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Websites about vampires. Total Links: 150 A message board for all vampires and other kin, especially for those located in the midsouth region of the US (MS, TN, AR, etc.) Hits: 961 Bram Stoker Centre The Bram Stoker Dracula experience. A new dimension in fear. An interactive heart pounding journey through Castle Dracula and terrifying enactments creating the unique and spine chilling story of Count Dracula and his victims. Hits: 924 Tokyo Vampire The Midtown International Theatre Festival presents Tokyo Vampire, a solo performance by Dwayne Lawler. Set against the streets of modern Tokyo, Tokyo Vampire is a heartbreaking horror story of a vampire’s last confession before he goes “into the sun.” Hits: 1,009 The Melbourne Vampire Group The, Melbourne Vampire Group, is for all those who are - Real Vampires. Respect for all members is the only requirement for membership. Members from any States, or Countries are most welcome to sign up. The group is for Sanguinarians, (blood vamps) Psi (e Hits: 988 Vampires on litterature and cinema [fr] Vampirisme.com deals with apparition of vampires in books and films throughout the 20th century (and before). It contains also some photography taken during a trip in Romania. Hits: 964 Vampire Antiques Ancient finds for modern day prices. Vampire related antiques. Vampire antiquities from wrecks, castles, digs etc Hits: 1,031 Vampyr Theatre Some of the music from La Commedia del Sangue: Vamyr Theatre - which ran in nyc from 1992-1997, Hits: 1,080 Ordo Crux Anssata Vampiric Order dedicated to teaching others like us how to live in a modern day world. Hits: 1,063 Crymsyn R. Hart- Official Author Site Official Site for Vampire Erotica Author Crymsyn R. Hart. "A slice of darkness to ignite your soul". Hits: 1,203 Nocturn Dark Bloods The UK Real Sanguine Vampire Clan all information contained inside is intended for Those of the Clan or those who want to know who we are. Hits: 998 |
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Gothic Sites Gothic websites, not including vampire websites. |
Occult Sites Occult and magic websites. |
Paranormal Sites Paranormal, UFO, and psychic websites. |
Vampire Sites Websites about vampires. |