xxladyalphaxx's Journal

xxladyalphaxx's Journal


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4 entries this month


A lost world breeding Anxiety

22:54 Apr 17 2013
Times Read: 400

Stuck in this “human” world, not as fitting for us as “children of the night”…

A wasteful breed dancing in the blinding light…

I see there uncaring nature as they torture for there food, clothes, health, joy, and vanity…

I would never do such things for I respect my food sources and treat them with dignity…

I respect those that give of themselves for my health, wellbeing, and more…

I cannot wait to be in the shadows, this Vampyres home, I will lovingly embrace the door…

What I need is going to be the end of my sanity…

I only hope someone will remain here to keep me sane and comfort me…

All these people I need though there anxiety and stress invades trying to take control…

I must keep this shield tightly around my soul…

I need a shield so it won’t take over me as the demon tries to escape to protect the shell of a man and body…

It feels like the end sometimes but my guide she covers and protects me…

It is impossible anymore to be this “man” with this demon trying to take over the “me” the rest of you see…

Dark mother please help me stay together or whatever is best to save them from the real me…

Wrap me in your warm embrace I return to the darkness once more…

Only thanks to you and my true family, a very few, do I truly press on to endure…



07:30 Dec 24 2019

well written


Words of hope

19:20 Apr 10 2013
Times Read: 405

Words Of Hope

A person can live for days together without water, food and clothing. But without any hope, a person will die within seconds.

At the end of the day no matter what happens, it is the hope that we have within our hearts that keeps us going.

In life's journey there is no such thing as a dead end.

Even a beggar who's heart is filled with hope, is the richest person you will ever come across. But there cannot be anyone poorer than a person who doesn't have any hope left, no matter how wealthy he is.

There is no problem in this world, that doesn't have a solution. They come in a package. The trick is to match them right.

Hope goes above everything else in the world. Because even if everything dies, hope always lives. It will always be there, like a candle in a dark room. Don't ever let this flame of hope out.

Even when everybody in the world convinces you that you must give up, hope silently whispers, "Please, not so soon!"

Hope is the boat that survives through wind and storm, and still keeps going strong.

He who always has the flame of hope burning in his heart, is the happiest man in the world.

Can you imagine life without hope? Nor can I.

Hope is the flame that burns even in the darkest tunnel.

When you don't know what to do, it is a sign that you don't have to do anything and just leave everything to God.

No matter what you are going through in life, there is always somebody out there who's going through something worse than you.

Always try your best. At the end, whether you win or lose, you get to win experience that goes beyond anything else that you could possibly win.

A person whose heart is filled with hope can never lose even if the whole world wants him to.

What is hope? A new beginning, for every ending.

Even when everything else seems to appear so dim, hope still manages to keep its light shinning bright.

Hope is like looking forward to a sweet magic in your life.

So what if today was not the way you expected it to be? You will have many more days to make things better.

Remember, there is always a backup plan, always!

There is no such thing as a dead end. Dead end means finding the way is a little difficult.

If you are faced with problems, it means you already have to ability to solve them.

Happiness arrives in everyone's lives. Sometimes early, while sometimes you got to wait a little.

You came into this world as an original. Please try not to let this world make you a copy!

Dream about something you really want, and then start preparing for the day when it will arrive in your life.

Smile even if your day isn't that good. So what if you had a bad day? Maybe you could make somebody else's day better with your smile.

Hope is written on the entrance gate of happiness.

You say, you want something really bad. God says, really? Then wait for it. Let's test how much you really want it.

On days when you think that your life is useless living, there is somebody out there wishing that they were you.

In life everyday is a brand new opportunity. It is high time you realize is and make full use of it because nobody knows when this heart will stop beating.

Even on your worst days never forget, the rainbow appears in the sky only after the grey clouds have done their job.




love poem

19:09 Apr 10 2013
Times Read: 406

Love Poems

1. Love-Struck For You

My silent words shall speak,

As I see you with my shut eye.

Love-struck heart shall walk up to you,

As you walk more close, and lie.

Our innocent thirsty emotions,

Will buy every dream,

Taste every joy.

Our bitter-sweet impatience,

To fly and kiss every high.

To touch our moments together,

Every sorrow shall fear,

Shall fear to try.

- poem by wishafriend.com

2. The Tale Of Love

On my fading day, I may

Sneak in, to throw a tale

Of, what words cannot touch,

And dreams can never say.

Passing time of mine,

Shall sing the sweet tale out,

Beg and cry, fall and fall

To stay along, and survive proud.

