yuppafubara's Journal


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27 entries this month


18:25 Jul 30 2011
Times Read: 812

Yes... the prophet of Islam. He was the last one of the line of Gabriel or so people thought... such is the nature of religion. They like to put a coat of cement on it and think it is the 'be all', 'end all' of them all.

Islam was an UPDATE... just as the world changes, so does policy and ways that the powers that be respond to it.

I've got lots of Muslim pals.

Hell I got lots of all kinds of pals.

There have been other messengers who have brought love to strangers. John Lennon comes to mind.

In my view, a religion is merely another cult with some years under its belt. God is love and if that is understood, then everywhere becomes holy ground.

Opposition to truth is simply stupid. There are some things that are simply not up for debate. To a race that challenges everything no matter how damn clear, I expect idiocy.

In the end however, it makes no difference to me and those like me. We are not going to spend a lot of time arguing a point with idiots.

It is so much easier to let LEGION show you anyway. Your damnable pride has always been your downfall. If the unspeakable puts you on your knees, maybe you will STFU and HEAR for once.

Come closer and know the fear of the Lord and all that.

Imposing my will on others though is not something I like to do outside my own chain of command... however, I will do what I must.

You are all free to go to Hell in your own way if that's what pleases you.

You should have informed consent though.

Know what you are getting into as this life here is a short one. True there are horrors here and it does get rough, but a little bit of relief here is not worth a lot of nastiness in the hereafter.

Consider this... it only make sense.

I'd rather have the pain. . . then again, I'm a masochist at heart.

An angel of mercy would plead with you and you would laugh.

Good thing my line is not that way. You laugh, we simply ruin your shit... or we laugh with you and call in our darker brothers and sisters.

So, until further notice, I shall continue at it.

I am not going away and neither are all those like me. Each day there are going to be less of our foes.

They shall be dead or allies, sooner or later.

Bit by bit. Day by day... Ever closer.





17:52 Jul 30 2011
Times Read: 814

This is a common feeling among the ancients and many of them have pulled away from the rest of the world, weary of its endless drama and other piled high false urgency and putting on airs.

There they founder, becoming victims of despair.

Each one of these losses is a damn shame in both a tactical sense and part of the wisdom offered.

Part of what drives them to this is a lack of respect from these new idiots.

Life is precious... all life.

So respect... or I'll send black angels for you.





03:24 Jul 29 2011
Times Read: 820

There are many.

For the Line, the arts are a circle, twist, tornado and eventually hurricane. Redirection of energies is part of what we do.

Be it martial or esoteric art, it is the same to us.

It is all a means to and end.

To end our foes.

Yes we are lost children of the sea, war children, people of the fire and storm... we do come in all shapes and sizes but it does all begin with that circle. That perfect circle.

We are harmony and serenity even while engaged in acts of violence. Our obscene patience is the ability not to pull the trigger as a first option.

This is the essence of the THIRD order, MY order, the pivot point of the others.

We are the emissaries and messengers with which deals may be struck. Our words carry weight with the true powers that be.

A kind word from a third order Linewalker can go a long way. Pulling and pushing for you has been an ongoing project of ours since the start...

Naturally we have had some differences.

This was unavoidable.

You are as stubborn and willful as we are, even if you are wrong.

I have spent a long time being wrong, my back turned from you.

For this, I hope you can forgive me.

For the mundanes, I am working on forgiving you.





22:35 Jul 24 2011
Times Read: 833

When the man Jesus received his calling and decided to stop being a carpenter and start kicking some ass, I wonder what was the last thing he was working on ... a table? A chair for some wealthy man? Did he finish the project or just simply head out the door?

Did Peter Steele feel the same fire when he composed the song: These Three Things?

I bet he did... that song strikes deep chords in me.

Then the world moved to kill him.

I imagine he laughs now... that he is free of this place... that there are better gigs elsewhere but I shall always feel that empty hole knowing that his voice is no longer heard here on Earth.

Fuck you cruel world... You never needed to be so brutal. I'll chock 2010 up in the SUCK book.

Better things ahead or so help me I'll strangle and stomp the life out of more fiends.

Yes, in the southwest owning your asses, that was me. What can I say? You pissed me off, incited me to violence and then wonder why I took your heavies from you.

This is known, where I come from, 'asking for it'

Hell, you wanted a fight so I gave you one.

If you want another, I am not hard to find.

If you believe you can withstand me, best to be friends.

Challenge me and I'm liable to simply remove you from the playing field. All things happen in their own time naturally.

I spend a lot of time waiting these days. Waiting and healing. You gave as good as you got. I respect that. The glory is a personal thing... I offer it to a savage God... what use is glory for one such as me?

