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my chakra foot chakra is week closed

22:50 Mar 27 2013
Times Read: 349

Your Foot Chakra is Closed

If your Foot Chakra is STRONG you feel grounded and connected to a life purpose. Your path and direction to do what you love feels open and clear. Opportunities and people show up along the way to encourage and support you. Your desires turn in to a reality and you are confident in manifesting a loving, abundant, supportive life for yourself. You are confident that you are making a difference in the world as you move forward in doing what you love.

If your Foot Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED you feel ungrounded and confused about your life path and the direction you want to move forward on. You feel blocked and question your choices and lack confidence in your decisions. Even after applying your best efforts, you struggle with manifesting and often feel like everybody else gets what they want and you never get what you want. You attract people who doubt your abilities and question you, which just adds to your frustration and keeps you from moving forward in life.

» Click here to learn how to instantly heal your weak or closed chakras and strengthen your entire energy system




tounge s anyone want to know what it is

22:26 Mar 27 2013
Times Read: 352

“perfect” (teleion) is an adjective here used as a noun. It is in the NEUTER gender. If “perfect” were referring to a person, it would be masculine or feminine. Since it is in the neuter gender, it is not referring to a person, but an object—the completed Word of God.




witches acient

22:09 Mar 27 2013
Times Read: 353

The Goddess' only law is "Love unto all beings."

But the love we value is not the airy flower power of the hippies or the formless, abstracted agape of the early Christians.

It is passionate, sensual, personal love, eros, falling in love, mother-child love, the love of one unique human being for other individuals, with all their personal traits and idiosyncrasies.

Love is not something that can be radiated out in solitary meditation-it manifests itself in relationships and interractions with other people. It is often said "You cannot be a witch alone"-because to be a witch is to be a lover, a lover of the Goddess, and a lover of other human beings.

The coven is still the basic structure of the craft, and generally covens meet at the times of full moons and the major festivals, although some meet also on new moons and a few meet once a week. A coven is a small group, at most of thirteen members-for the thirteen full moons of the year. Its small size is important. Within the coven, a union, a merging of selves in a close bond of love and trust, takes place. A coven becomes an energy pool each member can draw on. But, because the group remains small, there is never the loss of identity and individuality that can happen in a mass. In a coven, each person's individuality is extremely important. Each personality colors and helps create the group identity, and each member's energy is vital to the working of the group.

Covens are separate and autonomous, and no one outside the coven has any authority over its functioning. Some covens may be linked in the same tradition-meaning they share the same rituals and symbology-but there is no hierarchy of rule. Elder witches can and do give advice, but,only those within the coven may actually make decisions.

Covens are extremely diverse. There are covens of hereditary witches who have practiced rites unchanged for hundreds of years, and covens who prefer to make up their own rituals and may never do the same thing twice.

There are covens of "perfect couples"-an even number of women and men permanently paired, and covens of lesbian feminists or of women who simply prefer to explore women's spirituality in a space removed from men. There are covens of gay men and covens that ust don't worry about sexual polarities. A few covens are authoritarian-with a high priestess or high priest who makes most of the decisions. (Coveners, of course, always have the option of leaving.)

Most are democratic, if not anarchic, but usually older or more experienced members-"elders"-assume leadership and responsibility. Actual roles in rituals are often rotated among qualified coveners.

Rituals also vary widely. A craft ritual might involve wild shouting and frenzied dancing, or silent meditation, or both.

A carefully rehearsed drama might be enacted, or a spontaneous poetic chant carried on for an hour. Everyone may enter a deep trance and scry in a crystal ball-or

they may pass around a bottle of wine and laugh uproariously at awful puns. The best rituals combine moments of intense ecstasy and spiritual union, with moments of raucous humor and occasional silliness.

The craft is serious without being dry or solemn. Whether formal or informal, every craft ritual takes place within a circle-a space considered to be "between the worlds," the human world and the realm of the Goddess.

A circle can be cast, or created, in any physical space, from a moonlit hillside to the living room of a modern apartment. It may be outlined in stones, drawn in chalk or paint, or drawn invisibly with the point of a sword or ceremonial wand. It may be consecrated with incense, salt water, and a formal invocation to each of the four quarters of the universe, or created simply by having everyone join hands.

The casting of the circle begins the ritual and serves as a transition into an expanded state of consciousness.

