I need you to come a bit further. We have taken you past your comfort zones many times and those who have have inspired others but you need more.
Take each other's hands. Help each other. Remember that cruelty is a tool of the WEAK, not the strong. A little more everyday. Give that bum a dollar, help the old lady across the street. Hold the door for the ladies.
Feel the love or feel the wrath.
It is all very simple.
We all got em.
Let me tic a few off my list.
Bipolar 1
Cardinal Aries
Divine Madness
Anger Issues
So what? I use em to my advantage. Being Bipolar means I can use more of my brain than the mundanes. It means I can SEE more than they can see.
It also means the government likes to give me lots of fun drugs.... for free.
It also means that they get to pay me every month, tax free. They also get to pay for college to reintegrate me into their silly society.
For a Shinobi this simply means that I shall bore from within.
For 20 years my voice has been silent, only the horrific knowing my dread attention everytime they dared oppose me like the dog meat they are.
Well... not only have they been driven back this time but put down for good.
Who is next?
I'm looking sideways at the real enemy these days.
Politicians who send my brothers and sisters into the mouth of war with no second thoughts. Small minded bastards that hunt for no cause.
Outsmarting these motherless swine is easy.
Who is with me?
No one?
I thought so.
Like it or not I am here and not going anywhere. Might as well give me something to do or I will incite war.
This is what the Line is when it comes to certain things. We are not negotiable nor swayed by emotional appeals nor distacted by offers of wealth.
We hoard up the inner wealth and are quite capable of manifesting loads of the filthy coin of the realm should it be needed to further our directives.
It is a clear thing that money has replaced God here.
The love of filthy lucre has stirred many of us to one of my favorite sins...WRATH.
Yes we are wrathful things and war has always been a great delight for us as we are war children. We are the same as the Great Angels and divinity we are descended from.
Just another bizarre hybrid animal stomping all over God's green Earth, looking for our next event be it nice or not so nice.
We hear the voices of mad war angels and loan our bodies to greater divinities on occasion. The gear is simply left behind with the rest of the shit laying around anyway.
This life is pain, born from tales of the Fae and daydreams. Most times we are silent... unnoticed.
Until now.
We dump an armload of gifts and walk on. We offer what we know and walk on. We issue a warning and walk on.
What you do with these things is up to you.
We were once like you, once upon a time. Mayhap we train our replacements. It has been a long time since many of us have had a real break from the grind. We have poured more lives that I can count into the development of this... place.
Looking around I can see my cats have figured it out better than the mainstream people who think they are so together.
70% faith and 30% science is the proper mix. Gas up and go. The world is small and getting smaller all the time.
Your solutions are not all to be found here but OUT THERE. Dangerous I know but you are no stranger to danger. Or pain.
So here it is yet again... the realignment of a world albeit a young and small one... the water ages are always the best. Strong magiks, great healing power and shit just moving beneath your feet as the planet shakes off aggressive infestations of despoilers.
I grin widely and appeal to my divinity.
Are you going to kill lots of people?
Can I watch?
They should have one called: Ball stomper. I thought Scrounger was a good one as that in the Fleet is a high compliment. A Scrounger is the guy that can get his hands on anything.
They even got guys like this in the prisons... those that can get you what you need.
Another one would be IMPALER... I always thought that was pretty wild... hell, there might be one in there... I'll have to look.
Not my bit... I'll put it in the LAPD caress and choke it out as it is quite clearly gone mad. If it looks at me sideways on the way back up, I'll hit it with the taser.
I can do this forever.
I do not tolerate rude behavior.
What is this madness?
If it wan't for anger nothing would ever change and the suck would go on forever.
Some new age lady told me I need to learn gentle communication skills. I must be in California...
I do miss Virginia Beach. The New Age folks there were HARD... not these fluffy politically correct things they are here.
Besides... when trying to enlighten a shit throwing monkey, you use a riot shield and a good cattle prod. Sometimes you got to knock the crap out of them with a concussion grenade to get them to stop fighting long enough for some sense to made.
I am angry.
So very angry.
