xfallenxstarx's Journal

xfallenxstarx's Journal


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8 entries this month

Teddy Geiger- "For You I Will"

05:04 Apr 24 2006
Times Read: 574

Teddy Geiger

For You I Will (Confidence) Lyrics

Wondering the streets, in a world underneath it all

Nothing seems to be, nothing tastes as sweet

As what I can't have

Like you and the way that you're twisting your hair

round your finger

Tonight I'm not afraid to tell you

What I feel about you.

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have

and cannon ball into the water

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have

For you I will

For you I will

Forgive me if I st-stutter

From all of the clutter in my head

Cuz I could fall asleep in those eyes

Like a water bed

Do I seem familiar, I've crossed you in hallways

a thousand times, no more camouflage

I want to be exposed, and not be afraid to fall.

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have

And cannon ball into the water

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have

For you I will

You always want what you can't have

But I've got to try

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have

For you I will

For you I will

For you I will

For you

If I could dim the lights in the mall

And create a mood I would

Shout out your name so it echoes in every room

I would

That's what I'd do,

That's what I'd do

That's what I'd do

To get through to you

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have

And cannon ball into the water

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have

For you I will

You always want what you can't have

But I've got to try

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have

For you I will

For you I will

For you I will

For you I will

I want you to know I love you with all my heart and soul, and I would do anything for you!






Alot of shit about me (that you may or may not have known)

06:36 Apr 14 2006
Times Read: 585

The COMPLETE About me survey!


Name: Cherish

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Screen Name: Yahoo: fallen_star_4_u69; AIM: heartbleedingb4u; MSN: cherish5@msn.com

Birthday: 11/20/1982

Race: Whitey

School/Grade: Graduated Duluth Business University in 2004

Job: None right now

Status: Happily Taken :)

Hometown: I guess Duluth, MN

Current Town: Modesto, CA

Parents Still Together?: No

Siblings: Jesse the older bro

Pets: Dog- Spuds

Smoker: Occassionaly

Drinker: On occasion

Virgin: No

Orientation: Bisexual

Drugs: Rx


Hair Color: Red, Natural blonde

Is It Dyed?: Yes, lol

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5'6"

Style: Varies - Emo/Punk, it varies

Glasses/Contacts/None?: Yes, my emo glasses

Freckles: Yes

Body Type: Average

Shoe Size: 8.5

Piercings: Ears and navel

Want More?: Yes I want my nose done

Tattoos?: Not yet

Want More?:

Braces?: No, but I need them.

Overall Best Feature:: I am guessing my eyes

Overall Worst Feature:: My fat

Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?: My Mom


Favorite Color: blacknpink

Worst Color: puke green

Favorite Number: 69

Favorite Animal: dogs and cats

Least Favorite Animal: snakes

Favorite Flower: Black roses

Favorite Food: lasagna/tacos/anything LOL

Worst Food: Onions and peppers

Favorite Junk Food: Funyuns

Worst Junk Food: Charleston Chews

Favorite Restaraunt: Olive Garden

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Rocky Road

Favorite Candy: Reese's! White chocolate

Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Sex on the beach/Screwdrivers

Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink: Cherry Pepsi

Worst Alcoholic Drink: Beer

Worst NON Alcoholic Drink: V8

Favorite Genre of Music: Emo or Punk

Worst Genre: Country or Pop

Favorite Band/Artist: Matchbook Romance/Juliana Theory

Worst Band/Artist: Nsynce/Backstreet boys

Favorite Song: Home Grown- "You're Not Alone"

Worst Song: Celine dion- "My Heart will Go On"

Favorite Radio Station: None

Favorite Book: My Emily Dickinson's full collection of poetry

Worst Book: hell if I know

Favorite Type of Movie: Romance/horror/comedy/drama

Worst Type of Movie: Action

Favorite Movie: A walk to remember

Worst Movie Ever: Terminal

Favorite TV Show: ATHF, The OC, Andy Milonakis, Simpsons, South Park, Mind of Mencia, Dave Chappele

Wost TV Show: Desperate Housewives and Sex and the City

Favorite Season of the Year: Summer

Worst Season: Winter

Best Friend: Lara

Worst Enemy: No one

Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday

Least Favorite Day of the Week: Monday Bleh

Favorite Sport: I fucking

Sport You Hate: Hate sports

One thing you cant get enough of: Vincent :)

One thing you hate more than anything: Ex's


Are You Single?: No

If not, who is your bf/gf?: Vincent aka Shadowmemory

How Long Have You Been Together?: About a month with a bit of a falling out, but we patched things up!

