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22:06 Apr 27 2013
Times Read: 713

Did you know that fear and excitement are basically the same emotion? Same energy and chemical signature. However fear creates stress while excitement creates endorphins. It is a matter of perception of course how one reacts to this emotion. If one takes the RE out of ACT and acts instead of reacts, this is the key to turning fear to bravery. Heroes of course feel fear, they just keep thinking and... don't let it take contol of their actions. Fear leads to all kinds of regrettable actions. This is why ruling parties here on Earth use fear as a motivator. It is a potent thing and it spreads like wildfire. Unless a group has a strong leader to persuade the people not to fear, great number of people will go along with all kinds of extreme measures to ease their fear. So far the people have traded away most of their basic freedoms because of fear. The Patriot Act was passed because of fear and so was the national defense act. In between the two the government can put the arm on anyone at anytime and be perfectly legal. Sounds familiar does it not? Nazi Germany never broke any laws because they had passed some pretty draconian policy. That this kind of elitism has been allowed to grow here in America tells me that something is really wrong. That those that are fighting the good fight could use some help. Those that are reading these words, there is still hope. There is strength in numbers and those that strike from the shadows fear the light and will retreat before it. Afterall, they have pushed you into a corner and where else can you go? It's not like you can flee to the new world to get away from persecution. You are going to have to stand and deliver... there is nowhere else to go.





20:48 Apr 26 2013
Times Read: 722

People new cease to amaze me. Sometimes they exhibit the height of intellligence while they got a big booger hanging out of their nose.

When I was in the military I was on a base where they trained the nuclear power guys. It took them a year to get through that school and it made them as smart as hell as far as the gear went but they had the common sense of a 13 year old. They were E-4s coming out of that school, something we called a push button rating. So what you got in a shop like that is a bunch of 3rd class petty officers being run by one second class. My rating you had to earn your way forward. By the time we reached E-4 we knew what the hell we were doing and could find our ass without a flashlight and some of us could even walk and chew gum at the same time.

My point being is that this new age is rich with mana, the stuff that powers magick and some people are finding they have a natural affinity for the art of energy manipulation. In most cases this is a trick of memories long dormant from past lives responding to the character of Aquarius.

Though there is a disturbing trend associated with giving people this kind of power. Sometimes they use it for evil purposes. Tricksters abound. Young upstarts are feeling their power and challenging the elders thinking they are all that. Trust me. You are not. There is always someone more powerful that you and you would be well advised to be humble and maybe they will take mercy on you and teach you how to control your gifts. I have done this several times, taken in people under my wing. The strong ones mind you as I can be kinda scary. Sensitives can feel it when I look at them even through the electronica this brooding sense of power. Naturally anyone who comes to my attention is sized up and examined by my guardians who can scare the living shit out of most. They are just pinging the identify friend or foe thing. Everyone has a unique energy signature and they know them all no matter what body they happen to be occupying at the time. There have been misunderstandings and people getting all defensive and shit but I let it slide off. Just because I am powerful does not mean I am bad news. A shame. Some wonderful interactions have been lost because of unreasoning fear. It is not my intent to put people off. I do not control my guardians and guides, they operate quite independantly of me. They are looking out for my best interests all the time and they proceed me, making sure that I am safe as I do my thing here.

They are only angels and everyone has them.

I just tend to have the more warlike variety at my side watching my back. How many you got depends on what you are doing. How much they assist you depends on what you are doing. If you are up to no good they tend to let you get battered around in the hopes that you will learn a lesson and go straight.

If you are doing good things they will guide you to opportunities that will make your life richer, that you can concentrate on what is really important and not sweat the load.

It is all very simple actually and there are instruction books lying around all over the place. Clean living is easy.

Being an asshole really takes alot of effort.

You have to go out of your way to oppose the natural order of things and it ends up costing alot more than a loving existance.

Stress is a silent killer and people who live in fear are its constant companion. This is proven scientific fact that stress does something with the chemicals released by the brain. It makes the arteries' walls become jagged and better hold plaque, leading to heart disease or strokes for one.

People that worship the almighty dollar are prone to this. They may have the best medical care money can buy but they could save themselves alot of pain.

Go figure.

I am niether poor nor rich. I can go to Hawaii anytime I want though and that's what counts. That's where I tend to go to recharge my batteries. People like me who can tap into the energy of a place tend to gravitate to places of power. Hawaii is one of them...Sedona Arizona another. There are lots of places where we can draw and run power.

Sometimes we even pull the fury off a faultline and convert it to something else.

Oh, another caveat that goes with my kind.