Their betrayals of love and trust cost me two decades, seeing my daughter take her first steps and so on. Deflecting a Linewalker is ACTIONABLE.
Hurting one of us... well... let God sort em out. He does His job and we do ours. There is a reason why I live out in the woods with cats.
I would do horrible things to the monkeys if subjected to their stupid mischief on a daily basis. The Evil Eye, Seraphic Curses, man I could get creative. God forbid I ever spend any amount of time in a major city.
Arm's length... I know what is coming for you.
The warnings have all been given, the songs sung and the blades sharpened.
Can you hear my mad laughter?
Do you feel it when I cry for you?
Believe your eyes. That might save you in the coming days. After all... he who hesitates is fucked.
Specials versus mundanes I got to throw in with the specials every time. We may be fewer, but we are better.
Besides... I have my ways with them, being able to walk in both worlds for the benefit of both.
This is the Essence of being a Linewalker. We love and our power is beyond belief. The Green man has shown this to you through many lives and so have I through I typically do it at the edge of a sword.
This is just the way we are wired.
Carpentry is not as brutal as being a fisherman I'll warrant. We all started as something before we became what we became be it through the tides of war, depredations of the Harriers or other crazed excursions.
On the man Jesus... he was really the sweetest child, even as an adult, always the small things thrilled him most. His ordeal changed him. Left a mark on him. He fears you now.
I, in time, shall help him with this.
Better days ahead and the utter merciless Celestial Stewards are watching his every move... mine too.
I will be the first to admit that I feel anger easily and sometimes they have to restrain me from doing something rash... like breaking promises I made a long time ago.
The Powers That Be had decided you are to go on... but they never really tire of testing you. They do the same shit to me on a regular basis.
I'd complain but who cares to listen?
You lot?
Despite the vast amount of support growing around me, I am, ultimately alone... this thing created from man's deceits.
There are times I want to lash out and just ruin shit that has taken aeons to build... but I cannot.
Oh yes... where there was once a handful spreading disruptive and new ideas is a legion, armed to the teeth in both weapon and dread magiks unseen in ages.
There shall be no heads on plates nor nailing to crosses nor hangings nor burning at the stakes.
When you were children it was alright to slap you to correct you.
You are no longer children.
To slap you would not be appropriate as much as I want to.
Proxies of the powers of the Upper Planes are among you now, with HEAVY air support if you take my meaning.
Challenge us if you dare.
We love it when you do this. It is a mark of a great race, a sovereign race, one destined to rule.
As for now, the emergency powers have been invoked, the councils on probation and this IS a Line dominion until threat of intrusions has passed.
If the creeping chaos wants to make a move, we shall be there.
If some clueless Goth starts tampering with our gates, we shall be there.
If you throw a party and invite us... we might be there. It depends on the party. We are all on the clock all the time... inviting you to join us.
This is your world afterall. What legacy shall you leave your children?
Something boring and mundane or something special and wild and free?
Such is the warning of the Line.
It is yours.
Take it.
Life here is not easy... sometimes it is downright hellish. I should know. This is often how we learn. The hard lessons are never forgotten. Some need to be taught them repeatedly.
I typically get it the first time.
There really is no choice for me afterall. I am under contract and have already been paid in full. The doctrines are writ upon my heart and pretty much nonnegotiable.
Being damned for your duty is nothing new to me. Love is always worth it. Keep yer wings. I got other ways to fly.
Oh yes. WHAMMO! SOCK! etc... it is often how I learn things.
Though I have been taking alot of hits up until now, it was me dealing out the hits of late. They asked for it... they showed me their teeth and I knocked them down their throats.
Then I dragged em low and killed them with their own stupid ferocity. Gently...
So averted is the heinous shit that was foretold. I'm sure alot of that was felt this past Summer by many. Do I need to crow about it?
Not really.
Done is done.
As for the rest of you, keep your weapons. Keep them well oiled and sharp. You may be needing them. To keep and bear arms is in the Bill of Rights.
That I am Ameican and would be an enemy of opression no matter what form it would take is my nature. To this end, I must walk in both worlds for the benefit of both.
To find out what you NEED.
and then see what I can do to get it for you.