If You're Single, Do you Like It?:

Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now?: Just my boyfriend :D

First Kiss: Matt when I was 18

Ever Kiss in the Rain?: Yes

In a Movie Theater?: No

Underwater?: Yes

First Love: Jim

Have you ever Cheated on Anyone?: No

Been Cheated on?: Jim did

Used Someone?: Maybe

Been used?: Yes

Lied to your bf/gf?: No

Ever Made out With Just a Friend?: Yes

Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend?: Yes

Are You a Tease?: Been told so

Do you Flirt a Lot?: Yes

Longest Relationship: Almost a year

Shortest: A day lol

Have you Ever Gotten a Poem?: Yes, a few

Ever Get Flowers?: Carnations and Roses

Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten: A promise ring

Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day?: It depends on if I have someone then or not

Do you Believe in Love at First Sight?: Yes

Do you Believe in "The One"?: Yes

Do you Fall in Love Fast?: Yes

Are you a Player?: No

Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex?: For sure, but not now (taken).

Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day?: Yes

Kissed 2 People At One Time?: Yes

Had Sex with 2 People in One day?: No

Had sex with 2+ People at One Time?: No

Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?: Yes

Ever Been Dumped?: Yes

Ever dumped someone?: Yes

Ever been rejected?: Yes

Do you have a lot of ex's?: No

Are you a slut?: Some might say that... lol.

Ever been called one?: Yes

Ever dated someone more than once?: Yes

Do you ever make the first move?: Sometimes

Double dates or single?: Single

Do you want to get married?: Yes, someday.

OPPOSITE SEX (what you're attracted to)

Hair Color: Black

Short or long?: Short or shaggy

Eye color?: Dark

Style: Anything really, doesn't matter

Age: Not tooooooo old

Height: Doesn't matter

Weight: Average

Muscular or skinny?: Average

Boxers or Breifs?: Boxers

Do you care about looks?: You gotta be attracted to them, Damn!


Can you drive?: Yes

Do you have a car?: Yes

Do you have a cell phone?: Yes

Are you online a lot?: Yes

Do you like gay/bi people?: Uhm DUH!

Can you speak another language?: A little bit of German

Do you do well in school?: Meh

Do you collect anything?: Prescription pens lol

Have an obsession?: Vinny ;)

Do you hate yourself?: Meh..

Ever smile for no reason?: Yes

Talk to yourself?: Yes lol

Do you have any regrets?: Maybe

Believe in magick?: Yes but not spelt with a k

Do you support gay marriage?: Uhm YEAH!

Sex before marriage?: mmhmmm.

Do you trust people easily?: Sorta

Forgive easily?: Yes

Do you have a secret no one knows?: Yes

Do you get along with your parents?: Yes I do

What about other people?: Meh...

How do you vent your anger?: I get mad and then calm down lol

Do you like George Bush?: I fuckin hate him!

Goal Before you die?: Figure out where I belong in this world.

Biggest Fear: Being alone

Biggest Weakness: Vinny :)

Do you play an instrument?: Yes, Guitar, but not good

What do you want to be when you grow up?: Benjamin Franklin


Are you...

A bitch?: Yes

A daydreamer?: Yes

Shy?: Yes

Talkative?: I can be

Energetic?: Yes

Happy?: At times

Depressed?: Usually

Funny?: I try to be

Slutty?: No

Boring?: On occasion

Mean?: I don't try to be

Nice?: Yes

Caring?: Yes

Trustworthy?: Yes

Confident?: No

Friendly?: Sure

Smart?: I would hope so.

Sarcastic?: Me? Sarcastic? NO WAY!

Dependable?: Yes

Quiet?: Yes

Weird?: Very.

Adaptable?: At times

Strong (emotionally)?: Yes

Strong (physically)?: Not really

Mature?: No

Logical?: I try to be...

