today i told someone very special to me the biggest weakness of all.....i though i wouldnt tell anyone*(my mom dosnt even know). but becuase they're the reason that i no longer have that said weakness anymore i thought it would only be fair to tell that person.
and because im alot happier than i used to be because of this person. they gove me the reason to smile everday.
MY mom also found herself a boyfriend who makes her happy beyond belief she dosnt treat me like shit anymore. ive managed to loose weight which ive been trying to do for yeat but was unable to due to my unhappiness. ive actually lost like 20 some pounds and am still dropiing.
yay!!!!!! i hno longer have to fake my happiness for once in my entire life its real!!!! XD ohh hell yeahh!!!!!!!!!!!!
dammmn that was alot of typing lol :P LIKE A BOSS!