We are loathe to hurt humans. Actively discouraged from this sort of thing. We are designed to hunt outsiders that mean harm to good people. Things that do not belong in this world are one of our provinces... meaning demons, extra planar intrusions and hostile ets. Vampires Weres and other variants of mankind are just that. Part of the tree of life that is growing here. We have nothing against the night creatures and that includes the Fae. We make friends where we can, can never have too many of them. Since we are plugged into the source sometimes we will drop a warning from time to time. Whether it is heeded or not we don't really care.

That's on you.

That we give a shit enough to actually put ourselves on the spot to issue one of these warnings is something you should be thankful for.

We are not here for money or fame, we have this in spades where we come from. Earth is a free enterprise and we did not come here with conquest in mind.

As always we encourage you to grow, explore, develop the gifts you have been given and to become what you were meant to become.

To spell it out we want you to become like us, advanced, evolved and worthy to become masters of your galaxy (it is yours you know).

So be it known that you are far from being alone in your efforts. You got a lot of parties that are rooting for you. Since your creation you have been controversial. Angels have fought wars over your disposition. The elder gods went to war over you, a thing that quickly spread across the whole planet.

Higher powers had to step in lest you be destroyed in the crossfire. This explains why gods walk amongst you in human form. Some of them got stripped of their power and forced to learn what it was like to be human and vulnerable to teach them a lesson.

Me and mine took human form willingly to learn all about humanity. We bred with them, giving their lines our gifts and talents. We have been working on making you stronger for thousands of years so you could survive the depredations of the Archons that are currently in control of the planet, ruling by proxie through people like the illuminati.

Yes, we all got our problems.

We are still figuring out what we are going to do about that.

This is common knowledge that none dare to believe for fear of what their neighbors may think. Fear is very effective in controlling people and these bastards are master manipulators. They have had alot of time to perfect their technique.

When you look at a cell phone tower do you believe that there are scalar technologies imbeded in them that are designed to influence the behavior of the people? How about the flouride in the water? That was a tactic that the Nazis used on the Jews in the death camps to keep them calm. There are also the chemtrails that are full of compounds that are designed to compromise the human immune system.


So people get sick and big pharma can sell them drugs and get richer so they can continue buying up the planet.

I'm only a conspiracy theorist to a point.

If it quacks it's a fucking duck.

It's only common sense.

If an outer power wants the resources of a planet you think they invade with force of arms?

Nope. They send in spies and infiltrators to get in with the power elite and use them to extract what they want. A war will only leave the resources in shreds.

The Archons traffic in people, gold, precious stones among other things. They also are running experiments on the life forms on this planet which explains all the abductions.

Look around. There is a lot of wild shit going on here under the radar. You can find truth on the internet for now as it is not under the control of the illuminati.

Truth is not very popular with these people as they have done alot of really horrible shit over the years. If it gets out they are done. You see humans outnumber them by a wide margin. They keep their power base by marinating the people in a steady supply of fear and bullshit.

It's something they have done on many worlds. Earth is just one of many enslaved worlds.

Of course this would not go on forever and the plight of the people of Earth has come to the attention of many other peoples.

Liberation is not too far off.

We are just waiting for enough people to rediscover their balls and do something about the current management. Once this happens we shall have no problem jumping in with both feet.

We will come out of the wood work and be there when you need us. We too are infiltrators and in fact we are better at it than they are.





23:19 Apr 25 2013
Times Read: 727

Still standing despite all the things that have come and gone in the past few months. 21DEC12 came and went and we are all still here. Some plans got derailed but what counts is the people remain as flawed as they are. I have been told that it is these same flaws that make them so appealing. Score one for the good guys. Stay strong out there and live well as this is how to best show that you are grateful for the gifts that you have been given.

So we now face new things and many of you have been given new insights into the mystery that is life. This is a good thing. As enlightenment becomes more common and we push forward into the new age together, it will become quite clear that all promises are being kept.


If you want the kingdom you have to prove yourself worthy of it.

Hunt the wicked if you are a hunter. Heal the hurt if you are a healer. All according to the gifts they have been given.

You have more friends than you know in both high and low places who are here for the sole purpose of seeing these changes happen without too much fuss.

Be it known that powers greater than yourselves ar proud of you.

They are watching as they always have and will not throw anything at you that they believe you cannot handle. Sometimes we got to dig deep and rediscover our resilience and power but that is half the journey. You are all powerful in your own right. The dark ones have simply convinced you that you are powerless.

It's all a lie that has been repeated so often that it has become scripture.

Keep on going.

What awaits you down the road is special.



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