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My name is Sex Kitten. I am always looking to film, record or produce something new and different. I will be posting pictures of my work, family and myself. Plus whatever I took as personal pictures to share with everyone. Any material that I post please ask me if you can copy it. I rather keep it between me and everyone here in Vampire Rave. I will give exclusive look at any filming I am doing for you too or the cover art of my books I am writing.
This is my company:
Sinister Media Production Company
I have built this company from the ground up and I am always looking to expand and so much more. I work with a crew of 15 members and we do everything from film, Web TV series (in the works), commercials and so much more. If you want to know anything let me know.
Blessed Be
This is one of my dogs, Cairo! This is my baby! Beware he is not cute and cuddly except with me. He bites, lol...