Religious?: No way

Modest?: Yes

Indesicive?: Very

Sympathetic?: Yes

Polite?: Yes

Creative?: Yes

Fun to be around?: I hope so

Loveable?: Yes

Easily Amused?: Yes

Outgoing?: Meh at times

Daring?: Yes

Clumsy?: Yes!

Nosy?: Not really

Lazy?: Yes

Scary?: Not me *innocent eyes*

Optimistic?: Nope

Persuasive?: I can be :D

A good listener?: What did u just say?

Curious?: Yes

Determined?: Yes

Determined?: ........Fuck you

Artistic?: Yes

Honest?: Yes

Respectful?: Yes

Concieted?: No

Cocky?: No way

Controlling?: I don't try to be...

Playful?: Yes :)

Easygoing?: At times

Carefree?: At times

Hot Headed?: No

Serious?: When I need to be.

Thoughtful?: Yes

Considerate?: Yes

Stubborn?: Yes

Romantic?: Yes

Ambitious?: Yes

Jealous?: Yes

Insecure?: Very

Obsessive?: A bit

Attentive?: No

Helpful?: I can be

Punctual?: Yes

Rational?: I try to be

Sincere?: Yes

Tolerant?: It depends


Did you enjoy this survey?: It was too long

Was it too long?: YES!

Do you think it contained just about everything?: Nope.

Take this survey | Find more surveysYou've been totally Bzoink*d




back again

20:24 Apr 11 2006
Times Read: 589

Ok so me and him are back together again...





Copeland- "Take Care"

09:18 Apr 11 2006
Times Read: 592


"Take Care"

I'll take care of you oh

Have faith that when you call my name

I'll be there

It was a straight faced lie

I believed

It was a straight faced lie

You would ever leave me

But for now I'll keep believing your words

And soon enough my strength will return

I'll take care of you oh

Have faith that when you call my name

I'll be there

I'll be right there

So keep breathing oh

Keep that sweet heart of yours beating

I'll be right there

I'll be right there

Let me draw the blinds for you

You can watch the sunset from

The bed in your hospital room

Until you're sleeping

I'm sure

I don't understand how I found a love so pure

I'll take care of you oh

Have faith that when you call my name

I'll be there

I'll be right there

So keep breathing oh

Keep that sweet heart of yours beating

I'll be right there

I'll be right there

Don't lift a finger

Let me show you

The only way to let this go

Don't lift a finger

Let me hold you

Hold you here until the pain it has all gone

I'll take care of you oh

Have faith that when you call my name

I'll be there

I'll be right there

So keep breathing oh

Keep that sweet heart of yours beating

I'll be right there

I'll be right there

I'll take care of you oh

Have faith that when you call my name

I'll be there

I'll be right there

So keep breathing oh

Keep that sweet heart of yours beating

I'll be right there

I'll be right there

I'll be right there

I'll be right there





05:44 Apr 11 2006
Times Read: 595

Bangs head on keyboard... Someone please shoot me. Get it over with... I don't know anymore.

I just don't know...





"Can I have a new daughter please?"

08:18 Apr 08 2006
Times Read: 600

I swear to fucking god my own mother doesn't even consider me her own daughter anymore... Someone has taken that role over. She told her tonight that she should be a model and wants her to have the best and all that shit...

Sorry Cherish you aren't good enough or pretty enough to be a model... She doesn't even realize what she's doing to me... And just cuz the other "daughter" got a job before me, she's better then me...

Fine mom,

I don't care anymore.






Survey time, excellent!

06:46 Apr 08 2006
Times Read: 604

What is your name : Cherish

How old are you?: 23

When is your Birthday?: 11/20/1982

What is your zodiac sign?: Scorpio

What color are your eyes?: Blue

What color is your hair?: it's like a brownish-red now

What is your worst fear?: Being alone and society.

Do you smoke?: Socially

Do you drink?: Yes

Do you use drugs? : Rx... and no comment.

Do you play in a band or play an instrument?: I try guitar, keyword TRY

Do you suffer from depression disorder?: Yes sir I do...

Have you ever tried to commit suicide?: Yes sir...

Have you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else? : Myself

Are you evil?: I can be an evil bitch >:)

Are you a paranoid?: yessss

Are you obsessive and/or compulsive?: No my ex is though...

