Just got back from Southern California. Had to visit my brother. Getting a drawing to the east and moving house from the Russian river.
Archangel Michael is that way... my trinity is that way.
North Carolina...
Coming back from southern Cali I have to say... it is bad.
There are cases of typhus and bubonic plague breaking out and the powers that be care nothing.... in other words agenda 21 in full swing. Heavy cabal activity unopposed.
Will the destroyers do something with the green light that the Throne granted at the start of this cycle?
When I dreamed of Shiva drinking the poison what was this?
Divinity was something I stepped away from when I learned all I could know with that vibration.
Abashed the devil stood and knew how awful goodness is.
Light be it it dark or radiant is the same.
Time is strange now... going 5D I suppose.
Me and mine are here in a sort of referee role. More than ever in our history.
Love is... inclusion.
Love conquers all.
What we have here is a few rotten apples in the basket.
First above board contact with the Pleidians in Barcelona. Everyone is waking up. Feeling that old power.
I was booted out of the outer darkness and not allowed to go back in for extended stays... Uriel is quite clear on that issue.
No more wallowing and get the fuck back on mission.
Ascension protocols.
Expect a Corinaran attitude out of me. Emotional... shit is turned up.
Some may get offended or over powered. I will get into you... such is Heyoka empathy. Part of the skillset.
Line is benevolent now.
Before we would level cities while on the job.
Massive downloads from the sixth dimension... expect a bit of crazy.
Ashtar group is spacing it out... integration is still very fast.
You will be finding your soul family.
Next step on the journey.
Yes... you all have souls... your heart is its home.
And these are all BELOVED.
Not because some book said so... living Linewalkers (originals) will tell you the same thing.
Have massive amounts of fun please. Raise the vibrations... tune up the band.