All Profile Comments for gothicvampirelover69
Times Rated: | 299 |
Rating: | 9.298 |
Showing: | 51 - 75 of 299 |
I've rated you a 10. Feel free to add me to your friends list, journals, and stalk me. If you do please let me know so i can do the same for you.

add me if you would like but let me know so i can do the same 
You have been Rated by the Boneman..Obonewits!

REMEMBER TO RETURN THE FAVOR..I invite you to add me as a Friend..or stalk me, add me to your favorite journal list if you like..and come to read The Black Diary in my journal. Kindest regards, OB
Rated by another personality of me
You may have seen my other face on her no mind...I'm the sane one of us two

And yes I use ALL the numbers when I rate and I also don't do re rates either :)
Proud ACM of Ancient Egyptian Mysteries

Feel free to add me..but let me know so i can return the fav.
Hi, you have a lovely page. Please feel free to add me to your friends list, rate me back or add my journal to your favorites list. If you do, please let me know so that I may return the kind gestures. Thank you.

| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 101 - 125 | 126 - 150 | 251 - 275 | 276 - 299 |
Sire (101)

Premiere Sire (125)

Bloodsucker (50)
Vampire Rave is a member of
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