I live content with small means.

My jewels are the wise eyes of my cats.

My gold the luster of the great sun that warms me.

It is only wisdom that I am greedy for.

The more the better, I drink from deep wells...

This cold sweet water from the source refreshes a torn and weary spirit.

...Mayhap it was a cabinet that Jesus was working on... does it matter? When the line of Gabriel decides to move, it moves and changes everything. When the line of Michael moves, it changes everything as well, but is a bit more direct about it.

There is an honesty here you may not be used to.

I am not apologizing for shit.

So then... deep water.




Now I know

00:21 Jul 23 2011
Times Read: 841

What made the man Jesus do what he did. He could have slipped away into the night, evading everyone... 30 pieces of silver or no.

Time and time again he was offered another road.

Council from the Line...

The order is on the table... they are too much of the beast to be allowed to continue. He saw something I did not. Despite all the pursuits and rock throwing and walking among the filthy, he found the divinity in your essence where we saw only savages.

Somehow, the look in his eye when it came to you was something that even the senior Line were afraid of.

So now I know.

Sorted out the mystery by becoming part of it.

He could never stay away from you... and I had a problem not protecting him.

Eagle and Dove, we are different animals to be sure. He is a mighty dove though. No one can bear the burden of another?

He smashed this rule.

Ripped it into shreds and cast it from a high place.

He made us even alter a few things with our own directives... such is the vision of the gentle one.

We may not always agree.

We don't have to.

Sometimes we enlighten each other as we do look at things very differently.

So a people who can seduce even angels prospers.


Now I know why.





17:38 Jul 22 2011
Times Read: 845

This is a common problem these days. In a world of of wonders I see slack jaws and plodding bodies.. but this is only with those that have shoved their heads into the sands of the mundane.

It is with the youth, these horribly aware young ones I see hope for the future. I also see the potential for an evil that has not been seen since the Great Old Ones had the place enslaved.

Scary bright, but not too smart.

Who is training this talent?

Mom and Dad are obviously not. They are too busy keeping up with appearances.

Evolution is being diagnosed, medicated and swept under the carpet.

There are times when I feel an aching lonliness like that of a cold mountain's fog...

A deep pain from using my heart as a battering ram against walls of simple uncaring.

If there was a way to wake them up to the reality of what is going on that was gentle, I would try it.

They do not respond well to this.

They say: "That's interesting" (Which is American for I don't give a fuck) and shove their heads back up their asses.

It is not 1457 and impaling a few of them as an example is out... so other ways must be found.

So this is humanity?

After thousands of years of messengers and watchmen and sentinels, this is where we arrive?

No wonder I was denied my home and brought to this fucked up place.

The sheep have been breeding a crop of monsters. From suburbia comes a whole new breed of creature, bred for battle but with no real moral compass, no codes to follow...

When the feds took apart the mob, did they think what would rush in to fill the vacuum? With the mob one could walk down the street without having to worry about being shot down by some random asshole on crank.

Better the evil one knows than the one that you do not.

I would value the council of a vampire more than that of a politician or gang leader, both of whom make their living on the sufferings of others.

As corporeal entities on this Earth, we all have a thing or two to learn.

Freedom from persecution encourages this learning.

This is what it means to be American.

Not to play favorites, but to see to it that EVERYONE is warm and fed and safe so that they may pursue happiness.

Anything else is bullshit.

Aquarius shall come for everyone in time. Those being assholes shall be dealt with... I hope in a rather Dexter-like fashion.

With the laws of instant karma in effect and war angels everywhere, it may go more smoothly than I imagined... but things here are never easy.

I hear the lash and sounds of heavy wood dragging and then the pounding of nails... the laughter of brutal men... the weeping of angels and rage of the Line from my own lips.

Why would none help him?

Why was he sold out in the first place?

Why did Lieutenant Michael Murphy and the men of Operation Redwing have to die?

Why did Kennedy have to die?

Why did John Lennon have to be gunned down on the fucking street?

Dogsbody walk-ins and Discordia... you have made a fearsome enemy of the ancients here.

You got a yard of guts thinking that we would be watchers forever... I wonder what these guts will look like fed to our allies.

Can you get up to your old tricks when we FIX you into one body?

Millions have known the wrath of the Line and for what you have done, a state of warfare exists between us.

We shall be seeing you, but I doubt you shall be seeing us.

For the rest of you... LOVE.




There's my lovely bad asses

00:22 Jul 21 2011
Times Read: 852

I know you... I know your souls.

On the eves of many battles we have looked at each other wondering if we would never see each other in this world again.

Now you have your answer.

