I finally have something to put in my dunce corner on my page!!!
I have known of VR for over 2 years now and have been a part of it for coming up in april my 1 year!!! that's not what I'm putting up though... In my time here I have noticed that people are very critical of other's actions... say one person is a satanist and they have a point of view they are expressing, no matter where that expression is put it is blown up...
Example 2: Myself: When I was in college I used to hang out with a group of guys. Here is the funny thing about all that... They pushed me into a depression without even knowing it... now not all people are a sensitive as I used to be but I thought it was shit... and the reason they had pushed me over the edge is cause I cared to much about what they thought of me... People here don't give a rats ass what other's think of them and that's what I love about this site...
So what is the Dunce today?
People who bitch about other people's happiness... like it's some kind of problem that some one in the world is happier than they are and they show it....
22:17 Feb 01 2008
aww *hugs* i think you are perfect in everyway.....i am sorry they did that to you.......knowing you on a personal level i am glad they did not take it away from you completly.....your bubbliness is part of your charm and i luv you to death for it....*hugs*
hehe and they wont take my *smile* away either