But only wish for the final day,

My eyes can meet your innocence,

Your warmth, and touch your silent play

Which alone can bring the eternal essence,

That even end could never slay.

- poem by wishafriend.com

3. An Angelic Love

Smother me in your wings,

Flap them to sorcerers land.

Only you could hear me where,

'Coz only you can understand.

Blessed by your soul,

Lonely times are no more sad.

Lost in the losing world,

Sorry times are no more hard.

Take me to the glory road,

Slide a honey-sweet feeling in me.

Put me in your untouched heart

And fall in love with me.

I love you!

- poem by wishafriend.com

4. Love At First Sight

I fell deep in love, the first time I saw you,

Your love, my darling made me feel so beautiful and new,

It feels so wonderful to see your pleasant face,

Makes me feel like kidnapping and taking you to some other place,

Where there would be no one to disturb us,

It would be just you, me and never ending bliss.

You are the only one in the world, whose love comes for without a price

Thank you, my love, for giving me the taste of paradise.

I love you so much, more than you can ever know,

In your love sweetheart, my heart will always glow.

- poem by wishafriend.com

5. Bunch Of Happiness

Your smile shines brighter than even the morning sun,

You, my dear, are more irresistible than chocolates with rum;

Each time you put your beautiful arms around me,

I realize my love for you is so vast and deep;

It makes me forget the world outside,

Coz' for them, I just seem to go blind.

Nobody can ever make me feel like this,

You, my love, are a bunch of happiness.

- poem by wishafriend.com

6. The Magic Of Your Love

You glow my world with your magical smile,

In your love, I could walk without a stop for miles;

For magical, is what I feel when I am with you,

You and me are super tight, like paper and glue;

Sweetheart, I just cannot wait to meet you again,

'Coz without you my dear, I'm going insane!

I miss you like crazy, each time you're away,

Can't stop myself from looking forward to meeting you again.

I love you so so much my dear.

- poem by wishafriend.com

7. You Are My Everything

Baby you form my whole world, you are my night and my day,

No matter how my day goes you always manage to brighten up my way.

You make me so happy and so joyful, just with your presence,

You make me fall in love with you everyday with your fragrance.

I want to live with you like this forever and ever my love,

Cause you are just like this beautiful angel from heaven above.

I've made a silent promise to myself to love you like this forever,

I will make it a point to see to it that we are always like this together.

- poem by wishafriend.com

8. Always Stay By Me

Your very presence, my dear, makes my life complete,

Without you everything around me is colorless and bleak.

So promise me that you will never ever leave my side,

In any kind of stormy weather or tide.

Always stay by me, holding my hand,

'Coz only you can take me into a magical land.

- poem by wishafriend.com

9. True Love

True love stays forever and ever, forever does true love stay,

It always manages to lighten up our lives & brighten up our days.

Whenever your sad and gloomy just give the one you love, a call,

And you will see for yourself the way all your troubles will fall.

- poem by wishafriend.com

10. You Complete My World

I may have only one life to live,

I may have only one gift to give,

I may have only one life to love,

I may have only one moment to share,

But no body can love you like me, girl,

You're the only one who completes my world.


- poem by wishafriend.com

11. Right From When You Came Into My Life

Right from when you came into my life all my dreams came true,

With your presence, life by itself feels so beautiful & anew.

You make the most complicated things seem so simple,

You make me fall in love with you each time you flash that dimple.

The deep and strong feelings that I have in my heart for you,

Those feelings are experienced only by a fortunate few.

- poem by wishafriend.com

12. The Miracle Of Love

It is called the sweet magic of love,

That makes you feel you're in heaven above;

And then life begins to feel so beautiful,

So pure, worth-living, absolutely wonderful;

This miracle happened in my life too,

It happened the second I met you.

- poem by wishafriend.com

13. You Make Me Feel Magical

Did I ever tell you the way you make me feel?

It's like, even on a dry day, the grass appears to be green

And the sun is like it had never been hot

And the rainbow appears in the sky

And the way my heart leaps out in joy

Is a fact which I can never deny?

With you by my side, I need not fear any darkness of fate

'Coz, my darling, the only fact that I believe in is that you are my only fate

So promise me, baby, that you'll never leave my side

In any dark story, weather or tide

And I don't wanna live another day without you in my arms

'Coz baby you're the one for me

And every time I look into your eyes my heart skips a beat

And I don't wanna live another day without you in my arms

'Coz I need you in my life

Today, tomorrow, forever.

