yuppafubara's Journal


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31 entries this month

Like is or not

19:31 Dec 30 2010
Times Read: 863

I am not afraid to use the damn 'L' word.

For every scurvy Stoloi, Lycan, Wicca, misunderstood freak out there I can honestly and without reservation cry my love to the vault of Heaven for you.

For my beloved Line that slumbers among you, I am coming for you... we have work. We Commanders are AGENTS... and we believe HARD. Death is a standing a joke (an inside joke if you will) and time is but an exercise in patience.

We shall not stop until this Love is shared by all and expansions are a reality... for us ALL! Existing dominions to be respected and strengthened. .

New ones created and absorbed into the totality of these our new alliances. The mana is rich, the great burning over at long last... we shall be glorious... ALL OF US.

All you need is LOVE... the rest comes easily.





23:21 Dec 28 2010
Times Read: 870

Obviously I am not making my point...





02:38 Dec 27 2010
Times Read: 877

Our God concept is elemental in nature. Similar to the Japanese concept of the Gogyu Setsu... however, where we come from they actually MANIFEST... Fire Earth Wind Water and Void from which comes all things.

Our way is harmony, our prayers song and our spirits free.

We are a warrior people and not at all shy about it. Linewalkers are the elite of this empire... I write our histories... our doctrines... sing our songs and hunt our foes HERE.

I am bound by covenants that were old before this place was new but I'm not going to be forthcoming about what they are unless I get me an emmisary.

Wanna tempt fate?

Have tea with me sometime har har!



02:42 Dec 27 2010

I would have tea with you.But not to tempt fate.



02:09 Dec 27 2010
Times Read: 881

What a concept... what is real here and what is not? How does one explain the eternal way?

My typical approach is to seize the slack jawed initiate and drag them into their own personal hell for as long as it takes for them to get their heads out of their asses while my Line brother beats them about the head and shoulders with a stick...

You people are made of sterner stuff than you would believe.

That is you downfall.

You do not believe and in the eternal way, believing is SEEING... not the other way around...this is the border from REACTING to ACTING... the place where monkeys become men and women worthy of gifts of divine nature.

Most of you mothefuckers prefer to keep your heads firmly up your asses to enjoy the smell of your own farts... this is no longer a folly that will be tolerated. The BOSS is watching on this one. Those that are puffed up with pride shall be marched straight into a hell of their own creation, making my damn job all the harder as I can do nothing for you at that point.

These words shall scald you.

The TRUTH shall anger you... it will enflame your lazy monkey asses to ACTION... you want a target? Here I am. I've been waiting ages for you to get it together.

Some of you respect the great books, but ALL of you respect the sword.

To my beloved on this site... you know who you are, this is not aimed at you... but rather the teeming masses of ignorant monkeys that hump splintery holes in trees while throwing shit at each other.

I am friend to all friendly...

To the hostile, I am pilot error, fetal distress, and the eye in your cook fires... I am that which comes out of the dark and opens you up with bright metals and cruel barbs. I am the THING that will not allow you to die and offend the keepers of the majestic hells.

Would you know how awfull goodness really is? Would you turn from what made you for empty promises from things that have not the courage to show you their faces?

How easily fooled are the hairless apes.

The Wolf, Bat and Dragon have a special place in my heart for they know to share... they know manners.

The monkey is trapped by its greed.

The monkey is loud and dangerous.

I know you monkeys. You were made from the most horrible things we could find and infused with a divine soul. Then we stood back and watched to see what would triumph... the everlasting or the shit from which you were fashioned...

At first you stumbled and fell.

The more we hurt you the tougher you got... the more like US you got... still... you were defeated by the SEVEN SINS...

As you have evolved, so have we to counter your machinations. When the BOSS had it with you WE stepped in and redeemed you with our most precious blood.

So tell me my delightful children of the beast? What new diversion do you have for us? Your passion for life approaches our own. Your songs are as resonant as ours.

Shall we join forces against that which wants to rule here again and have glorious battles? A common enemy brings out the best in you but you have to learn to get your heads out of your asses and hands from around each other's throats.

All is connected here. There are no fucking accidents here. All commandments boil down to ONE...

Thou shalt not STEAL.

A life, a wife, etc...

Thought is thought... action is action. We are the buffer between you and the divine. If GOD has a problem with your candy-asses, we manage the sit-down.

If GOD needs a victim, we go happily as HOME is our reward. If it is a war you need to realize your own worth, as you ARE a great race, then I will arrange one for you.

