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Websites about vampires. Total Links: 150 Site with a big library on vampire books and movies, with over 3000 members. Hits: 1,143 www.freewebs.com/vampire-nation i have a channel on mirc and this is the site for it...the name is intimidating enough.VampireNation.Hauting,bloody,creepy. Hits: 958 Count Gregula - The Official Site Official site of horror host Count Gregula along vith his lovely Countess and their Children of the Night. Included is a celebrity Hall of Fame, TV show schedule, photo galleries, The Munsters, horror/sci-fi conventions, free-for-all links page, Ghoulish Hits: 1,064 House Khepera House Khepera is based in Endwell, NY. We are a safehaven for real vampires, othrkin, donors and advisors. Integrity by Example ~ Love Through Loyalty~ Noble in all Endeavors Hits: 986 Leaving the Light Toni was just an ordinary girl until she met the man of her dreams. He changed her life forever, he and the vampires who had taken her prisoner. Hits: 1,096 Darkness Embraced Vampire & Occult Society Non-hierarchical structured society that encompasses all vampire, occultists, curious seekers, or those who are simply interested in the realisations of the myths, legends, films, books, music, and various other spiritual realms surrounding our culture. Hits: 1,003 Vampire Wear Clothing & Jewelry for immortals! Specializing in BLOOD VIAL necklaces & unique clothing. Hits: 1,075 Vampire Drinks Elixirs for children of the night. Vampire Wine, Vampire / Vampyre Vodka and a new range of Vampire Rum coming soon. Hits: 1,095 Phoenixian Book of Vampires Online encyclopedia with definitions and pictures of vampires. Hits: 1,103 Vamp Links - Vampire Website Directory Online vampire website directory. Add your vampire only website. Find other websites about vampires. Can you handle the stakes? Hits: 1,192 |
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Gothic Sites Gothic websites, not including vampire websites. |
Occult Sites Occult and magic websites. |
Paranormal Sites Paranormal, UFO, and psychic websites. |
Vampire Sites Websites about vampires. |