The name is of those "nearly epic", with several it means to you allegorical and not: It illuminates to you are a secret society of those most traditional ones, perhaps the prototype of the deeply capillary schism in the civil society, of the schism that has like main scope the subvert of the world-wide order.
And in effects we are not much far from the truth... The Order of Illuminates to you was founded the first May of 1776 from Adam Weishaupt, teaching university of canonical right, in the city of Ingolstadt, Baviera.
Initially the members were all coming from from the Masonry, but in short its adepts person and the number also of the single interested in it increased in sensitive way, without but catching up the most thrilling numbers. The scopes of the schism are more the classics, like saying: the creation of a new social order, based on the anarchy and the complete freedom characterizes them in religious field (and therefore, anticipating Nietzsche, also moral), politician, social.
Enemies swear you of the schism of the university professor were the Jesuits, culprits of having the cultural and spiritual monopoly of the society, than therefore they could manage in any way. The Jesuits, in fact, were the main point of reference for the education of the young people, for the studies literary and scientific and, naturally, theological. When the Jesuits began, in 1700, to become unpopular, for the Order he was be a matter of one true and own occasion in order makes "publicity", lay claim to the goodness of the own doctrine.
From how much approval and like saying, one of the point main of the "anarchy" of Waishaupt was that religious one: it was above all for that the Order gained the scary of the Church and began politically to being contrasted also and the Order had to become still more secret.
In order to become an illuminated one, it was necessary lend oath of fidelity and some rituals of initiation, like in the tradition of the secret societies: during these rituals, the new adepts person were puttinges to the current of the "truth" of the schism, for which, going ahead in the rituals, he reached himself the final lighting system.
These are made: "the vivaio": from "the prep" phase to that one of the "novitiate" to that one of the "minervale", until arriving to the rank of illuminatus minor, which it came demanded oath of fidelity and absolute obedience.
· the masonry:
the adept person becomes "apprentice", then "brother", then "master", illuminatus major and finally illuminatus dirigens, which he was demanded lend a particular oath, consisting in the promise to become "champion of wisdom and virtue" and to fight against the maldicenza and superstition.
· the mysteries: in order to reach the "smaller mysteries" he passes himself from the rank of " priest".
The adept person had to be convinced that the clergy and the powerful ones of the world were the evil, to extirpate to
whichever cost. E' this the scope of the Order: to occupy the centers of the power and to establish the dictatorshipin order to start the process of liberation of the humanity. The "greater mysteries" were reserve you to the Wizard
and the King: first they were induced to consider useless the religion and to become aware of the identity between God
and the Nature (materialistic pantheism).
The King was the higher rank of the Order: these knew that the men are all of straight pars, than the individual must only answer to same himself, not existing, in the utopia anarchical world of Illuminate to you, some hierarchical order. All the members used fictitious names: Weishaupt was Spartaco, the Baviera was Greece and Monaco was Atene (inasmuch as It illuminates it to you were inspired to the Greek culture). The true personality strongly of the Order
was the Weishaupt founder: this was weakness symptom, because to the dead of the university professor, probably nobody could have taken its place; moreover it was be a matter of a nonsence, in how much, second their same doctrine, would not have had to exist hierarchy social... However, to say that the authority of the founder was the only is not exact: Weishaupt put in contrast with the baron Von Knigge, its skillful arm, than with its important authority
to the outside of the schism, it had made so that this could survive to several "attacks".
For their state of "you avail again", the baron was forced to rinnegare the doctrine of Illuminates to you, bringing
to light the inability of Spartaco to put in practical its ideas, revealing, moreover, to the authorities its anarchical and revolutionary plans (quite, provoking an enormous controversy, Tradition disclosed the fact that Spartaco thought founder of the Order Jesus quite). Seen the action of courage of Tradition, other four former ones Illuminate made courage to you and revealed the course of the rituali of Illuminate, with this attracting on Spartaco the shadows to you of the heresy, beyond that that one of revolutionary and disprezzatore of the prince.
The Constituent of Baviera (an important Bavarian authority), for this, decided to start an inquiry, that he had as it turns out to you the issolution of the Order and the exile of Waishaupt in 1785.
In 1787 also Devout WAYS were hurled against the Order and in a generalized manner the secret societies, threatening to distribute some curse to all how many had been suspect you are Illuminate or Massoni to you. Waishaupt died in the 1830 and with he Order, but it was by now legend. The religious Augustine Barruel, as an example, assumed, in its work, infuences of Illuminates to you in the French Revolution, than the Order it was the cause of all the problems of the Church from the times of the heresies, with this feeding the conviction that the Order wanted sovvertire the hierarchical orders, above all of the Church. Still, in 1924, in its volume Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Nesta Webster assumed that the Order was active existing and already from old times and that it had fomented the French Revolution, that American and also that Russian! Therefore the Comunism, the Cold War, the 30 years of atomic terror, the fruit of job would be all of Illuminates to you. But all this seems only the search of a scapegoat, for the old usual issue: the secret societies are the true responsibles of the facts of the world.
Also because, in bottom, It illuminates to it to you they were not therefore powerful like the fantasy wants to paint them.
(taken from my VR journal)