We are not angels or demons... we are the LINE... forgotten by most as we have pulled away from you after the incident with the cross on the hill. We did however put you through Hell for what you did... incited you to ever greater atrocities and abominations... dying noisily among you, breeding our ranks among you too the point where we are EVERYWHERE now.

So tell me monkeys... are you ready to be the great race HE knows you to be...? HE still has faith in you. Pray HE doesn't lose it.

Would you break the heart of the Archangel Michael? Would you motivate Gabriel to sound his dread horn? Would you make Uriel leave his post in the Underworld and let the dead have you?

Would you break MY heart?


I am not of you but I am for you.

Fuck the divinities.

I believe in you.

I give a shit.

I shall continue to sweat, bleed, fight, kill and die for and with you for as long as it takes. I'm feeling Froggy...

There are reasons for this...

It was our hands that gathered the shattered remains of slain monsters to create you that were provided by the Boss, betting against long odds you would rise above.

When I am among you, I see the light of the divine in your eyes... the kindness and the toughness you need to live amongst the stars that await you.

There are lessons of course... for me, for you.

We will be hurt, we WILL be tested, but in the end after all the smoke clears and the fat lady is singing 'Turbo Lover' from Judas fucking Priest, WE SHALL STAND.

Be true assholes and I shall do the same because I'm the biggest asshole of them all.

Should you not believe me, I'm not hard to find.

You are all my children as I am the FIRST. Because of this fact I love you all. Come as you are as you are each unique and very fucking SPECIAL.

I have no more pride in the face of my father. I have no trident... it is broken and abandonned. The man from the class of 29 is no more. Only I remain... and I do love you.... and I do believe... I believe HARD.

No lies, no angels, no heaven... only us for the time being so let's get on with it.

Prepare for war me hearties.




Show me Teeth

01:16 Dec 27 2010
Times Read: 884

And I will show the fucking pliers. Jabronies are not knowing their role... Some might get their silly little tatoos removed with a cheese slicer if they aren't careful. The Republican Guard feared the wrath of those like me and we have done more horrible things in the defense of this country to take no shit from the mosquitoes...

Your freedoms are bought with our blood, our skills... our sacred Line. Most are mere ants in the afterbirth of a great AGE... Shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down and enjoy the damn ride.

We are the dreamers of the dreams and WE are the drivers of the wheel.

I cannot afford the luxury of being misunderstood by the unenlightened. Watchmen, Destroyers and Sentinels do not hear the buzzing of the insects that know only death.

Tempt me... please.

They wait for my requests...




Dark Angels...

02:02 Dec 25 2010
Times Read: 894

Verily the Maker is oft forgiving and KNOWS ALL that you have done... Pride is pride... home awaits along with new things, new songs to sing and better missions... the great wheel turns for us all once more.

No one is out of reach.

No one is lost.

All serve in their own way.

How you reacted was RIGHT.




Lovely Death

00:50 Dec 25 2010
Times Read: 896

When I leave this sparrow fart world, what will you think of me you who never knew my heart?

Those of you who were strangled with pride or any of the other seven deadly ones... those who were chained together so you could not fly... those who would sink rather than swim... your tears too many to count...

Who would be the one to sort through the endless writings I have poured from my warrior's soul these past 40 years? Would you wonder at the Lethal Linewalkers among you now?

When they awake at my passage shall you know our wrath at what you have done to this world.

No enemy has ever withstood our might.

Leviathian stirs at our song... We sing and yearn... for you to join us.

Ever closer to my heart you come.

I am a beacon, a lighthouse in the dark, keeping you from grinding your ships into splinters on the reefs of your own folly.

In time you shall be as we are... and have your own brat races to teach... but until then, you are lost but very close to being found.

I see two great trinities... Stoloi, Lycan and Wicca on one end and Christians, Jews and Moslems on the other... and a SEVENTH that will unite them all as one planetary entity... a sovereign entity gazing at seas of stars.

Your reach is ever expanding.

Your grasp is as it should be now.

Unlike Atlantis your pride has not turned lethal... there is strong faith among you and the Maker smiles and sends HIS Angels among you.

Now do you know why you were made to suffer? Now do you see the wisdom of the pain?

It was to make you question, MAKE you explore, fill you with wonder... that wonder is your best quality... your desire to know more...

Come race of Arra, come and drink from our fount... learn from us as we have learned from you.

I would share your burdens, your pain as I always have. Wings are for chickens...




Love or Wings?

21:56 Dec 24 2010
Times Read: 898

You can have wings or you can have love...

