What do you do when your very survival depends on a lack of belief that you exist?
What do you do about the believers that are trying to prove your existance?
Absorb them?
Kill them?
Ignore them?
All very valid concerns in this brave new age where Hollywood is just bombarding the general populace of just how monstrous anything different than the 'normal' people can be.
Not like the normal people have ever proven they are anything but monsters themselves. They fight against everything. They spit in the eye of God. They reject their own children because they never had the balls to teach them respect and boundaries, leaving the world with a generation of sociopaths to deal with because they refused to be accountable.
These orphaned children of a generation of cowards turn to the hidden world for some kind of meaning. They tinker with the occult and let hateful things into the world. They make deals with infernal powers, making my job all the much harder.
How am I supposed to work under these kind of conditions? A lack of planning on humanity's part does not justify an emergency on my part.
Day by day it becomes more obvious that we are not going to be able to save everyone.
A deal is a deal afterall.
Free will is a gift after all and we are not responsible for those that make bad choices.
The thing is with these young people is that they are not fully cooked and have trouble actually realizing what they are getting into... the permanance of it all. This is not a phase you go through and not everyone feels the need to go messing around with the mysterious.
Of course there are lots of people with a dark streak. Not everyone believes that the be all end all is a house in the suburbs and 1.5 kids and a minivan.
Some people want to be a part of hell's army I suppose.
We got the lame assed soldiers of Christ on one side and the dumbassed Satanists on the other.
Either is in error and choosing a war that is not their own. One that has been going on for a long time.
We are here to help each other evolve and become better, not get sucked into a never ending conflict between the forces of light and dark. Those who do this tend to get caught in the death rebirth cycle and just go through the motions from one life to the next without ever knowing enlightenment.
Sure we keep secrets.
We hide in plain sight in the obvious.
John Q. Public's lack of faith in the unreal keeps us safely anonymous.
This of course applies to many parties that are part of the tree of life (or unlife) here on Earth. Sometimes the only way to solve the mystery is to become part of it. To agree to be a keeper of these secrets.
Vampires? Werewolves? now that's just crazy talk. Folklore. Something to scare the kiddies with. Watchers? Who? What? Fallen angels? You must be joking. Despite the overwhelming evidence of all this shit it is safely relegated the the realm of legend and fairytales... not like fairies exist either. The ETs are also to be scoffed at despite all the evidence that is piling up.
Those with their head in the sand are proving to be useful to us all. I am not being bothered and that was what I was looking for the whole time.
*draws finger to lips*
SSHHH... we were never here. You didn't see a thing. Go back to sleep.