Doing this shit solo has been a bitch but I got serious back-up now. I hide no more from you Terra and forgive your betrayals but I shall never forget them.
I will eat the liver of any who would attempt to break my heart again. Did I just say that?
Mad Laughter.
As Peter Steele put it, use a rod or plant the proper seeds. It is simple enough to deploy the Seraphic Host to sort things out when they get insane... People can be... frustrating.
A well placed glare is most times all I need.
Sometimes for the REALLY thick headed, I let them brush them with with wings. That which allows them flight is also quite capable of bissecting them neatly where abominations await to drag the pieces into the bowels of the Earth.
Convincing the masses to do anything is quite unreasonable. A single person though... this is CATALYST.
For this Egypt breathes free air.
You will be seeing alot of this as Aquarius asserts itself with hideous force.
To love all God's children, not just the cute ones is part of our doctrine. Try not to worry too much as that is a wasted emotion.
Be happy and warm and fed.
Be not afraid to demand what you need.
Anything else is hot wind blowing... and there is too much ready to burn here as it is. It is only growing pains...
We will get through this.
I had to take this time to make mention of a friend I made in Flagstaff Arizona. One who deflected me with strong yet gentle words in some bookstore.
Someone who said that it did not diminish you in the least to say to another that: I love you and care what happens to you...
It was then I knew I was in the company of something great and that I should exchange my own observations of the human condition.
I was turned from wrath that day.
For this I am grateful.
I even got to save a soul later than night... for this I am also grateful. For my friend, I love you and care what happens to you.
How many of you were there at Atlantis, Mu and Lemuria when you got way too big for your britches with magiks and super-science?
When you thumbed your noses at divinity and were SMOTE...
Here we are again.
Now, in Aquarius, as your STAR rises, let's show a little respect please? Manners always. Remember the mistakes you once made and try not to repeat them.
There has been a lot learned on both sides of the Lines and with a bit of hope and determination we can together go forward...
Naturally, we shall be watching.
Your job is to stop being miserable when there are wonders all around you. Miracles are evident everywhere. Why must you question them?
Question, isn't science just another way to learn, reach for and get closer to the divine? If science ended Atlantis and now we're faced with destruction again, when is science ever going to be alright?
Or should we always hide our faces and remain the prisoner of superstitions?
We were made with the ability to ask "Why?" and so it is our divine right to progress. Even the Bible calls us "gods"; inferior to and less than God but still his creation and greater than any other under Heaven.
Spare me the boolsheet race of Arra... I have seen it all before in every possible shape form and size. You people are DECAF next to other great trees.
There are things out there (and running parallel) to you that you have no clue that even exist. Disbelief paralyzes you.
I've seen you ripped to shreds by things that are not even supposed to exist with that same stupid word in your mouths.... WHAT?
All fun and games for a savage brat race until you mess around with our gates. Trying to get you to reason is a fool's errand.... sorry Gabriel, but truth is truth.
We can no longer afford to be nice nor apologize for shit. Either they 'get it' or they GET it.
Life is made of time my hearties... and you are wasting life... something that is frowned upon. I'd welcome you to a larger community... but you are too busy worshipping the coin.
A shame.
Hope is a dangerous thing... it can drive a man insane... or save his soul. Depends on the steel in the man(or woman)...
there is man's business and there is women's business but in all else we are equals... this is an EDICT from the THRONE itself. Don't like it, go into the nearest church, mosque etc and register your complaint.
I'm sure he will send someone to sort you out.
There is hope here... it is pouring off of me in WAVES. Sometimes the songs of the Seraphic choir drives me to distraction.
Thank GOD for the Vets Admin and all their delightful drugs.
There has got to be a CURE for this... but I hope not. Seeing through their eyes as they drive the minds from evil men is too fun.
This is how truth will feel... you might want to sit a spell before you go back to your same old same old.
I know gutting out a life among the sheep is a pain in the ass... should that change? Everything could have been so easier. Jesus could have pulled a ninja and never redeemed you... hence the planet would have been depopulated of humanity and something less stupid allowed to evolve.
The cats perhaps...