I see you now with talon and fang and claw armored and armed, the end product of ages of warfare. I see the eyes of the wise, holding staves of power, their eyes serene, holding the wisdoms of the ages.

As the Akashic archives open to hungry minds, be careful not to drink too fast... you'll founder.

Many things are going to be made clear. This isn't the epic battle it was all made out to be... come now. We have the movies for that.

Aquarius is a time for coming together, not launching all out war.

If you are not helping each other then you are a part of the problem. No warnings are issued now.

Terrible things are awaiting the wicked.

That the sheep are hiding these horrific monsters in plain view... well there may be a series of unfortunate accidents.

You my lovelies, strong... and resilient... you have a right to be proud. A right to take shit from no one. A right for a shot at greatness.

I am honored to watch you undertake this next evolution.

You restore my faith.

It was you that tested my will...

It was you that taught me how to control the thing inside me.

I am grateful.

You know that you specials are going to be the pioneers, the first ones across the field so to speak... so be as Ninja... give away nothing.

We are covering you so to speak... and we brought with us heavy support.

Shoulder to shoulder.

Love eternal to each and every one of you. Mind the old codes... they will save you.

We can remind you of them if you like, but you all know what is wrong and what is right.

Be as you are made and the rest shall follow.

Remember always to have fun in whatever you do.

Anything less would be a waste of time and life is made of time... don't waste your given life.





01:11 Jul 20 2011
Times Read: 856

Give or take five centuries what more can be said about this one?

Utter bad ass and non compromising battlelord that shattered the yoke of the Muslim Turks. A man of gigantic faith and passion to be admired for more reasons than I can number here.

These metrosexual jag offs parading around these days are not fit to lick the bile of foes from his boots.

Would death itself be brave enough to lay hands on a soul such as this?

You have to wonder.

You want to see the heart of a true warrior?

Look no further.

This son of Terra, this legend is something to be feared and revered. When his soul was forged, they broke that mold. There is NONE like this one.

There is only one like me.

We are ships passing in the night.

Friendly I hope.

Either or, I am honored to share the same planet.

We need more like him.





01:56 Jul 17 2011
Times Read: 862

A common thing when something new (or not so new) is introduced into the situation. I can appreciate that the way that things have been going on have been going in a certain way for quite some time. There are those of you that may view changes as a threat.

I can understand this perfectly.

I pose you this question... how well has this way of doing things been working for you?

How much talent has been lost to preserve this way of doing things?

May be a time when you are really going to feel the lack of presence on the Line.

There are larger things to consider than merely maintaining a status quo. Sometimes a seige mentallity becomes self defeating... just a thought.

Many are behind the times... things are in violent movement... I hear folks whining about 'Why won't people see?'

Simple. People are not doing their job.

1st law of the Sea... help the other guy. Help them SEE. This is the start of something better.

OR... you can try to maintain something that is not going to hold... is becoming unraveled as you are reading this.

Great talent out there... convinced they are worthless. A shame.

I can be a real bastard if I don't get my way.

I'll send black angels out in all directions to find these lost ones.

Terrify them into embracing life if that is what is needed.

Me and mine... we tried nice. It failed. Too bad too... it could have been so sweet, but no... you had to have it the hard way.

Alright, if that is what you need, then you shall know terror.

Asking nicely for anything here seems to get you ignorned or dismissed. If you keep your hearts in fortresses, we shall bring the battering rams.

You can resist all you like.

Love conquers all and I can goddamn guarantee that you are no exception.

We are all tired of all the bullshit are we not?

The Boss sure as hell is.




torn up

05:06 Jul 16 2011
Times Read: 865

Marked and made to suffer.

nothing new to me my hearties.

I been out there making sure the lines have held... friendly coming in... do NOT shoot at me, it WILL piss me off.





00:25 Jul 15 2011
Times Read: 867

Alright... imagine this... a very large and pissed off tiger that has been greased up with lard.

Alright... now you have to ride it without it dragging you off and eating you.

This is my take on Bipolar 1.

So I ran the fucker through a carwash that sandblasted it with Valproic acid... I further applied a large club to it made out of Cymbalta and Geodon to chill the fucker out. Since he still gets frisky, there is the velvet fist of Clonazepam... this makes him agreeable...

So I feed him something juicy and off we go over hill and dale, the tiger and the man, living in harmony.

Though he does have a temper... this would be the PTSD... sometimes it is best to let him go hunt.

But this is a partnership... As he hunts, I watch for poachers.

It works for us.

The dead white night tiger becomes the Destroyer... I read this in a book somewhere. Makes perfect sense to me.

Hendrix was manic depressive too... what a bad-ass.





00:04 Jul 15 2011
Times Read: 869

Yeah... naked and bloody and screaming we come... same as you.

