All Profile Comments for pandorasoul
Times Rated: | 170 |
Rating: | 9.476 |
Showing: | 26 - 50 of 170 |
I have viewed, read, and rated your profile.
Feel free to stop by and return the favor.
If you want you, you can add me, favorite
my journal, and/or stalk me. I just ask that
you let me know, so that I may return the
favor. Have a nice day! :)
Proud Coven Mistress of Sete Diabolica..
Feel Free to Add and Stalk Me :) I dont hand out 10's they are earned, If I have rated you low and you update please let me know and I will rerate.
Mentor Of:
Please feel free to add me ,if you do add me let me know via a message so I may add you as well .
I use all the numbers on the rating scale , If I have rated you low let me know when you update and I will re-rate you .
I Have Seen What There Is To See ... May the Darkness Take You and Keep You Safe...
May the Darkness serve you well.
~Proud ACM of Exalted Decadence~.
Feel free to add me, stalk me, favor my journal and rate my profile and portfolio. However, if you do let me know so I may return the favors to you.
Visited and Rated by Halja
Assistant Coven Master
Council of Witches Coven
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 101 - 125 | 126 - 150 | 151 - 170 |
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