The twists and turns down the path have taken a toll. Yesterday, my mouth open and words flowed out one stammering sentence after another. They were careless- off the cuff. The generic language and substance frightens me.
I no longer recognize my own voice, and the power of my vocal cords is dimmer than before.
I want my strength, my courage, my lack of inhibition. I want it all back.
Time chipped away my attributes while I stood idle.
Now the lady in front of me is bland, and desperate to capture the fire that once drove her.
No, reader, I most certainly can't afford to stay on this path.
Time to return to my troublesome nature, and stir the pot accordingly.
As hinted and promised:
Damn, now I'm fury beast sex :(
I would much rather have potential journal readers, than people to sit inanely on a friends list, never to actually speak to.
I found this journal interesting, so I wanted to see more.
I think addding people willy nilly is not only presumptuous, but pointless.
I like to have an actual relationship with "friends."
Added 2 friends & journal. =) tyvm
I am fine with idle friends, readers, and stalkers. I personally see it as a challenge to engage those bystanders to turn them into real friends.
Dear readers, let me first apologize for my reduced presence as of late. Like a child hyped up on chocolate, my first few days of VR were filled with jittery highs and a sense of intoxication that could only result in the inevitable crash. I tried as I could, sniffing pixie sticks and wading in other's private journals as I powered through the first few levels and crafted pretty little graphics of documentation. People really do say the strangest things in these journal pages. Perhaps, reader, you think the same of me.
Back to the point. Back to me being back. Switched from grape to blue raspberry pixies. Poured a couple packets into my pomegranate lemonade and rum cocktail, and am ready to turn on the numbers section in my brain.
Graph to show areas of improvement in progress with the hopes of completion before the rum induces the infamous blurred perception of hard data.
It has been awhile, has it not? Two strikes and hitting fouls to the crowd, still in the game but moments away from the inevitable.
Time to unplug for a few days. Have no fear, reader, I will return with even a greater vigor.
Life is about striking the right balance. Knowing when too much of one thing is resulting in other deprevations. It is always a struggle in a fast pace lifestyle to remember there are others things outside of the self made tunnel.
Rest. Fresh Air. Exercize. Family.
Everything in moderation.
"Everything?" Damn... :P
Is a few 3 ^^
In regards to martinis, sure three sounds great. Three spouses- there isn't a chance in hell that I would clean after more than one of them.
Thank you everyone who has contributed to feeding my statistical rise. As promised, I have graphs to illustrate what your contributions have done to help me inch closer to my overarching goals.
As you can clearly see, my numbers have expounded exponentially due to this thread. I collected data this morning, so hopefully it is already out of date. I will keep you posted on these urgent developments.
Below is my have versus desired numbers for both friends and journal readers. I still have a long way to go!
Already added me and are unsure what to do now? Encourage your friends to add me as well. Shameless and despicable is the name of the thread, so please journey down this road with me. I have a back scratcher and I am not afraid to use it on the right kind of folks!
These charts are great! No shame indeed ;)
Lol, the charts are wicked....jeeze you have it worse than me!
I am a strong believer in visualized data. It really give the numbers a certain dynamic quality instead of the black and red figures they normally represent. Plus, it highlights my inner geekness.
Theban- you said you wanted profiles to have more information. This is where I hide my tidbits. All the goodies for people who actually read rather than scroll and rate.
This is awesome. Cancer should consider putting status and advancement data into charts and graphs.
It would make the "update status" page more fun and.. well... geekier.
A pretty face does not make amends for your lack of humor.
ooOOooo, I feel trouble ahead .... Emmy sings n' grins!
You might be the exception Doru. Though I don't know you well enough to say with any degree certainty, the devilish face scores major tremble points.
Matters are being taken care of. I boldly threw my hat into the Love Me Section in a ridiculous cry for more friends.
I will be a good friend. Promise.
Plus I am a voyeristic journal whore who actually reads and communicated with people on my lists. Yes sir, I do.
So give me a chance.
FYI For all of those that loved the charts, there will be updated ones coming out with new data as I track the effects of spamming the forum.
Yes, you are a wonderful friend already, although I do not know you that well yet. And I adore your journal comments...Just thought I would throw in my 2 cents, although it might not mean anything, lol.