Then when things start lining up, changing, we start to find each other, breathe the same air... and know HOME is only half the heart away.

Our shoulders touch as they have countless times before. We turn to the gathering darkness and wonder what new thing awaits our dread attention.

Is it friendly?

Is it insane?

Must we move fast or slowly... we figure it out you see... we are so horribly bright and though we may be still, the wheels are turning.

Will you be friends or allies?

We wonder.

You bring such wondrous things to the table. Will we bring things as well?

Would you like to play with us?

Shall we show you some of what we have learned?

Look in my eyes.

You know me. You ALL know me. One way or another there will be reunifications. We are still sad and ashamed... hiding so much pain from you.

Maybe one day you can forgive us as we have forgiven you. It has not all been pleasant this journey we have been on.

Sometimes loves breaks my heart and I just bleed all over the fucking place.

Don't let this go to waste my old friends.

I have missed the train I imagine so I'm walking...

the kindness of this place does not lead to successful hitchhiking.

The secret language of the road is not something I am unfamiliar with. For my friend I met in Flagstaff... I pray you are doing well.

That all you dream of becomes a fond reality.

Also... I owe you one.

I turn from death... and see what is coming.

I never thought it could be like this.






22:21 Jul 14 2011
Times Read: 874

Alright, I'm going down a lot of different paths here and most of them are leading into violence.

We have been in mazes like this before countless times and to this end we carry grapples and very sharp swords that cut through just about anything.

There are things in these labyrinths that have been growing in strength and number for quite sometime.

Now they are either going to know their role or be smote as quite a few have been already.

Stand to be counted then go back about your business.

Ignore us and we shall count you among those to which ill must be eventually be done.

The Maker is unconcerned with light and dark... HE made all as they were meant to serve a purpose.

Do you believe the vampire is no less loved than the evangelist?

Some of you have questioned me naturally.

I expect this.

There are times I question myself.

When the Seraphic Host pulls off another great victory and the sound and feeling of their savage song threatens to drive me straight off the edge of sanity, yes I question.

Part of your job is to CHECK me....

Before I get too damn pissed off and start the dance of destruction as I did last Summer. Though this one was quite necessary... they would challenge what made them and claim authority to that which they had not created themselves?

They were put down as the mad dogs they were and the work continues.

I thought that was the end of my time here and was quite willing to spill it forth and let the desert drink my life.

Gentle yet firm hands restrained me... they still are. You see, where I am from is quite different from the mess this place has become.

I don't mind getting dirty and bloody with you, but the worst kind of filth has been allowed to pile up everywhere.

This is not my problem... unless I am ordered to do something about it. What would you have of us?

We can lead you to springs of sweet water, but will you drink of it?

We can bring hope and friendship but as they say: Will a strange dog bite?

Depends on if the dog wants to continue to draw breath when it comes to this.

I have issued a few warnings... so have a few friends of mine.

Let him who hath understanding realize that you were created of both divine and the monster... that you can go either way.

It is up to you to choose.

Christ or Hiroshima?

We'll see what the scales are looking like come judgement, how many of you have chosen life and how many have chosen death.

This lot I have drawn... this path... it is not an easy life. I chose service a long time ago. I have never turned from this path.

Even in my deepest darkness I have served.

I bear the scars still... the marks... the curse and blessing.

I am not the one to pass the cup... but demand a refill.

You Discordia... good try. You have failed. I remain and what do you have left to call to your aid?

One I buried lovingly into a planter to feed the flowers and the other feeds the fish. Your silly plans have only served to feed what you sought to enslave.

I'll send black angels for you.

You shall hear their songs.

Until you run mad from them... straight into traffic.

For those of you that have borne me up then wrestled me back to the ground, I am eternally grateful... and shall return the favor.




SO a Marine dies...

03:55 Jul 14 2011
Times Read: 878

Another roadside bomb in rocky hell sends another of our best home to glory so there can be Toddlers and Tiaras...

So fat men in cigar smoke plumed rooms can decide who they shall eat...

So a teenage girl can cut herself because her parents do not care.

So we lose another to drugs... and another...

Infrastructure rots because all the wealth has been taken away and hoarded by things not from here.

Somber and rough hands drape a flag over a casket in a place they cannot pronounce.

Damn them for what they have done, turning the faithful on the faithful.

Who cares if a Marine dies?

I got a list... the Archangel Michael is right on the top of it.

I too am on that list.

I just hate that I cannot be there WITH them.

There will come a day when I am loosed at my foe. That day shall come soon if I get my way.

There is nothing holy about the war I look forward to. War has never been holy.

A war of peace...

The biggest headache ever conceived in the history of warfare.

