i wen t to warped tour yesterday and it was fuckin great! i got to see billy idol, the explosion, mxpx, the bled, dropkick, senses fail and a whole shitload more. i had fun moshing and shit but near the end i had to go home a bit early from heat exostion (still can't spell worth a damn) but it was fuckin worth it. i met up with some friends who i hadn't seen in a long time and just hung out and partied. i am so proud of myself.. i promised adam i wouldn't smoke any more weed and i didn't. i even had the chance to say no. (thats for you hun) i slept all day today exect for a few hours, i am so god damn tired, but no doubt it was worth it. and you can count on me being there next year. warped is fuckin fun. well, got to go.
hey. well, i have been so fuckin sick over the past three days. i have been dizzy, nausous, and numb. i don't know why i felt like this, but i did. it's not that part that i didn't know why i was sick that scared me, it was that i liked the idea of dying. liked the idea of never getting better. leaving it all behind. but there are some people i couldn't leave, so i did what i needed to do so i could get better last night. *feel happy*
cuz now i am sick with emotions for you fuck heads.