- poem by wishafriend.com

14. My Heart

My heart was broken in

so many pieces,

That I was sure,

It would not beat again.

You came and your love

Made my heart whole again.

It beats so lovingly new.

- poem by wishafriend.com

15. I Am In Love With You

If beauty had a name, it would be your name,

If innocence had a face, it would be your face,

If love had a description, it would be your life,

If I were to love someone, it would be only and only you!

- poem by wishafriend.com

16. I Want To Dance With You

You have always been with me and stood by my side,

You bring magic into my life and make me alive.

Life is not the same when you are not around,

I can't do anything that I want, my feet are bound.

But the moment you make your grand entrance,

I feel like giving my life yet another chance.

Life feels different with you, completely in trance.

The moment you step in, I feel like pulling you to the floor to dance.

- poem by wishafriend.com

17. You Changed My Life

I would wander all alone without any goal in mind,

Till you popped into my life and God showed me a sign.

I knew, you were my soul mate right when our eyes met,

You were the one for me, and on that I could even bet!

Today finally that you my darling, are a part of my life,

I just cannot express myself and tell you how happy I am.

Every moment spent by your side is just so perfect,

I want to rob you and take to with me till the end of time.

- poem by wishafriend.com

18. Life With You

How can I describe my life ever since I met you?

I don't even know what it means to be sad and blue.

Love in excellence, friendship for life, magic personified,

You brought so much into my life and made it so dignified.

You my darling, taught me that hope should never die,

Ever since I have forgotten what it is to weep and cry.

With all my heart I wish to thank you so much my dear,

Losing you is the only thing now, that I ever fear.

- poem by wishafriend.com

19. Understand Love, Pick The Signs

Not everyone is able to express their feelings out loud,

But don't miss the way they look into your eyes without a sound.

'Coz their eyes will tell you all those things that their lips cannot,

Close your ears,listen with your eyes, later don't say 'your forgot!'

- poem by wishafriend.com

20. We Will Always Be Together

You knocked at my door of my life and entered my heart,

I feel in love with you, the moment I saw you my pretty tart.

You are so beautiful, flawless and perfect than any other,

I promise to love you forever, we will always stay together.

- poem by wishafriend.com

21. It Feels So Nice

It feels so nice to know that you are loved,

It feels so nice to have somebody sent for you from heaven above.

You baby, have given me more love than I thought even existed,

Even when I'm completely dried out, your love keeps me hydrated.

Thanks a ton baby for entering into my life,

I will always love you darling, till the end of my time.

- poem by wishafriend.com

22. I Miss You

Gone are the days where you held me close,

My memories are still filled with those times the most.

The shortest of possible times for love to blossom,

Never did continue with destiny so gruesome.

I know you loved me and you still do,

Love, but you let me know myself better too...

I Will Always Love You!

- poem by wishafriend.com

23. The World Loves LOVE

The world revolves with love,

It is the only feeling that is as peaceful as a dove.

It engulfs you but also has the power to shatter,

Your soul and everything that matter.

Knowing full well, you still want to pursue it,

Like your life depended on it...

Such is the power of love!

- poem by wishafriend.com

24. Love and Learn

Love weaves a million pictures,

And to teach you the art, you need no teachers.

You are bound to have your highs and lows,

Without that, love never grows.

A relationship you build with time,

Cannot be contained in a single poem that rhymes.

Love and Learn...

- poem by wishafriend.com

25. My Dear, I Miss You

You are far but I feel your love so close,

I feel lonely if I don’t receive my daily dose.

It took some time for me to realize,

That real love is not something you advertize.

It stays in your heart and heals the pain,

But my dear, all I am now left with is a memory train.

- poem by wishafriend.com

26. I Love You

We fight and we argue,

But there is not a single day I can live without you.

For love, you are the only one that understands me through,

And in my heart, several thoughts brew.

But the most important continues to be you,

For it is the sole reason that sees me through.

Darling, I Love You!

- poem by wishafriend.com

27. Your Place In My Life

When my heart takes a jump,

I feel you around.

It's every beat and every pump,

Makes me feel you around.

I think of you,

With every sound,

Every bit of this world makes,

Be the mountains the rivers or lakes.

Your touch is the most pious,

Your eyes so promising.

Your place in my life is the highest,

Earlier with my being,

That was missing.

- poem by wishafriend.com

28. Somewhere Sometime

Somewhere sometime,

The moon will come down.