The power raised by the ritual is contained within the circle so that it can reach a higher peak instead of dissipating.

The Goddess, and if desired, the Horned God (not all traditions of the craft relate to the male force) can be invoked once the circle is cast. An invocation may be set beforehand, written out and memorized, but in our coven we find the most effective invocations are those that come to us spontaneously, out of the inspiration of the season, the phase of the moon, and the particular mood and energy of the moment.

Often we invoke the Goddess by chanting together a line or phrase repeated over and over: "Moon mother bright light of all earth sky, we call you" is an example.

As we chant, we find rhythms, notes, melodies, and words seem to flow through us and burst out in complex and beautiful patterns. Chanting, dancing, breathing,

and concentrated will, all contribute to the raising of power, which is the essential part of a craft ritual. Witches conceive of psychic energy as having form and substance that can be perceived and directed by those with a trained awareness.

The power generated within the circle is built into a cone form, and at its peak is released-to the Goddess, to reenergize the members of the coven, or to do a specific work such as a healing. When the cone is released, any scattered energy that is left is grounded, put back into the earth, by falling to the ground, breathing deeply, and relaxing.

High-energy states cannot be maintained indefinitely without becoming a physical and emotional drain-any more than you could stay high on methedrine forever without destroying your body.

After the peak of the cone, it is vital to let go of the power and return to a calm, relaxed state. Silent meditation, trance, or psychic work are often done in this part of the ritual. (Our Note: To see how this has been adopted in neo-paganism Click Here.)

Energy is also shared in tangible form-wine, cakes, fruit, cheesecake, brownies, or whatever people enjoy eating. The Goddess is invited to share with everyone, and a libation is poured to her first. This part of the ritual is relaxed and informally social, devoted to laughing, talking, sharing of news and any business that must be done. At the end, the Goddess is thanked and bid farewell, and the circle is formally opened.

Ending serves as a transition back into ordinary space and time. Rituals finish with a kiss and a greeting of "Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again." (See more on the Zoe Group and the Ceremonial Circle and the "Look to the Hills" use of New Age techniques)

Click here to see the appeal of Zoroastrianism as the "mother" of Christianity?

See Fred Peatross defining the emerging church at the end of the Christendom era.

The underlying forms of craft rituals evolved out of thousands of years of experience and understanding of human needs and the potentials of human consciousness. That understanding, which is part of women's lost heritage, is invaluable, not just in the context of rituals and spiritual growth, but also for those working toward political and social change, because human needs and human energies behave the same in any context. Witches understand that energy, whether it is psychic, emotional, or physical, always flows in cycles. It rises and falls, peaks and drops, and neither end of the cycle can be sustained indefinitely, any more than you could run forever without stopping. Intense levels of energy must be released and then brought down and grounded; otherwise the energy dissipates or even turns destructive.

If, in a ritual, you tried to maintain a peak of frenzy for hours and hours, you would find that after a while the energy loses its joyful quality,

and instead of feeling union and ecstasy, you begin to feel irritated and exhausted. Political groups that try to maintain an unremitting level of anger-a high-energy state also run out of steam in precisely the same way. Releasing the energy and grounding out allows the power itself to work freely.

It clears channels and allows you to rest and recharge and become ready for the next swing into an up cycle.

Releasing energy does not mean losing momentum; rather, real movement, real change, happens in a rhythmic pattern of many beats, not in one unbroken blast of static. Craft rituals also add an element of drama and fantasy to one's life.

They allow us to act out myths and directly experience archetypes of symbolic transformation.

They allow us, as adults, to recapture the joy of childhood make-believe, of dressing up, of pretending, of play. Magic, by Dion Fortune's definition, "the art of changing consciousness at will," is not so far removed from the creative fantasy states we enter so easily as children, when our dolls become alive, our bicycles become wild horses, ourselves arctic explorers or queens. Allowing ourselves, as adults, to play and fantasize with others, puts us in touch with the creative child within, with a deep and rich source of inspiration.

The craft also helps us open our intuitive and psychic abilities. Although witchcraft is commonly associated with magic and the use of extrasensory powers, not all covens put a great deal of stress on psychic training. Worship is more often the main focus of activity. However, any craft ritual involves some level of psychic awareness just in sensing the energy that is raised. Ordinarily, the way into the craft is through initiation into an already established coven. However, because covens are limited in size and depend on some degree of harmony between personalities, it is often difficult to find one that is open to new members and that fits your preferences.