The wolves... though they have done it before on other worlds. There is some of that here in its true form... and thank God for that!
I thought the endless bleating of the sheep would drive me stark raving mad. Every once in awhile I get a nice long howl... makes me happy.
What can I say?
I love the predacious.
They are smarter, faster and more like me than the best of them. It makes me think of HOME. It eases the pain of being a stranger in a strange land.
I have been dead so long to you... I am so fucking sorry. I will make up for lost time and never again allow you to face the nasties alone.
And how sweet this song is now after an eternity of discord... Are we all feeling better?
When forgiveness slams into you like a HAMMER and then comes the call to the THRONE where all this crap mankind heaped on you is washed away.
Calling angels devils? Who do these monkeys think they are anyway?
They shall need some correction.
Angels dark and light are getting to play with each other and see how the other half lives which is very nice indeed.
Man showed them the essence of free will... part of the whole point in the first damn place. Their sweet and happy music is in my soul.
Doing the job is so fun... and so filled with pain and new joy.
Aquarius... my favorite. Our star is rising, special people. Try to keep your feet on the ground as much as you can... fly if you like... that too is fun... and that is the point.
To have fun.
THIS is what the Almighty wants... have fun... or else... I'm following my orders har har.
Didn't think it would go on forever did you?
Didn't think it wouldn't be done one day and everyone would get back to what we started?
Oh ye of little faith...
to borrow a line.
I shall explore your world.
I shall know its secrets, heal its hurts and sing for those who died and had no one to sing for them.
This is going to be a bitch and its going to get hairy.
There are going to be those that are going to want to resist.
Remember folks that love conquers all... it did me this past Summer and I am one tough nut to crack. My song changed and the world responded.
I issued a call up to my warriors.
Opposed dread entities.
Generally caused a lot of mayhem.
A word to the wise... do not mistake kindness for weakness. You can only expect cruelty from the weak, never the strong.
I got something for those that would oppose the will of the THRONE. Depending on how far the insanity goes, it can be bad or REALLY bad.
When I begin to do my thing in earnest, you will know.
Now lemme see... there is something of a ground work laid here... some shit has got to go... pretty much most of the 'isms' and 'ists'.... starting with fundamentalists of any kind.
Some who think they are changing their views are just rearranging their prejudices. The question is how to accomplish this without having to frag everyone on the planet...
Wars of peace are the most difficult to wage. How to be hard and gentle at the same time is an utter bitch. Sometimes one has to make an example of the loudest noise in the room.
Impaling comes to mind.
So does tickling.
A large enough feather can do the same job.
I am the velvet fist where my Line brother will simply hit you with a large blunt instrument. When we breathe the same air again it shall be glorious.
It has been a long road to each other.
This world has been unkind but we are doing well... in essence so shall the entire damn planet.
When mighty archangels walked down your ranks... the volunteers crazy enough to try their hand at Earth, at becoming vulnerable, corporeal and potentially awesome...
Celestial stewards worked with you in selecting your parents, your prospective trials and off you went. So here we are all in it. Some doing it for very long patches of time, some of us in and out fast, some just treading water, gutting it out day to day.
You realize of course that a Terran apprenticeship is like a golden SEAL on your resume? That each of you whether you are a young or old soul are each a fucking miracle of creation as you reinvent yourselves, changing to match the fortunes of time and tide.
I know pride is a sin but the hell with that. I am very proud of all of you, light, dark, furry, tentacles whatever. I would gather you all in my arms and kiss away those tears and shatter your chains.
He he...
In time I just might.
We have never been in a place like this, at the still point of destruction and creation, the world changing around us. Look up from your gadjets and notice the miracles.
Remember that you are loved... all of you. Period.
They come and go. In the course of my duties I have been some pretty heavy things. Here we go again. I am one of the Corvas-Tar and Agents of the Five... that is all that matters to me.
You can hear me or not... it doesn't matter to me. However, what I am carrying around is not to be ignored. THUNDEROUS is its call.
It is nothing new. Messengers wielding this sort of power have been among you before though this is my first time in a role of this nature... I had no use for the brat races.
In a way I have been kind of rascist... and had to be dragged through the meat grinder to make me remember that once we were the same way.
