Times Rated: | 1,302 |
Rating: | 9.8 |
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Very well written
Very informative. I love cemetaries, but had no idea there was a definition for it. Amazing!
awesome...very interesting article
Hey I happen to be one of these people!
very cool topic
Some of the world's most beautiful art can be found in cemeteries.
thankyou for your educational article on cementaries. I have never been inside a mausoleum myself. Cementaries have been a source of fun for Me I often take My dogs to the local graveyard just to walk.I have even brought a dates to graveyards. The one closest to Me has red glassed candle holders kept besides the graves. They are lit and will stay lit for a couple of days at a time. In Catholic funeral rites, candles signify the light of heaven. When lit by worshippers and placed before shrines, candles signify the souls of the departed or a request for illumination by prayer.
It is fun to pull into the dark candlelit graveyard at night with red candle glow amist the small field.Especially since the cementary field is surrounded by woods and not lit by any other lamps or electrical light.
I even found some early 1800's markers on the campus outside a university ground here. They were left untouched and have primitive markings of skull/cross bone and such hand chiselled into the stones.
Cementaries,.. a source of peace pleasure, peace, parties and romance for me. :P
Thankyou for your time and effort on this subject Master Daniel, Sir.
I shall have to visit a mausoleum soon.
This was a very neat article I am gonna dig into researching some more.~NFA
Cool my fascination for graveyards has a name for it...I to enjoy visiting Graveyards especialy old ones...
My friends and I often go out and spend the night is graveyards just chilling....We never get any bother there so it is ideal...
We prefer to go to old ruined churches though and spend the nitgh in the Graveyards...They are no longer used but the Headstones are there. So we presume the body's are to....It is exhilerating to read the epitaphs...Wondering who that person was when they lived and what function they played in their society then...
I have often wondered how hard it would be to try and trace the lifeline of one of these ancestors of my country..
This is a very well writen article. I know that. for my family, we tend to adopt the local cemetarys on the base's that we live on. We go and weed and care for them as a family project to help show our support to our Military families. Some of the structures are not very grand but they deffinatly reflect the time period that they where placed in. It is also a great way to see just how places have developed, over time, by seeing the size and locations of the cemetarys.
That and some of the statues and grave stones are just remarkable.
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