Where's the tylenol?

So... I imagine you have questions.

So do I... there are always questions. How do we proceed with all these parties where no one wants to dance?

All these gigantic heads in small rooms...

I got a few ideas and none of them are pleasant.

You may not like my tactics but they are effective.

Be it proper respect or a violent slap across the chops it's all case by case with me. There are never absolutes.

I'm open to whatever. I did not come here to start a war, that's already been done... and it was you lot that started it.

So the flag draped coffin flies above darkened seas... rest well Lance Corporal, you have served your time in hell. Enjoy Heaven, or Valhalla... or whatever. You earned it.

For those of us still stuck here on this sparrow fart world on the fringe of nowhere, we have a long way to go, lots to do.

I will remember you, Jarhead and I know your familiy will... died a hero, killed by a coward.

I am glaring across the time and space to where the chickenhawks crouch, sending our best into bad places for no good reason. I open the eye of the DESTROYER.

They will not use their reason... perhaps they will be motivated by other means. I wonder how long they can go without dreams... peaceful ones anyway.

So a Marine dies...

this does not go unnoticed.

Cosmic Tears...





01:53 Jul 14 2011
Times Read: 881

Yes... I am one of these. I played Dungeons and Dragons (though we often called it Drunken and Dragons due to the excessive amount of drinking going on) I like Star wars and Star Trek and books about war.

I study anything I come into contact with and am a martial arts junkie. Plumbing the esoteric depths of Ninjutsu and learing how to climb redwood trees and working in restaurants... This was AFTER my tour in the Navy mind you.

So through war, peace and all else, this bizarre hybrid stands before you, dangerous yet friendly.

If you're down on the ground and there is trouble coming in, you cannot find a better friend.




Professional dumbass.

and weirdo... at your service.




thou shalt not suffer a witch to live?

19:14 Jul 12 2011
Times Read: 894

What moron wrote this?

This did not come from the Lord of Mercy I'll tell you that for nothing.

This did not come from MY boss.

Wicca was around a lot longer than this church that has visited atrocity after atrocity on the face of this Earth. Friends of Earth and life and angels before men in funny haircuts and funnier hats plunged the world into darkness and allowed unspeakable shit to happen.

They have even killed messengers.

Hid sacred texts from all and condemned everything that was not in their narrow view.

There will come a time when they shall all be held accountable.

That the church was so anti-God was amazing.

In many ways, they still are.

Time is running out for them. Marching them into hells of their own creation shall be a pleasure for the ancients.

Did these bastards even remember the bit JUDGE NOT, LEST YE BE JUDGED?

They stood over everything like the Ceasars.

Take heart my beloved witches. They shall be held accountable.

They shall persecute nothing when they are being subjected to an inquisition of their own. These robber priests who have corrupted everything...

They are high on the list.

Very high indeed.



22:40 Jul 12 2011

It's actually a poisoner and not a witch. I have researched this and Wiccans are not Witches so shouldn't worry about this anyway. King James came up with this but it isn't the correct translation. People should not bicker about all of this because one should respect each other's viewpoints whether they think it is right or wrong. The Celts weren't around at this time and Wicca is a Saxon word anyway that is being used today to identify a very eclectic group who follow certain ideations inspired by those who practiced what many call witchcraft now because these people have no fear of the word in the 21st Century. The witch hunts are over. Wicca in Saxon is pronounced Witcha by the way but they bear little resemblance I don't believe and neither does Trad Witchcraft because they just don't have any written documents that go back very far other than by observers of other cultures. Some in Europe have traditions that are handed down from a few centuries but that is about it.

Many didn't initially know how to read or write, so everything was oral and most long forgotten or slightly different for a different age. It just was what everyone believed and practiced. There were also the cunning folk who were accepted and had similar practices except they were Christian. Some groups didn't like them but for the most part they were the same except not Pagan as we call it in view. It has gotten sort of blurred over time.

The bottom line is people should respect each other's religious views and let it go at that. You don't have to agree but you also don't have to fight about it.

01:46 Jul 14 2011

without reservation I agree... RESPECT is the core foundation of being good neighbors... that and good fences... However, when the blood of the innocent cries from the ground... when spirits are not resting... it gets me hot.



01:31 Jul 12 2011
Times Read: 898

Are you kidding me?

I had one for a while when I was operating in the southwest this past Summer... kinda of a no choice thing there. I got rid of the thing when I came home. You want to call me?

Call my silly ass at home. When I'm out there in the world it does me a load of good to pay the hell attention at what is going on around me.

I don't need the latest app to show me a pretty flower and the bee that tends it... nor a pretty girl or a dark wizard glaring at me from two cars over on the Freeway.