I have without a damn exception had no use for wings when love is a much grander thing... to be filthy and bloody among you has always been my greatest joy, to earn a valiant death, a pile of years of mayhem against the foes of life... my greatest prize.

However... this time it is different.

Into my hands has been delivered the Agency of the Five Points as never before. Here there is Magik. We are all one now. One race, one mission.

There are outsiders that would like to join in...

I think it will be alot of fun. All are welcome... all may be heard and understood... and forgiven... Feel the power of the darklight... of the GREY... in the dark we are all grey.

There are stubborn hold-outs of course.

Flee to the throne or face anihilation.

Better things await.

The Boss is oft forgiving and knows ALL.

Blessed Be.





21:11 Dec 24 2010
Times Read: 901

HA! try 500th... Christmas is hard for me as it is the preamble for a great journey for my brother that ended badly...

I know it was a necessary evil but I did not have to like it. Were they worth it I ask? Then I see Marines gathering toys for the poor and smile...

They were...

For the Green Man and myself, the eagle and the dove... we have never left for long... always with you... always picking you up.

He still fears you you know...

But not with me around...

I should go south and see him again. I do love my brother... and so do many of you. The faces change but the words are always the same... Merry Christmas to you all, especially for my lovely tribes of the moon... we love you more than the mindless sheep who do not share their toys. You are not different or evil... you are BLESSED.

I should know this as I am one of you.

My love, my hopes, and I hope to see you in my dreams if not in my reality.




And Verily

02:26 Dec 23 2010
Times Read: 905

Off they sailed past the broken corpses of the beasts of the secret war, their sails tattered but sound, the mighty oars shipped for the moment, the scurvy crew licking their wounds and shining the cannon... time for a short rest on peaceful welcoming shores but the Captain is wary.

There are uncharted waters ahead, treacherous reefs and God know what else on their way to their final prize in the future.

The skipper looks with swelling pride and love for his crew, an odd mix of the rightous and damned alike, talented all. He has pulled some of them from monestaries, some from their own personal hells.

A smile crosses his unshaven face as he taps the sword at his side. Will they mutiny?

Most likely...

Will they triumph?


He makes a mental note to take on more rum and ringer's solution. . . and dancing girls... and more diversions.

He casts a wink at the clouds where he know where his true home lies...

"Orders, Cap'n?" Askes the small Indian girl with the yellow and black embossed armor.

He sees the Kali in her cheery eyes... as the Shiva in his answers in kind.

"For now we rest... sharpen what was dulled, refill what was drained and love what cries... make for port."

"Aye-aye, Sir," she says pertly, rendering the one-fingered salute.

Once more the Captain of this ship knows love.

He spies Leviathian off his port bow and tips his hat.

He spins the wheel to follow the great one to their next port. Such is the harmony of Corinar, such are the allies of this brat race humanity. Such is hope in the face of unwieldly odds.

The hammered steel of the warship's prow cleaves through the waves, heading for their next event.




chicken sounds

23:20 Dec 22 2010
Times Read: 907

Is all I hear... cluck cluck cluck... Gabriel shows me his horn with a raised eyebrow... I shake my head. We shall roast no swine before their time.

However... it IS open season on low men and the Hidden. The wings brush the great houses and they shall know terror. They are passed by in their idle nights as things are moving now in earnest.

The fingers of the ancient touch the hearts of the chosen... Fear not... you are that you are for a reason... a great purpose that will be revealed in the fullness of time or faster if courage is finally found.

I am waiting.





20:53 Dec 20 2010
Times Read: 912

Please stop fighting... you are making it all the more easy for the Old Ones to get past the gates with all the violence.

You really want a war of this nature?




If you don't do the WORK

20:48 Dec 20 2010
Times Read: 913

You will not pass the course... UNIT INTEGRITY is the course... all tribes, all peoples as a planetary entity are being examined. We can be ANYONE so best be kind to all you encounter.

Be cruel as you must but remember, we are watching. THEY are watching. All eyes are on Terra now.





03:33 Dec 11 2010
Times Read: 921

on my beloved Russian River... and the pain has not stopped. It grows... I cannot eat enough... they itch and burn and drive me to distraction.

I regret nothing. I shall not stop... cannot stop.





Damn... it is blessed and cursed and horrific and lovely.

My eyes see at long last

I have been so stoooopid... so racist... forgive me.





16:54 Dec 10 2010
Times Read: 923

Don't ever stop... your honesty is what keeps me sane in this insane world. Be the blessed THINGS you are and I shall shower you with blessings. You are all so special here I blush to my bones. From Seras to Lycans to Stoloi to the plain outcast you are the Maker's favorites!

