Thinking it must be foggy out at sea as I can hear the lighthouse siren riding the wind. Quite an eerie sound really.
Got to grips with installing the new layout for mobile use thanks to the instructions left in members pages by Cancer. I will have to find time one day to work on my profile to get it updated, but for now it will suffice until the end of the month when I will get more downtime.
Profile. went."oops" !*!*! Well.. I will just leave changing it to another day as I am kinda brain dead anyway atm. It's been a long day. To be sure, to be sure.
It certainly was a challenge I can say that but it produced sheer agony at the end! Leaving me feeling like my quads were torn apart on the descent, I conquered one of the highest peaks in Ireland; Croagh Patrick a majestic mountain at 764 metres. That was my 3rd climb. Two successes out of three. I have pictures on FB, and also uploaded some to Google Maps.
On a different theme, I am loving the clarity of writing this journal entry on the new VR format. So much easier :)
I absolutely can't wait until the season finale of; "Billions" next week. What a super show, every episode makes me sit at the edge of my seat, and either laugh or cry! Loving it ❤
Rarely does the sun shine in Ireland, and I just loathe when I have to sit in studying for exams when the sun is beating down on the beach. That sucks.
Bit of a pun..but on the bright side, I finish exams at the end of next week, and in between now and then, I have a mountain to climb raising more funding for cancer research.
After exams there is a lot of travel planned for May, most of it business in Cork and Birmingham but I do get a 4 day break in Spain to relax right after exams. I will be ready for that!