I am not a damn business man.

I am not needed to answer the phone constantly.

If I wanted to be a secretary, I would have become one. As for taking pictures... I was a Navy photographer and I have a real camera for that.

Besides... but a phone and its obsolete in a week anyway.

I'm still a meat-eating dinosaur as far as some things go. I hold the door for the ladies, and let the boys know when they are getting out of hand.

Not because I'm a peacemaker, but because I'm hoping they want to fight.

Terrible I know.

Cardinal Aries... it's hard on the furniture. My mother is beside herself. All my mothers.



04:16 Jul 12 2011

LOL - I love it!

I only have a cell phone, and I rarely use it. As I need it to keep up with family, friends, and work - if I'm calling in sick or running late - I'm not on the phone much.



23:11 Jul 11 2011
Times Read: 901

Yes, expect these.

Evolution is something that is in constant motion and mankind is no exception, in fact they shall go in leaps and bounds.

You may find that in the old codes and doctrines there is something there for you.

Something to hold on to while your world changes from within. There are many guides and protectors among you already, waiting for your call naturally.

That I spend so much time on this site is not a reach as the specials are going to feel it first. It is painful.

Remember you got friends. Avail yourselves of them. Sometimes going it alone all the time is just plain dangerous.

Also... be wary of those that claim to know the secrets of your soul. Only you and your Maker know these. Be honest with yourself and your Maker.

Anything else is pure bullshit and hazardous to your health.

You WILL get through this.




yah yah

23:54 Jul 10 2011
Times Read: 908

So telling people how it is has been tried.

Subjecting them to flood and razorwinds and destroying angels and asteroid hits... even massive discharges of magikal energy that ripped open gates to the lower planes after they flipped off the messengers.

Who are these messengers anyway to tell us how to go about things? We have been doing this shit this way for thousands of years!

Even thought that things have been fucked up for thousands of years?

How about some improvements?

How about hope where there is none?

That evil men and women can't stand that shit. That they want it to go on as it has, so that they may remain holding the chains around your necks when they themselves are chained.

There comes a time when all these chains shall become brittle, no longer viable, the locks fall away and freedom, that long and unremembered dream is yours again.

This is for the benefit of all mind you.

So telling you how it is to be is a waste of time.

No one gives a rat's ass anyway and I'm perfectly fine with that. Me and my cats are not going to lose any sleep over the amount of people who are chaff to be burned off.

Did you think that another gentle lamb would be sent into the slaughter?

That you be left to founder for two ages was simplicity... if that's how you insist on having it, then that is your choice.

Now, we can try this again... or not.

I'm not going to tell you how it is... but I will let you know if you are full of shit.

I'm trying my hand at gentler things these days, so bear with me. Still... remember that I am still the warrior that waits.

I am waiting for you.





00:43 Jul 10 2011
Times Read: 914

Often this has been your downfall. Be it information, wealth, food, love, whatever... this greed that is inherant in some of the branches of this tree of life have only a certain amount of time before they are pruned and thrown into the fire.

Your squabbling over the limited resources on a single small world have led to the most horrific cruelty.

Yes, part of your make-up does have some pretty heavy avarice in it. This did not come from us. We share everything.

Not that our histories are unblemished mind you. We were all here at one time or another, being tested.

Some pass some fail. Just the nature of the beast I imagine. I have watched pillars of virtue fall on their faces when tested with greed or lust or sloth or any of the others.

I imagine lust is one of my favorites.

Women... ahr... I love em.

Sweet love and sweat and salt and rich exchange of heart energies...

did I just say that out loud?

Anyway... it is best to share.




The Night Legions

03:03 Jul 08 2011
Times Read: 918

I have left well enough alone for the most part... I had my own things going on. A hardening process, a time of learning and of anguish so until now I really have had no business with the tribes of the moon.

I understand discretion is the better part of doing what you want with who you want when you want.

There comes a time every once in a while when an accounting is called for.

When the watchers crack open those books and read forth what is there. Great angels stand over these kinds of things as they do.

Believing is seeing.

How it works.

How long has the suffering has gone on?

Those who are fated for ill shit shall be sorted...

They are so very precise these mighty things.

Hear the sound of the cricket bows.





21:54 Jul 07 2011
Times Read: 922

There are a great many wonderous things to eat here. From the oyster to the hot wing to the lovely rare steak...

For me there is also another thing I like to eat. Negative energy clinging to a person's aura. I just rip it right off without thinking about it... then they start to feel better as their own healing energies begin to do their thing, having been freed up from a defensive stance.

I convert this nasty energy into something else. Gives me a bit of a kick, especially when around large groups. Sometimes it can be overwhelming and I got to release a bit of it straight at the heart of the planet...

