I think it is important that we don't lost sight of putting "stuff" into a priority order. Lets address those issues that mean more first and the rest you can always work on later,
I think I have aged significantly in the past four years. My profile shows three pictures of me, one in 2005, another in 2007 and now the new one in 2009.. (from the bottom of the profile up)
Most of my friends in my age group have succumbed to extremes of botcx and life altering medicines but I don't "feel" I want to be a part of that. .. (ever)
I am happy with me, the way *I am* and *who I am* and *What I look like* I have inner peace you see, and it is only when you let things go that you have this inner calm. That makes me happy that I am free.
Learn to accept and love yourself for who and what you are..it delays the aging process, and gives inner calm!
I couldn't agree with ya more!!!!!
I live my life as I am....
and it keeps me young!!!!!
inner calm in a beautiful thing :)
you look fabulous
Nearly 5 years of being around here and all that time spent on line in Vampire Rave. It probably would of been more if I still had my orginial account. When, I see the total I am thinking... well Pam, that is equivilent to 16 by 24 hour days every year. So... each 24 hour cycle is equal to 3 working days, and on a yearly basis that means the yearly total of "working days" spent here is 48! so if that is translated into cash it adds up to be a whole lotta money! and possibly enough to even pay a mortage for another business. (sighs.. I am always such a business woman.. maybe I should just give myself a break..or get real!) I can't even do this is in my Employers time when I work for myself!
:| I really do not half a life. I've spent 130 more days and viewed 500,000 more pages than what you have over three years... on this account alone.
ahem... YOU have no life?????
nuh uh!
haha, you guys! and I thought I was bad (snickers) is the tips of your fingers square?
Nah. Pretty much gone considering I've over 275 days spent :P CryingMist is worse though! Over 300.
I'll never make Sire level if those are the stats required..lol
I can be the VR Perpetual Destroyer..lol
I am thinking steam, oil, massage, frankinese, hot stones, oil of rose facials and hot fluffy white towels. Calming trickles of water reviving my mnd as my body rests under a duvet and an eye mask of herbs, salad, fresh orange, and more massage. Hot, sauna refreshing perrier, bubbles and bath bombs in a satin and lace retreat with a nice feather bed and lots of lovely sleep...