A long time ago there was a kid named Draven who lived in a world where all his wildest dreams had the chance to come to be a part of reality, and while walking alone down a long desolate street he came across a man selling people gifts and hopes to be something more than they could ever dream of becomming. This man of course told everyone including young draven that this gift would come with a price, the price he told draven is that in order to do what he has always wanted to do he would have to make a choice of his own accord to give up the family and life he knew, or die and spend the rest of the worlds existance walking amongst the living being used as a sort of experiment and tortured daily for his newfound life or the lack thereof. Draven chose to give up his life and the ones he held most dearest to his being and the man bit him. About six days later after the funeral draven rose from his dirt covered tomb and went in search of the man who had made him the offer and as he approached the man he spoke in soft tones sir you told me I could live and be what I wanted if I chose your offer to give up my life, and the ones I hold so dear to me then why must I ask was I buried and had to rise from the dirt? The man smiled at him fangs barred and said young prince Draven I have given you what you asked for come and i'll show you as Draven and the man walked through the streets staying mostly in shadows so as not to be seen by anyone who would recognize him he was beginning to grow weak and tired but before he knew it a young woman of about 17 approached and Draven jumped her like a lion going for the kill and drank perfusively from her and told her, I can grant you your everlasting goal of living forever if you wish or I can kill you now the choice is yours. He stood over her with fear trembling down her body and her wide eyed expression as her sweet blood rushed from the wound exposed on her neck and Dravens blood covered fangs and face, as the girl looked at him and said save me from my mortal being I wish to serve you as your servant and be yours forever. Draven was taken aback by her request as he gently cut his wrist so she could drink he then told her right before she fell faint you must leave everything and everyone you know behind and travel with me by my side. He then realized what he was and why he had to die to become more than what he was meant to be on the earth and as he looked up for the first time since the bloodletting of the teenage girl he saw the vampire or man as he originally thought staring and smiling approvingly at his young apprentices work and sustainability of love and blood. Draven on the other hand was roughly 18 no one really knew and no one ever will. Six days later the young girl rose to see Draven and the vampire standing at her grave waiting paitently for her as Draven again cut his wrist and let her drink so as not to be like him and tired and weak so the three of them walked off into the darkness of the night, and went on to live in the depths of the shadows where most of us wish we could spend eternity hunting and prowling moving from city to city. Before they realized it they had turned over 600 humans and other species alike to help in leading the charge for the worlds first all vampire militia, and made headway for Northern Ireland where they still reside today.