So ego is destroyed as it got in my way...
The thousand petal lotust opens as a Qur'an is gently closed and a lonely song is sung to a busy desert.
Bombarded I have been.
Keeping my heart in a bomb shelter was my solution to the damage I have sustained at the hands of the ignorant.
Have I been derelict?
Nope... I have walked my line and put in my time though methinks we are just getting started. We have to reach accords and get it sorted BEFORE it is too late and we are ripe for conquest, divided into little camps, maintaining obsolete dogmas.
Me and mine will have no problems should you reject our council, for us, this is the dream and we are each a damn tornado of mayhem. WE look forward to grand deaths.
I'm not so sure about the rest of you. Defined dominions must be established, great orders restored to their former glories and all reparations addressed.
You want to be a savage race forever?
This invites things that are much more savage than yourselves. I will wait for contact naturally. I am not hard to find.
I have been and always shall be your friend. I extend a hand. If you bite it the sword in the other will be swift. We are glass and shall give you all you give us.
Open the doors or I shall simply blow a hole in the wall.
yours, KORD
practice does not make perfect... perfect practice makes 'pretty good'... so it goes. Perfection is reserved for one entity and that one has more names than a Chinese phone book, knows all is oft forgiving and does whatever HE wants and when HE wants.
Giving a gift to the Maker is a funny business as HE knows what you are going to get HIM already so in this case it IS the thought that counts.
I give HIM the love I have always had for HIM... that and service and loyalty. He gave me everything I needed at birth... the rest is just gravy.
Right and wrong... I simply do the correct thing. right wing, left wing, it all boils down to flying in a circle. You must use BOTH wings to soar on the thermals. Those who fly in circles are no match for the shotgun.
Test your new wings... shatter chains that are now brittle with age and no longer sanctioned by the Throne.
Find that despair has flipped over, becoming joy. That broken hearts that you have helped mend are looking to charm you.
Is there hope?
Oh yes. I have found something and carry it around like a suitcase nuke. The radiation that spills out of it is pure and unadulterated divine love.
Come closer... feel it and know that a living redeemer is among you... one of many. We are all over the place, holding the ley lines, giving them power to HOLD.
WE are mighty in the power of the Line as we are nonnegotiable by design. We are the advocates of this great race... always have been.
I have found you worthy and bust my ass to make sure you feel the same way towards me.
I am but a man capable of becoming DESTROYER... one day you shall see as I see, know as I know and feel the way I do.
You're going to love it.
Who came up with this whole concept?
Corporeal wisdom IS sinning... it is only when anything is taken to extremes that it gets stupid.
Get in there and enjoy yourselves and take the time to smell the flowers.
Wisdom is love and hatred and all sorts of things all blended together and given a spin... this is ART... which is also known as magik in some circles. Not illusions but real power.
This path is not an easy one.
The leading killer among wizards?
Lack or sleep or nutrition.
The leading killer among my kind?
There is none.
We never stop.
Watching, waiting for a sign from one of my kind... waiting for something. I hold here.... healing... writing etc.
Help would be nice, but not needed. I shall do my thing but it will only take longer without support.
They say it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness... but what if you can SEE in the dark?
Does it matter?
If the damned love does it make that love any less special than that mindless bleating I hear in churches? It is their music that moves me the most... that long howl, that hunting shriek, the giggling of the Fae as some clueless mortal is led down the garden path to strengthen their lines.
Do I on occasion carry dread weapons?
Have I used them?
I AM the weapon of last resort.
I have turned things from this world you cannot pronounce without inviting avatars of doom.
The language of power is a simple thing. We love and our power is infinite.... dark, light, grey... we are all serving...in our own way. We all have a part to play in this grand experment of all souls from all worlds.
It used to be mutually assured destruction... MAD for short. Aquarius shall shift violently towards mutally assured RESPECT. MAR? as in marriage?
Stranger things have happened.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend and you are all my friends. Even the P'tahk that rated and blocked. Jack-wagon.
