. what is the vf profile? looking forward to your update. enjoy the playground.
Why not tell us more about yourself?
You're among friends here, if you chose.
Hi..nice start and welcome
hey Kristie, nice profile love...alot of info that i already know, but hey still good, and welcome to the site.. *huggles**
Thank you for taking the time to develop your profile. XOXO
Good good!! =)
very nice
very interestin profile! .. cool! .. ~`10~
thanks for rating, love ur poems
thanx for the comment
very koollove ur profile a lot u seem like a very kool person
DARK GREETINGS.........10.....
You are a HELL CHILD!!
it is really hot when guys kiss! AGREED! ~10
welcome to your grave
wow, nice pro~10~
love it great awsomeand all that... ten
awesome profile, great pics, welcome
wat a fantabulous profile.. lol nah this rawks.. well done
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 637 |