This is a good thing as I have already converted crap into fertilizer. Sometimes I will do this... watch the flowers smile...

Does this make me a vampire of some kind?

A catalysting Linewalker is not a vampire. We take, amplify, give back. We do this simply because it makes us feel good.

Running that kind of power though... it takes stalwart control and discipline. Hurling a surge of power and hitting a faultline... or at a single person often can be dangerous.

So we watch our step. We did not come here to start a war. We know how crazy humanity can be. We learned long ago that we could never beat you, only kill you... and what's the fun in that?

When you feel threatend you do the most stupid things. This is why we often leave the warnings to the Messengers.

Not our thing.

We solve problems. Sometimes the problems begin and end with one person being an asshole.

Our response to this is pretty clear cut.

Sometimes all we need do is point.

Since I am no longer a mere operator, a glare from me tends to attract all the right attention.

Just how it is. I was happy where I was but the powers that be were not taking no for an answer any longer.

It comes with it a mingled joy and sadness as decisions are to be made in the coming days. This makes me no less of a servant than I have always been... just the nature of my persona.

Lead a LEGION or mow the lawn, I'm content with either. Aquarius is gentling even me down after aeons of warfare among you.

Make sure not to mistake this for weakness. I am still apt to go into SMITE mode if aroused. I am learning gentleness again... coming back into a place where I can afford to be merciful.

That salvaging is beter than destruction.

Be warned though... with the new age there comes new rules.

We are taking no shit from short-timers. Harsh lessons from the ancients await any that would raise their hand against us in anger.

We do not fight fire with fire. We like to use water... or high explosive... or foam... either way... the shit gets put out.

We do not like it when you burn.

You are more interesting alive and happy.

Lead us not into contention. Fear not your protectors. Know your allies. Know thy foes.



01:57 Jul 08 2011

Mmmmm rare steak and negative energy yum ;)



18:33 Jul 07 2011
Times Read: 928

Yes, these do apply here.

One way by day, another by night.

There are also exceptions to all rules... and in love and war, there are no rules.

In war there are only objectives, in love there is only what the heart wants.

When Crowley stated that Love is the Law, he made sure to add LOVE UNDER WILL. The nature of love is savage and will stop at nothing to feed itself to it too must be regulated.

The will must be a powerful thing lest you become yet another victim before it. I am operating on high grade God-love most of the time so above the other kinds for the most part.

I am still a man and yes a beautiful woman can turn my head from time to time but not impede me in the course of my duty.

My little head does not make decisions for me.

It does not diminish my appreciation for the fairer sex for they themselves are creators in addition to being warriors or whatever the hell else they want to be.

I have always thought that the way things have been done on Earth is kind of backward as the girls have always had plenty to contribute and they were not always prone to be a slave to their hormones as were men.

They are, by design, team oriented, something that has to be trained into men. A huge part of the talent pool on Terra has been neglected.

Should they be our new leaders?


Leadership means being stand alone. Councils are rarely capable of action if there are more than three members.

Most times, when I look at another person, I look past the flesh and see what is really there. I see a lot of wasted talent.

I see fine warriors working at the IN and Out burger... I see clerks that wish they were in the Sand Box shooting Taliban scum.

Finding that niche is the hard part... that place where you fit. Here you shall find your own dominion.





00:44 Jul 06 2011
Times Read: 937

As opposed to the last one while my Grandfather lay fading... in that desert.

There was wonder there.

There was a passage of a great soul. I shall miss this gentle artist from Chihuahua in ways that are hard to describe. Everything stops when the old man fails.

He has gone on and I remain, true to his legacies... to the legacies of that which is true, which withstands all depredations of the harriers, that which avenges its own in time, that watches the new as they find their way in a dangerous world.

I don't need saving.

I am the thing that grins madness in the realms of Satori... reaching out with malevolent intent to claw at the hearts of the ignorant.

I do this for the future... the past, the present.

Would this dogmeat challenge the DESTROYER?

Would it challenge me?

That which keeps it calm and at peace within the beauty of the other divinities?

That which serves the Throne as no other?

That which hears the CALL with clarity and virtue?

They have tried to tempt me to violence before.

Only my response was to take their beast from them... and then their dragon... and then even the subversions of high lieutenants... before it was called a day and we all had to stand down.

Even we bowed deeply before that which made us and looked with awe and love into the eyes of that which made us, those smiling eyes.

I have the ultimate reward already.

To spend eternity again serving my Lord, I gladly go. To be cut off from grace if He so commanded, I will suffer...

To die, to live, it is HIS show. I just work here.

