This book was revealed to the scribe on the night of May 16th, 2005 E.V. after three consecutive nights of mediation.
I. Verily, it shall be made so that we shall meet by way of Cup, Sword, Wand and Coin and we shall be the soldiers amidst the Garden of Stone.
II. And it is unto the Elements, the Weapons, and the sense of Sixth to awaken thine Third Eye in proclamation of the successes of the veil. Therein ye shall find the Aethyrs of Emerald Light wherein the essence of Life intertwines with the wrath of G:.O:.D:.
III. By the sword and by the aspirations of the seeker of Higher Truth, shall the Illuminati be exalted this day and all secrets shall be kept within the shadows of their own. In the eyes of the profane, these words shall be void of understanding but the Brothers and Sisters of the Rose Croix shall see the truth beneath the truth, expressed herein the symbolism and metaphor.
IV. The Illuminati has risen She who shall come like a thief in the night and the worthy shall be Knighted by Her very hand and the fools shall be destroyed for Her sword will slash the head of the vulgar (and never touch gently the shoulder of Her Children).
V. Her veil is the jewel of the Magi.
VI. In the confines of Malkut, the Coffin shall lead ye to death but in the embrace of the Magickal Kiss of Our Lady, the Coffin shall lead ye to rebirth.
VII. Rejoice in the breaking of the shackles that confineth. In the Garden of Stone, the walls of this Invisible Temple are becoming as Kingdom so seal thine lips and the day shall come where the fool who calls himself the Elder shall be smitten by Her Knights and then cut wide open by the Blade of Our Lady.
VIII. The Masters stake no claim! Heed the silence of the True Masters.
IX. 11 is the number of the Magus, though so is I and VI. In the wisdom thou hast sought, these are the multiples of reason and in CHAOS, the pattern arises. Close thine eyes not to sleep.
X. Flee not when the trials and ordeals arise for all shall be tested and it is the cowards, charlatans and grotesque that shall falter by the wayside of Initiation. Thou who is wise shall become as a Priest and Pontiff of these Sciences in which power knows no limits. Follow naught the whims of the self-proclaimed; be wise to their tricks! It is Hir whom says naught of Mastership who shall be exalted by Her.
XI. Open thine eyes and see now! Ye shall be taken to the Crimson Sea, yea; ye shall be taken to the Crimson Sea.