On its knees too fine,

When my heart will pound.

To tell you how much,

It beats for you.

To let you know how such,

Lovers are few.

- poem by wishafriend.com

29. My World Of Love

It was too hard to gather,

The courage to tell you,

How every day makes me bother,

How much I love you.

But now your eyes,

Are my strength.

The truth and love that lies,

Beneath that pretty fence.

Is my world.

- poem by wishafriend.com

30. You, My Love

Wanting my days,

To start with your warmth

Loving you all through,

Leaving behind the life so stormed.

Knowing yourself,

How puny it might seem.

Being a task in itself,

No simple no lean.

But your eyes have always,

Shown me the beauty,

Of life so subtle and awesome,

Not bound with miseries,

Not always a duty.

How so ever this life may become,

Your mere presence can make it all,

Jubilant like sky and fresh like blossoms.

No matter where ever I go,

I find you around.

No matter how much I get low,

In you, my strength I have always found.

I do not want stars,

They are too much for me.

Your smile and your love can take me far,

Make me ecstatic and full of glee.

Such an fine-looking a bond,

Between us has formed.

I still and will always want,

my days,

To start with your warmth.

Loving you all through,

Leaving behind the life so stormed.

- poem by wishafriend.com

31. Your Love For Me

Love was just another word,

till the time you came in my life.

your caring touch,

your loving smile,

filled the void and loved me so much,

when my soul, my heart became yours.

When my world was dipped in sorrow,

Your twinkling eyes brightened it up all.

My days were lonely my eyes were wet,

All cheered up with a blink the day we met.

Why the world is turning pink,

Why is the sky showering roses.

Hold me tight, let me not sink,

It is a conspiracy of love,

To bring us together to bring us close.

Whatever be the reason,

I do not wish to know.

Unaffected by any season,

This heart is in the flow,

Of love and happiness.

Filled with sweetness overpowering the sour,

your caring touch,

your loving smile,

when filled the void and loved me so much,

was when my soul, my heart became yours.

- poem by wishafriend.com

32. Not Without You

You have a special place in my heart,

No one can make us apart,

I love you for what you are,

Can’t imagine my life, when you are far,

I don’t know what to say,

How to express my love for you,

With you, everything seems so special and new

I love you more each day,

Now, without you, it's impossible for me to stay,

I love you lots!

- poem by wishafriend.com

33. Love You More Each Day

With each passing day,

I love you more,

The gleam of your eyes,

The beauty of your face,

The warm expression,

The subtle hints,

The warmth that I feel with you,

You don’t have a clue,

That I love you more,

With each passing day!

- poem by wishafriend.com

34. Love Is A Beautiful Feeling

Love is a wonderful start,

Deep inside the heart,

Where feelings are so pure,

There is an instant allure,

Don’t know what connects,

Don’t know how it happens,

But, when it does,

You feel beautiful from within,

The feelings so deep within,

Indeed a beautiful feeling it is,

It is called love!

- poem by wishafriend.com

35. Being With You Is A Pleasure

Your beauty takes my breath away,

I don’t know why I feel this way,

The sparkle of your eyes,

Expresses so much,

The warmth of your body,

That gentle touch,

When you look at me,

There is nothing more I can see,

When you come near,

I can feel the heat,

Let's embrace each other tonight,

Want to know who you are,

Honey, hold me tight,

Love you!

- poem by wishafriend.com

36. The Passion Of Your Love

I may run out of words,

But, my feelings for you are the same,

My love for you is never ending,

Passionate, burning like a flame,

I just want to tell you,

That I love you so much,

My love for you is infinite,

My love for you is such!

- poem by wishafriend.com

37. To Be With You

If I just have one wish,

You know what I will wish for you,

I would ask all the time,

To be with you,

I would like to die in your arms,

Coz my love for you is true,

I truly love you and will always do!

- poem by wishafriend.com

38. The Warmth Of Your Love

The first time I felt the warmth of your lips,

The first time that we shared a kiss,

It touched my heart, and my soul,

Please don’t leave now,

I was a part and you make me whole,

I love you every much!

- poem by wishafriend.com

39. Love Is An Eternal Feeling

Love has no reason,

Love may have no season

When you love someone,

All you want is to spend time with them,

When you love someone, you might wish days to be long,

Longing in the heart where you belong,

Love is an eternal feeling so true,

Everything seems so vibrant and new!