I hope Legion's pals go easy on you but their idea of easy can get pretty nasty. Mighty Celestial Stewards are watching on this one. They have to power to be divinity themselves but would rather serve... it is how they are designed.
We, as corporeal entities can do whatever we like. Sometimes we do not always do the right things. They wonder at us sometimes.
I decided a long time ago between love or wings and have never regretted that decision.
I have however regretted hiding my talents from this world for the last 20 years. I would shine just long enough to stand down the outsiders then retreat into the outer darkness and dreamlands.
No more.
I got better things to do.
Kisses and hugs...
Yes these things are for FREE...
this is the eternal way mind you, it cannot be explained, nor catagorized, only experienced. Gabriel is not the only one that can raise a warhorn mind you.
You want to resist us?
I would have it no other way.
This is what seperates a slave rave from a great race... that defiance even after all hope is lost.
Sovereign Terra, your world. Your grand melting pot of all souls shapes and sizes.
If there were trials to be passed, they have been. I would sweep a hand at the stars and say welcome but you are still too busy squabbling over money and religions.
In time (and it could be fast) things shall improve. WE are busy little bees. There are you, then US then the Angels. Above us all the Maker of all things laughing and slinging love as he does.
If you think God is dead.... remember that His computer has a SMITE key. I have seen these things... and they are not pretty.
The rules have changed... and some of you are operating in error.
Love is the LAW, Love under will.
You want a war with us?
We are already everywhere among you. LEGIONS awaiting orders. WE can help you out or help you OUT... depends on how you treat your emissary... so far you have been unkind.
My patience has limits but it is vast. I know you are doing the best you can with what you got...
Alright then... the prices need to drop. You are strangling the city by the bay... and inviting intervention by things you do not want to anger.
Just a friendly reminder of who is really running the show. Trust me. I'm related to your object of affection. To be human beings in a cruel world is good... to add the cruelty is going to push you into an abyss... and there are things in that abyss that will take your mind by simply looking at them squarely.
Mighty Lucifer is knowing freedom to come and go as he likes. The princes of Heaven are seeing eye to eye again.
Don't like it?
Take it up with management.
Carry on being your bad selves and take no shit.
My first VR jabroni... the one who rates a 1 and then blocks... I imagine it was was only a matter of time before the little yappy dogs that nip at your heel and then piss on the carpet decided to show up.
MrNobody... this is apt. NOBODY. No courage, no character no nothing. I must be making some inroads indeed if these imps show up.
I return rate a 10 as always.
However, since this mute D'blok hides behind boolsheet, I got my ways of teaching lessons. Azazel loves this kind of thing.
Always have I been this. Always have I served. My mother got it partway right, spelling my middle name as Cord... the names come and go but this is the constant.
My line has always been here.
We have been legends among you, in the fire ages we taught you how to die well. In the water ages, we shall teach you to live well.
It happens fast with me as I simply 'wake you up'... It is known as catalysting to us. Direct contact with me... kinda overwhelming as I have little toleration for the lukewarm. A wave of my hand and you will remember what you are.
Your afflictions are my enemy.
It is this in your face kind of love that will hit you like a large fish hurled by an ogre. When I help you up, dust you off and kick you in the ass, you will know who I am.
You think you have known love?
Some shadow of it.
I am plugged into the source. Come race of Arra and drink from my fount. There are many like me but I am the CHIEF here.
A ruthless foe, hopeless odds? What more could you wish for? This is love... this is what I have been looking for. This new war of peace is getting interesting.
Heed me my night angels.
Mark them by their stink...it is metallic.
They want mercy?
They should take their asses to church.
So here it is. The veil is OFF, the training wheels were removed this past Summer. Great civilizations have been allowed to roam freely where once they were strictly regulated.
Some come to see their children, how they have learned and evolved in this place Earth. Some are picking out targets, some are just enjoying the great works.
They ALL know that they are being watched as we are being watched. It's like on big casino down here with everyone watching everyone.
When Jesus (Jevaz) pointed at a group of stars and said 'I'll be THERE'... he wasn't joking. He was no liar though that stunt he pulled almost made me regret promoting him.
In time we all grew to embrace his wisdom... you see, the peoples of Earth were on the chopping block so to speak... he took the hit FOR you.