The sheep will never know this kind of love, this kind of CLARITY. How I am in love with the children of the night. Your sorrow will end.




Serene PAIN

16:47 Dec 10 2010
Times Read: 924

There is ground glass in between my shoulder blades... I am peaceful but man it HURTS... when will this boolsheet end? Someone please send me a little brown woman to jump on my back!





07:02 Dec 10 2010
Times Read: 930

The global nature of this threat is not to be underestimated. Imagine what the world would look like with EVERYONE on the street and they all want to eat you and everyone that falls becomes one of their Legion... Where this comes from? Does it matter?

We all serve in our own way of course, each according to their own gifts and their own talents.

Wake up now and spare yourselves a lot of grief later on. 2012 is looking to be a smoker at the way things are going these days.

Trials by floods and natural disasters have been but mere tickling compared to a Grey plague. When the Almighty loses faith in mankind...

He sends the likes of me to sort em out. To see... to report, to know and learn just what is behind this latest madness. It is all fun and games for a brat race. For me it is another day on the ranch with all the fun that comes with it.

To serve the divine is the best gift ever. . .

To know Hell and Heaven is ecstacy on a level that few understand. Only loud noises from small minds. The wise make no comment.

Despite all resistance there comes more... more of the Line all around. Destroyers move among you doing their thing, we move among you doing our thing, moving in similar patterns as our interests are the same. An end to the wars and ascension of a great race.

Hear me ARRA, race of man and all its sub branches... THINGS are coming and they are not all friendly. So now we are in Aquarius and there is still resistance to our songs... our invitations.

One by one all those who resist shall be turned or destroyed. There is a better way. You want to be confined on this world forever?

Is this world enough?

The places of your origins await of course. The heritage that calls to your blood is RIGHT HERE.

Science will only take you so far.

There is a leap you must take. Faith is what will get you there. In what you may ask?

In whatever works for you. Once size does not fit all. My faith is everything to me as without it I am but a ravening slayer. This blessed melding of discipline, wisdom and faith is the essence of the LINE and ANCIENT in origin.

I am awake/aware and shall not stop until end of days is averted or happens. Either way, I'm sure we will have a lot of fun.

To prepare for a zombie war, well... that is a whole affair isn't it? Panic and fear are your greatest enemies. Disbelief is paralysis. To all the freaks out there, you are not. You are the Blessed and keeping the company of your own is advised.

Shall the cruelty of the supposed 'normal' people go unanswered? Unchallenged?

Now who are the monsters here?

We Linewalkers have always known the truth. Seeking out the dark forces and joining their hellish crusade has been a passion of ours since they stuck one of us on a cross to die as a common criminal. We have formed bonds with you as even the damned love and they are HONEST. A killer will not mince words nor shine you on.

Our alliances run deep and we do not forget our covenants to you. The Maker can be a cruel and vengeful deity so we place ourselves in harm's way, taking the hit FOR you.

So now you are redeemed my lovely sinners, always have been. LIVE... LOVE...INVENT... DREAM...

I too long for HOME but I am here for the duration. I am not wasting this life anymore. This is Aquarius and the healing time. No more unmitigated warfare against my foe... there are new foes to consider.

So how about it great houses?

You get no more messengers. You get DESTROYERS. We are more than mere watchers this time around but fully aware Linewalkers granted all the memories and powers of our LINE.

You can be like us very easily... you are that DAMN GOOD... some already are. Some REMEMBER but have yet to really GET IT.

We can show you our ways if you like and with me I'm free and easy like the song.

There are some that believe they know me. There are also some that believe that I am here to harm... they are all wrong. I am SEVEN and six others shall curse me in their vanity. They stand in the way of love and they shall be SMOKED. All this crap has been written.

Some rules are meant to be broken when they become dangerous. Sometimes the institution becomes a madhouse. Sometimes insanity becomes more common than common sense.

It is that way here.

The Seraphim are sorting this as is their way. Best to stay out of the way of their affairs. If there is imbalance as we hit the deadline then the NECRON shall be released upon the face of this earth. There shall be a reckoning... and of course we shall be there... as we have since the beginning.




Home again

05:51 Dec 10 2010
Times Read: 932

Packing... what to take... what will piss off the airport guys the most... damn Tangoes have made it a pain for us all. I have read the Quar'an and there was nothing in there about blowing up people.




So Obvious

15:55 Dec 08 2010
Times Read: 941

Doo-da, Doo-da... these preternatural beings of Terran origin are still dilutions of the source though through hybridization, some pretty awesome results have been achieved. Of course, like the heavy guns of old, Pride has been a stumbling block.