- poem by wishafriend.com

40. Love Me For Eternity

My love,

Today I want to confess something to you,

What you are to me,

I can’t imagine my life without you,

I love you till eternity,

Please keep loving me the way you do.

I love you!

- poem by wishafriend.com

41. Many Reasons To Love You

I tried writing your name on the sand,

But, the waves washed it away,

I tried to write your name in the sky,

But, the wind blew it away,

So, I wrote your name in my heart,

I know it's always going to stay,

I love you, will always do!

- poem by wishafriend.com

42. My Love!

The first time I saw you,

I was spellbound by your allure,

You mesmerized me with your splendor,

Your eyes so beautiful and lips so tender,

I think I have fallen for you,

And, I think I like you,

I don’t know how to say it or give you a clue,

But this is surely love for me,

A timeless love to thee!

- poem by wishafriend.com

43. Love you till eternity

Love can be felt,

Felt from the heart,

When love is true,

No one can make us apart,

Love is a feeling so passionate and intense,

The feeling is so good, with a pleasant sense,

I can’t live without you my dear,

I love you lots,with you there is no fear!

- poem by wishafriend.com

44. You are my heart and soul

I wish to be by your side,

I wish I could hug you tight,

With you, I feel all the bliss,

Your gentle and tender kiss,

Why I love you so much,

I have no clue,

With you,everything is bright,

The day feels so new,

I truly love you!

- poem by wishafriend.com

45. You are my life

You may be out of sight at times,

But you are always in my heart,

I keep thinking about you each night and day,

Even when we are apart,

I don’t know what connects me to you,

It is a feeling so new,

I am sure I love you,

But,I think I can’t stay without you now,

Let us take that special promise of the wedding vow!

- poem by wishafriend.com

46. True love

Love is a peaceful start,

As it connects two loving hearts,

Love is a beautiful feeling so pure,

There is an instant charm and an allure,

Love is when two minds think alike,

It is a passionate feeling, a true like,

Without love, it is really tough to survive,

I love you a lot,

You are the one whose always in my thought!

- poem by wishafriend.com





19:02 Apr 10 2013
Times Read: 407

Friendship Poems

1. Fun Never Ceases With You

With support, with faith

And you shower me with care.

A sweet and sincere message

In your every biting stare.

Bring me up, when I fall and

Like a breeze, you sail me through.

Beat me down, when I fail,

Like a teacher you scold me too.

With a friend like you,

I know what friendship is

And for the bond we share, I swear,

Our fun flow will never cease.

- poem by wishafriend.com

2. Do Not Cheat A Friend

No crime is bigger

Than cheating a friend.

Those who believe in you

should never be hurt.

If you cheat a friend,

Then hell waits for you.

- poem by wishafriend.com

3. Bad Friends, Good Friends

Bad friends are like the waves in the sea,

They keep hitting us all the time with glee,

But good friends are like the stars in the sky,

The stay with us forever and teach us how to fly.

I'm glad that I have found such a lovely friend in you,

When you are around, I never find myself sad or blue.

- poem by wishafriend.com

4. Sunshine Friend

You are my sunshine my dearest friend; sunshine you are to me,

You fill my life with enthusiasm and joy, with happiness and glee.

And there has never and will never be a dull moment with you in my life,

You fill my heart with so much love and peace that it feels like I'm flying.

- poem by wishafriend.com

5. The Best Relationship

There is no word that is better than the word 'friend',

Who else would stand by your side till the very end.

Who else would sit back and wipe away all your tears,

Who else would bring a smile to your face and chase your fears.

A friend truly is a miracle and one of a kind,

It is one of the best relationships that you will ever find.

- poem by wishafriend.com

6. True Friends

True friends stand by your side and don't ever leave you,

They will fill your life with love & make sure you're never left blue.

Friends mold your life and make it so much better than it already is,

They flood your days with laughter, fun and never ending happiness.

With love in your life you may or may not have friendship,

But with friends by your side, you have both love and friendship!

Thank you for being my friend.

- poem by wishafriend.com

7. A Friend Like You

A friend so loving and caring like you,

Is so hard to find, 'coz people like you are few.

You taught me how to chase all my dreams,

And that my life is more beautiful than it seems.

I owe whatever I am today to you my dear friend,

I will never ever let go of you till the very end.

- poem by wishafriend.com

8. Friendship Is A Ship

Friendship is like a ship filled with angels,

They calm the sea whenever there is a storm.

They help to sail across the roughest seas,

Most of all they give you a hug,

When you think that you're drowning.

Thank you for being such a lovely friend to me.