Why he would do this for such a bunch of savage sodomizing murdering and thieving monkeys I had trouble getting my mind around.
Now I see.
His was a grand death, remembered up there with the likes of Achilles, Leonidas... etc. That he was a holy man... that he was and still IS one of us, and yes, he is HERE.
In Zion... enjoying himself as his job is done.
Mine is just starting. I too am a holy man, though a bit different in character.
I will not walk on water as there are so many lovely things beneath its surface. His line is that of Gabriel, the messenger of God, mine that of Michael, the hammer of God.
I may get rough with you but I shall always be kind. To teach you not to be holy but be better. Being holy is not for everyone. Being better is.
Great Lucifer has tested you and trained humanity to BE human... some of you have failed. It happens. You pick yourself up and go on.
There is always time to change the road you are walking. Hell's army needs soldiers too.
I have been doing this a long time but never before have I seen with my own eyes a race so filled with awesomeness.
To be among you is a great honor.
Earth the grandest melting pot of them all. Of course there are those of you that wonder about what you are.
A hint is this: NO ONE is a true Terran native. Consider this... you are all volunteers. WE all have a thing or two to learn. Some are here to help others, some because they are slow to learn etc...
From the sensual beauty of the vampyre to the brooding malevolence of a demon, we all serve in our way the source of all things.
Here on this starship Earth.
My advice is to have fun... it IS getting better all the time. Feel the healing power of Aquarius and know that the kingdom is yours... a certain way by day and another by night.
There is hope... love and passion.
We are THAT we are.
Remember that I always remain a constant... I may get pissed off from time to time and someone takes a hit but that is par for the course.
I do not do well with bullshit. I just spent 20 years in the outer darkness and the dreamlands because of bullshit.
My entire Order is waking up among you... one by one... five by five. Getting you prepared. The rest of your life begins HERE AND NOW... and I do mean RIGHT NOW.
May an angel kiss your brow and melt all that bullshit right off. May your burden be taken from you and all worry be kicked like a nasty cur dog.
Me and mine are no angels... but we ARE related...
Yer ole pal Kord.
No one should cry alone anymore. That is an order har har. Take care of each other and earn the massive blessings of the Creator. All creatures all tribes.
Sometimes I feel your sorrow.
I can understand your pain.
Time is always on my side and I have always been on yours.
Kiss away the tears.
Warm the cold.
Circle thy wagons against the coming storms.
This is pretty much the only thing that can kill an immortal. Be mindful of your hearts.
Doesn't really matter in the face of a common enemy. The insane cannot be negotiated with. The unthinking dead are chaff to be burned off.
Those that would call the great old ones may have a problem in the coming days. We are not ones to rattle our sabers. WE would cleave the foe, shoot them, smash them and destroy them with song. If dark councils know not their role and stand down for Aquarius, for the chance at expansions, we shall kill them and replace them with something less stupid.
It is balance we seek. Total war or total peace, either way, fine with me. I have been doing this a very long time and should you cross my sacred lines I would find a savage joy in making examples of the ignorant.
Many of you have wandered into a mine field with your petty crimes.
Mad laughter...
Now this is going to take some getting used to. Such grand wars were had during the fire ages... such displays of valiant action... such courageous acts of conviction for what you believed. Your faith kept it all going... the doomsday clock pushed further and further away until it all but vanished.
When it loomed this past Summer and was smashed for good, I thought I was done. I thought it was time to be done with you for good and good riddance.
Seems the rock and roll is just getting started on this starship Earth. Damn you for keeping me here.
I guess it's just par for the course. Apparently I'm not done with you nor you me. Which one of you jabronies invoked the watchers?
Don't you know that annoys me?
I get annoyed and something horrible gets physical. Rahr... damn you for being so damn lovely. A curse for all that hurts you.
I would have the blood of the nasties in my fists for you. Now that the circle is whole... what enemies are there left?
Guess I shall have to obey the stand down order and be watchful as always. What is a battlelord to do during the kingdom come?
Become a fisherman again I guess.
20:06 Apr 30 2011
VERY simple!