Are you a violent person?: Depends in what sense...

Do you take your anger out on other people?: No sirs

Do you blame other people for your mistakes?: sometimes

What is your favorite movie?: A Walk to Remember

What is your favorite color?: Blacknpink

What is your favorite drink?: Alchy: Sex on the Beach; Non-Alchy: Cherry Pepsi

What is your sexual orientation?: very bi, but in a relationship, so I strictly for him :)

Do you skateboard?: I don't but wanna learn

Do you watch wrestling?: No wayz

Do you own a pair of converse?: no, DC's Bitches!

Would you ever kill yourself or someone else?: Depends...

Are you a virgin?: Nope

Are you kinky?: OOOOhhhhhh Yes

Do you like biting?: Love it

Are you hyper active person?: Sometimes I can be

Do you have any self inflicted scars?: Maybe...

Are you religious?: Hellz no

Do you believe in vampires?: Uhm yes? duh

Does pain turn you on?: oh yes

Do you believe in witchcraft?: yes ma'am might try it sometime hehe

Have you ever played a oiuja board or used tarot cards?: Yes both

Do you like meeting new people and hanging out?: Yeah I guess if I'm feeling sociable

What do you like most about life?: Being able to be myself, and not caring what others think.

Do you believe in love at first fright?: I dunno

Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?:

Ears and navel

Do you wear jewelry?:

Ears and navel rings and of course wristbands and bracelets :)

Do you study martial arts?:


Do you ever get jealous of somebody else?:

Yes, but the bf thinks it's cute for some reason

Do you like candles?:

I love candles hehe

Do you like incense?:

Love it

Do you like to write poetry?:

Yes I do, have some in my poetry section.

Do you like modeling and/or acting?:

I wish I could model, but I can't... *cries*

Do you go to many concerts?:


Do you like your handwriting?:


Do you own a thong?:

A few yes

Do you own a pair of dickies?:


Do you like being around people?:


Do you attend a church?:

Uhm no

Do you believe in god?:


Do you believe in love?:


Do you believe in soul mates?:


Do you believe in forgiveness?:

Yes I do

Do you wish on stars?:


Do you want to get married?:


Do you want to have kids?:


Do you believe you know the person you'll marry?:

Maybe? I don't know...

Do you ever get off the damn computer?:

No but I try...

Are you evil?:

Yes >:)

Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?:

Yes it was supposed to be burgundy but turned out purple.

Have you ever had a song written about you?:

Yes, crazy Nick who was infatuated with me =/

If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?:

During sex hehehe or in my sleep

What is your favorite band?:

There's so many... the juliana theory being an absolute fav

What is your favorite song?:

To many to name

What do you like to listen to before bed?:

Vincent's voice :)

What kind of clothing are you wearing now?:

A tank top and my baggy striped pj's

Would you ever kill yourself or someone else?:

didn't we already go over this one?

Would you rather be with friends or on a date?:


If you could have any animal as a pet what would it be?:

I really want a sheltie but I have a wonderful dog right now, spuds (pic of him on profile)

Something you wish you could understand better?:

myself and love

Are you a daredevil?:


Do looks matter?:

To an extent, you gotta be attracted to them in order to DO anything with them... without puking.

Ever liked someone you had no chance with?:

All the time, thought I had no chance with Vinny, guess I was wrong :)

Ever lied to your best friend?:

Yes I'm sure I have

Ever wanted to get revenge on someone b/c they hurt you?:

Oh yes!

Cried over the opposite sex?:

mmmmmmmmmblah yes I have

Have a certain 'type' of person you go after?:

Meh... not really, dated all "types"

Rather be dumped or dumper?:


Rather have a relationship or a hook-up?:

A relationship.

Are you happy with yourself?:

Not really...

Are you happy with your life?:

Not really...

If you could change one thing what would it be?:

Have Vinny here right now!





04:45 Apr 06 2006
Times Read: 605

yep... I guess...

Take the quiz:
What kind of Goth are you?

Antiquity Goth
Antiquity Goth...Inside you feel sad, and don't know why. Most of all, you would have loved to live a few centuries ago, when girls were holy and men had to fight in the war. You love to read and write. People like you for you calmness.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

PS- Cherish and Vinny 4 ever LOL



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