Times Rated: | 916 |
Rating: | 9.256 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 916 |
Weclome to VR.Hope you enjoy it here.
nice profile
welcome to the Rave have fun *10*
Interesting that you have been here so long, yet you have so little on your file.... I almost mistook you for a whelp...
Welcome to the rave.
>:) ~10~ Acquarius *winks*
nice quote :-p
Thank you for the bite, Love. I shall leave you with a ten...
. . . . .
~10~ love you
fun times ~10
...heheheh! 10!
Romance away my sweet one,That deserves a BIG 10,,,Welcome to Rave..xx
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 916 |