- poem by wishafriend.com

9. Yellow Is the Color of Friendship

Yellow is the color of friendship,

While red stands for the color of love.

Love doesn't guarantee friendship,

But friendship does guarantee love.

This is the beauty of friendship,

That makes it stand up from the rest.

Friendship is so strong that,

It can stand any possible life's test!

- poem by wishafriend.com

10. Power of Friendship

A friend evolves from the strangest of life’s corners,

But settles in your heart and does you the greatest honor.

Your friend lifts you up whenever you are down,

With just the strongest of shoulders you will ever find in town.

Even when your friendship observes a rift,

You will realize that your friend has been a gift.

- poem by wishafriend.com

11. Count On Your Friend

Filling your life with joy, beauty and peace,

Like a garden full of luscious and bountiful trees.

Your best friend reaches out to you,

Whenever you need something old or new.

His soothing look or touch conveys a hundred words,

And when you are down, it fills you up like the gracious fluttering of a million birds.

- poem by wishafriend.com

12. True Friendship

You meet several people while you live,

Some manage to leave their imprints more than you can give.

Some begin when you do,

And some join in later too.

But those that stay till the end

Are the relationships you do not want to bend.

Win a great friend!

- poem by wishafriend.com

13. Friend for Life

Whenever my world turned gray

You have done so much more than I can say.

You’ve guided me through the bad and rough,

That is a job considered nightmarish and tough

My vision travels more than it can see,

I can't find another friend like you, you are my only key…

- poem by wishafriend.com

14. Friends, Pillars of Strength

Friends are angels in disguise

And when you are with them time just flies.

They believe in you more than you do

And make you blossom very well too…

Warming you with their presence,

And loving you with all their might,

Friends you are my wall in any plight.

- poem by wishafriend.com

15. You are my strength

You are my strength my dear friend,

You are so true and you don’t pretend,

The journey of life seems beautiful with you,

Have I told you ever, or you knew,

That you hold a special place in my heart,

Our friendship is forever,

No one can make us apart!

- poem by wishafriend.com

16. When no one was

You were there when no one was,

With you there are no reasons or cause,

You understand my mind in a perfect way,

I don’t even have to say,

I am so lucky to have you in my life,

Without you in my life, I would have to strive,

Thanks my friend for everything,

Without you life is nothing!

- poem by wishafriend.com

17. Sweet friendship memories

All the sweet memories,

All the gossips I had with you,

All the bittersweet talks,

And ideas so new,

We have been for each other in every distress,

With you life is so much fun, there is no stress,

Cheers to our friendship,

It’s a strong bond, a heavy grip!

- poem by wishafriend.com

18. True friendship forever

People often say,

That true friend is difficult to find,

But, I want the world to know,

That I have already found mine,

Proud of you my friend,

With you I am so me,

I don’t need to pretend,

Friend you are the best,

With you life is like a fest!

- poem by wishafriend.com

19. Words are not enough

Words are not enough to express,

How much you mean to me,

You have been there,

When no one was there to see,

Thanks my friend for being my life’s part,

With you, life has been good, it is a wonderful start!

- poem by wishafriend.com

20. True friendship

True friendship never fades with time,

It forever tunes like the sweet chime,

Friendship is rear and true,

I am glad that I have you,

I can call you my true friend forever,

We shall never part our ways,never,

Glad to be your friend my dear,

With you I have all the cheer!

- poem by wishafriend.com

21. Hard to find

A true friend is hard to find,

Who keeps all the secrets to her,

Who knows what’s wrong with you,

Who knows what you are thinking,

Without any hint or clue,

A true friend understands you in and out,

She has an answer for every doubt!

- poem by wishafriend.com

22. Heart of gold

Friends have a heart of gold,

So many secrets kept, stories untold,

The emotion of friendship cannot be sold,

Friends are life,

Even if there is nothing left,

Their love is enough to suffice,

Salute to the spirit of true friendship!

- poem by wishafriend.com

23. No one understands

When no one understands,

You always give me your hand,

When I need a shoulder to cry,

You always tell me to try,

When I feel so lonely,

You come and give me company,

Thanks my friend you light up my life,

Without you how will I survive!

- poem by wishafriend.com

24. Friendship is treasure

True friend is a treasure,

She gives you all the pleasure,

She stands by you when you need her the most,

She holds your hand on the coast,

True friends are always there for you,

I am glad I have my friend in you,

Thank you!

- poem by wishafriend.com



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