HE showed me faith again... in my fellow man.

I thought I had lost this forever. Just in time too...

Tick-tock, Tick-tock...

Show me what else you got... the incursions in the dreamlands are interesting. Your ritual magiks are but chaff in the path of a tornado.

Best to make nice with us while you still can for there will come a time when we are no longer accepting audiences.

This takes courage I know.

I will rip the negative crap from your aura and eat it....and watch you heal. Remember we are here for you, not the other way around.

We've been through what you are headed into and know how crazy it gets.

If we are to midwife you into your new age, we need all the help we can get.

All tribes are respected and loved in my eyes.

What I hunt is not that which can cry. Remember this.

I too am haunted by humanity.





23:21 Jul 02 2011
Times Read: 942

We treat the sheep one way. Bored contempt I guess you could call it.

We treat each other another way.

Most would be astounded the horrible things we say to each other, the brutal honesty we engage in on a regular basis.

We do not coddle each other. Since often we cross all kinds of lines with each other, things are out in the open.

Human beings do not do this and this gets them into trouble.





22:24 Jul 01 2011
Times Read: 947

The five element theory is at the heart of Ninjustu or Ninpo as it is also known. It is not all sabotage, espionage and assassination as the Samurai would have you believe.

Besides, the samurai as a class are long dead and the Ninja are GLOBAL. Take a look around sometime. There might be a Bujinkan dojo (divine warrior training hall) near you.


Arranged on a pentragram with ultimate self in the middle.

The Void is the GOD concept, from which comes all things and to which they all return. The connection between the self and this void is invincible. It can get tied in knots though.... or covered with bullshit, but it is always there.

To seek GOD, you must be free. To seek God is to turn the search INWARD.

It's some wild stuff... get ahold of the writings of Master Ashida Kim or An-shu Stephen K. Hayes... both are great guides. Then there is Hatsumi-sensei, grandmaster of all 9 traditions, 34th in an unbroken line. If Yoda lived on Earth, it would be him. He can be found in Noda city Japan.

Now Ninpo is a legacy of protecting those that cannot protect themselves.

A true warrior respects peace and is motivated by love. Not all can be helpless sheep in the world we live in. If I had my way, you would all be warriors.

All strong, all bad asses (Like me)...

All free spirited and unafraid to express themselves.

This is my dream for you. Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve... you were meant to help each other. So get to work. Have fun. Get dirty. I'll see you there.





01:14 Jul 01 2011
Times Read: 907

This is what we want for you.

Really, no bullshit. We know what you like, what you dream of. Some of you want the Gardens with the free flowing streams and everything you want handed to you, some want great dominions of vast night legions and grand wars.

Some of you want the helm of a ship to go where you will.

Some of you want to be left alone.

What you NEED is what we are aiming at, not what you want. We have given you all you wanted and it turned out that wasn't what you wanted at all.

Some of you love the gentle things, some of you are dyed in the wool warriors... MY PEOPLE.

As long as everyone does their job.

Some folks have a vision of paradise that is a simple restaurant where they blow the taste buds off people every night, some love the endless library and all the wisdom it contains.

Some want wings and to be part of Heaven's army, or Hell's army...

There are so many of you just stagnating in your isolation.

You may suspect that you are not alone, that there is a world below and between the worlds where things are different.

There are wastelands created by those just like you. There are paradises created by those just like you.

Silly people... you are not alone in all this.

Verily there would come a time when there would be a return of the WHITE, the civilizing forces that make harmonious progress possible.

Just as the Night gives way to Dawn so comes this shining new future.

For all peoples of all kinds.

One way in the day, another in the night.

Where respect is enforced by ancient guardians who are neither of the light or dark.

Of course, there is the period of transitions and I am not going to blow sunshine up your ass. It is not going to be easy.

The religious right and other extremist groups are going to make things interesting.

My council is to take no shit. Stand firm. Do not give in to bullies. Be as Ninja.

They persecute in the day with thier swagger, return in the silence of the blessed night and show them terror. Call your guardians... they await for you to call them into action.

Each one of you is capable of great things. If any tells you otherwise, they are a liar. Lies are actionable now as well... remember what I said about instant karma?

Protect the young, teach them... they are willful as they have been shown no boundaries. Rocks and Shoals just like it was in the old days before they turned the Navy into yet another business.

Never before have you been in an age of such plenty and learning and damn fun.

Should I warn doom?

Why bother... you want doom, just turn on the News. My sweet Terrans, how long we have waited for you to become what you are now.

As we let the hunters skin alive those who have abducted and hurt you, we smile.

We have returned, and the hell that follows with us is very precise and selective.

My reward for all this is simply home... until then, I remain yours.



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