Shall we go from the 'have-nots' to the 'are-nots'?

Is this your next step towards your march to self destruction? In my progress, my EGO got in my way so I had to get rid of it and replace it with something else. This was a VERY long time agone in a place where the moon sometimes bled. There are some out there that think they know me... they do not.

It is only through vibration and intent that you will know me. The book is no longer enough. The sword is called for.

THEY are very angry.

And in essence, I grow cold with precision.





18:10 Dec 07 2010
Times Read: 946

I see you very well... to you goes my greatest love. The pain was WORTH IT. It made you the BEST of the BEST. Integration shall go well if you wish it. You shall know your own sovereignty and a place amongst the great powers here... though the old boys running the show are not that great.

My LINE shall see to it that things go smoothly... well as smoothly as they can.

Can you picture this?

At night I am yours... By day I am theirs... though methinks my heart is yours all the time. Your cruelty is wise and honest. My respect and service to you. Lycan, Stoloi, Wicca... ALL OF YOU.

Holy Trinities just as there are THREE of theirs, Christianity, Islam and Jewish...

I am the sword that shall cleave the veil to people may at long last SEE. You have been redeemed in our most precious blood already. REALIZE IT. Get on with it. Take me away with you. I shall show you wonders. . . and horrors...

I am ready now.

My hatred is now love.

My brutality is now gentle.

I have you all to thank for this.

And I repay my debts... in SPADES.

I remember my Covenants to you. You will know me at a glance. You will feel me as I feel you. I shall show you a love of divine origin. I shall make you remember your worth. We shall howl our love from the holy mountain...





18:00 Dec 07 2010
Times Read: 948

Ah... my favorite. Never thought this one should be a sin at all. In the Book Of THOTH this is actually STRENGTH so chew on that me hearties!



17:36 Dec 08 2010

I chew heartily on my lust :)



00:28 Dec 06 2010
Times Read: 954

I hate it when they fight even if it is called for... my lovely Seraphim... it injures my heart which is already in tatters. I hope you get it all sorted out and soon.





21:31 Dec 04 2010
Times Read: 961

thanks to the sea...



22:16 Dec 04 2010

And the sea thanks you too,I am sure of it.:)


My White Horse

02:34 Dec 04 2010
Times Read: 970

Awaits... I wait. And all hell shall follow with me. The longer I hold, the longer you know peace. I am a loveless creature... I DO want to know this love. I want to be wanted in MY OWN TIME.

Shiva looks to the EAST, awaiting the call. I come out of Zion soon. I visit Pele first... then I gather my core and your new age will take off like an Iggy Pop song.

I shall show you a new way to HARMONY.

All my beloved tribes as one we shall ride the magical mystery tour.





02:29 Dec 04 2010
Times Read: 971

TITLES? They make you resort to WRATH and PRIDE... silly folks...



22:15 Dec 04 2010

Haha..ANYONE can buy a title.

00:51 Dec 07 2010

I note you forgot the sin of lust. Thank goodness! I KNEW it wasn't a real sin!



02:28 Dec 04 2010
Times Read: 972

First rule of zombieland... cardio...





02:24 Dec 04 2010
Times Read: 973

keeps you at rest and not in motion... and again... my STARS await.





02:22 Dec 04 2010
Times Read: 974

exterminates you in vast numbers, breaks your baronies and leaves you ripe for conquest. The veil is off... YOU are wide open.





02:22 Dec 04 2010
Times Read: 975

Keeps you from the stars... from BEING stars. Love the money and it is all you will get.





02:21 Dec 04 2010
Times Read: 976

Keeps you from the STARS where awaits great new things and old memories... firstly, a foul boon of MAN that blasts them back to the stone age on a regular basis.





18:48 Dec 03 2010
Times Read: 980

Lovely town... so many special people. The thing with the VA went well and it looks like I'll be getting my fix (wisdom junkie) and the resources to chase degrees and other excursions. The things that matter cost money and hard effort... to this end, the government shall pay. I am having a lot of fun now as Satori and serenity are finally working together.

One more thing... NEVER tell a Messenger/Destroyer to back off unless you are prepared to DO something about it. We are not impressed by threats but love reason and new friends.

We also EXIST for war and love it above all things and death is to us a standing joke... an INSIDE joke.

We are a mirror... what you show us is what you get in return. Smile or snarl, it is ALL in YOUR hands.

You make me blush to my bones how you will not stop killing yourselves to live.

There is a better way. I can show you.



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