Thank you Freyja. I'll take your two cent anytime :)
Why do people write endlessly about themselves? Do they think that if the profile is yaa long it will look developed and they will thus be awarded a high number? Surely that reasoning is preferred to the notion that they go on for length about themselves because of narcissism or egotistical reason.
Brevity. Preciseness. Maybe a hint of greater things. Please, dear reader, give me some room for curiosity. Overloading of information and shiny objects detract from the tantalizing dance of learning one another. Do not hang your preverbal jewels out for all to see. Or your literal ones either.
I concur... here here! Someone slipped me a low rate too for my profile being about a fictious character instead of the real me! Go figure. o^O
They are lonely and except for their own voice they lack communication.
I do not agree.
I like to read about people. Referring back to your explanation and definition of Drama.
Do you honestly think that by reading a five minute profile one can know all there is to know about a person?
My profile is quite long and I have covered quite a few things but it would take a lifetime to know me as I am sure it would you or anyone else : )
I received comments about my profile being long it's not narcissism it's just information that I felt I had to share.
I almost forgot my manners. Cookies for everyone who has immediately kept their word, or just found me interesting enough to add without any stipulations.
The glass isn't half empty, or half full. I just drank half because it looked refreshing.
I ask that I get a message from those who add me, I return the add, but only when I log back on and see the message, as it is humanly not pôssible for me to keep track, my appologies.
Really sorry if I miss anyone, please message me and I will add.
Haha your on my friend list and favorite journals...and my mentorship, love the graphs...
Heh, now I can go to sleep with a bit of a giggle. I am sure Cancer would be interested in how you are keeping stats though :)
Poo in my socks, I thought I was obsessed with stats....I've never done graphs!
Once you start, it gets addictive. Pies, bar graphs, scatter charts, and an unlimited amount of useless data can be transformed into works of art.
The things I am a learning.
You must be at least level 18 or a Premium Member to post to Vamp Box.
Why is it that all of the coven/house promote a "drama free" environment? Personally I think it's hogwash that a large group of people interacting will produce absolutely no drama. Do you realize, reader, that drama doesn't have to bad? People are emotional. We have our irrational tendencies. Sometimes we get mad, we cuss and stomp about. Other times we sing with happiness and share boundless depths of love. It is human to experience both.
So to all those societies who advertise in the Forum and have on there pages "No Drama"- I call BULLSHIT.
...and if you truly are, you are boring. I'm scribbling you off my list as I am sure you are writing me off as well.
Actually Houses have less drama in it than covens. For the simple fact the MVs are more likely to suspend you.
As an AHM and a Coven Mistress, who he heck wants a bunch of fighting and attitude among their members?
And thankfully I havent had drama but once in my Coven and I got rid of the offending members.
You are missing the point. Drama by its very definition does not mean negativity. I personally love dramatic movies, literature, plays, etc. Why? Because it is human emotion at play. You cannot have just the good. At some point in your life you realize you have to take the bad with the good. If for no other reason because you are empathetic to one another's faults. No, let's not let assholes run supreme. But still, anticipate that people do not break out into spontaneous song and dance... and maintain that joyous pose for the entirety of their life.
Sure we like to reduce the number of fights and arguments we might have with one another, but if we all agreed on everything, life would be as bland as my mother's mash potatoes. I prefer my life with a little salt and pepper.
Yes, I like to avoid drama but anyone that knows me knows that I am an opinionated woman and there are certain things that come with that far as houses having less drama, LMAO!
I made a comment very similar to this on the House Eternal main page when I was House Master there... I might have it on Chateau Orleans now, not sure.
Shit I must be one of the boring ones, when I so wanted to be accepted!!
A 1? How kind of you. Thanks for being gentle. The profile isn't much, but then again niether is your understanding for a newly created account. Have a lovely day.
Or not.
Some people are just snatches ;) Hmmmmm, was that too harsh? Nah...
Sounds like you have credibility woman.. I like that :)
Is that meant to be neither or niether...Hmmm interesting.
I was going to rate you a 5 but I noticed that I remembered seeing the picture...then I thought actually I'll take the time to read your journal before I rate.
00:52 Feb 27 2010
you ever choose to bottle your words, I'll buy some.
11:08 Mar 05 2010
I like them also..yum!
13:56 Mar 09 2010
I feel that this problem is something that comes with different stages of our life but returns to us when we're ready. Your words will flow and your tongue be silver tipped or wicked as you desire. :)