This is what speaking in tungues mean in god or witch

22:03 Mar 27 2013
Times Read: 354

He who speaks in tongues edifies himself." The word "edify" means to "build up" or "charge up"--much like charging up a battery. We all need a spiritual charge. All of us at times feel spiritually drained. One of God's ways to charge your spirit is through speaking in tongues.




Elton john ,,,,, what people dont know

21:55 Mar 27 2013
Times Read: 355

Elton John, Bernie Taupin, and Witchcraft

By David J. Stewart

What many people don't realize is that Elton John's music is saturated with witchcraft language. Many of Elton John's top songs weren't written by himself; BUT, rather, by his long-time music partner and lyricist, Bernie Taupin. Not surprisingly, in 1991, Bernie Taupin self-published a book of poems called The Devil at High Noon.

According to J. C. Cooper, author of, Fairy Tales-Allegories of the Inner Life... fairy tales are linked to the occult. Cooper said that the fairy tale practice of kissing frogs, is a pagan ritual that dates back to prehistoric days. In the story of Hansel and Gretel, the two children encountered a witch. When the wicked witch offered the apple to Snow White, it is based on Satan offering the fruit to Eve.

It is evident that Elton John's music is saturated with witchcraft language, and that Bernie Taupin is a Satanist. Bernie Taupin has collaborated with Elton John for over 38 years, writing most of his lyrics. Taupin has stated that Elton John’s “home is laden with trinkets and books relating to Satanism and witchcraft” (US, July 22, 1980, p. 42). Taupin admits that he decorates his walls with “satanic art” and has further declared that, “the occult fascinates me” (People, June 23, 1980). Many artists, like Elton John and Bernie Taupin, recognize the Devil's hand in their success, and realize that their fans do not have a clue that they are being deceived by demons. Elton John has admitted that he is deceiving his fans, “Its all a big con,” and adds, “But as long as the public laps it up, I’m quite happy to go on giving it to them.” (Rolling Stone, July 15, 1976, p. 30).




Songs written by elton john are witch craft :)

21:54 Mar 27 2013
Times Read: 356

"I've Seen The Saucers"

Music by Elton John | Lyrics by Bernie Taupin...

Tune in, wouldn't it be something

Rumours spreading into panic

I've seen movements in the clearing

Someone sent you something satanic


Music by Elton John | Lyrics by Bernie Taupin...

To sweeten up the witch's brew

You had a better way of working magic

A little mystery in your eyes

Instead of rolling over you remained the same

You took the whole world by surprise

"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road"

Music by Elton John | Lyrics by Bernie Taupin...

Back to the howling old owl in the woods,

Hunting the horny back toad,

Oh, I finally decided my future lies

Beyond the Yellow Brick Road.




songs memories

23:55 Mar 22 2013
Times Read: 379



00:03 Mar 23 2013

Yay an 80s classic.



21:08 Mar 22 2013
Times Read: 390

Why do people have to bully other people,? especially the young and helpless, Or older people messing with younger, it is like people live to bully others,

I don't get it.




A trip to the dentist

05:16 Mar 22 2013
Times Read: 393

I had to have ex rays done on my teeth yesterday at the dentist, and am going to have to have two pulled .How I dread that, I go in next tuesday . yuck!!! But he numbs my gums good ,,,,, so means no smoking for a day :(




How does love appear then disapear,

05:14 Mar 22 2013
Times Read: 394

You are in love than all of a sudden your not ,I do not get it. Either you are or arn't Don't tell some one you love them and not mean it that hurts the worst.

I am kinda old school, love comes once in awhile grab it and keep it. You may think things are greener on the other side not always, .....




Fucked up country and our own people wow

04:19 Mar 11 2013
Times Read: 418

I watched this really fucked up movie, About americans t aking mexicans for hostage and torturing them because they tryed to ascape mexico and go to the border

The filmers got what they deserved as well as what happened in the movie sick if you ask me




Just for fun

20:46 Mar 05 2013
Times Read: 427

Glitter Words
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Words*]

Glitter Words
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Words*]




My grandson Isacc

20:44 Mar 05 2013
Times Read: 428

Glitter Photos
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*]




random pitures

20:33 Mar 05 2013
Times Read: 430

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